In a recent interview concerning Borderlands 3, Telltale's Tales From the Borderlands was brought up. Borderlands 3 co-lead writer Sam Winkler said he would like to see the story from the continued in the future.

The 2015 Telltale Games' adventure game grafted the Borderlands look and world on top of their trademark formula. Only a few years off the success of The Walking Dead, Telltale was at the peak of its game-making career. Removing the loot and shooting from a franchise known for those things was a risky venture, but it was a successful one. Telltale created some of the most memorable Borderlands characters and let the writing carry the game.

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Tales from the Borderlands was not just a fan-favorite, the team at Gearbox likes it so much they took into account many of the events from that game while making the latest sequel. In an interview with ComicBook, Winkler was asked about the future of Tales From the Borderlands series, specifically in regards to the recent news that Telltale Games is making a comeback.

"I would love to pickup where Tales from the Borderlands Season 1 left off," Winkler said in the interview. "There's so many unsolved threads there, and even though we brought some characters into Borderlands 3, there's still a lot of question marks."

what happened in borderlands 2?

Winkler confirmed a couple major characters from Tales From the Borderlands will make their way into Borderlands 3. Protagonist Rhys appears in the new game and is an NPC players can encounter and speak with. The game will also make reference to Scooter, the mechanic who suffered a tragic death halfway through the Telltale series. No further details to these nods were given, but Winkler teased that this is only the beginning.

"I am a die-hard fan of Tales, and I inserted some winks and nods," Winkler added, indicating there will be even more allusions to events and characters from the Telltale game.

Initially, the game didn't sell well enough to even warrant a sequel, but with support from Gearbox, the core Borderlands 3 team, and a newly formed Telltale Games, anything is possible. However, that day is at least a few years off. For now, Borderlands fans are going to have to cross their fingers and hope to see their favorite Tales characters and locations in Borderlands 3.

Borderlands 3 releases for PC, PS4, and Xbox One on September 13th. A Google Stadia version is also in development.

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