While many fans had shared their hopes for a new Tales From the Borderlands game, including a Borderlands 3 writer, it seemed unlikely that it would ever become a reality. Fortunately, Gearbox has confirmed that a new Tales From the Borderlands is in the works, with a full reveal coming in Summer and a 2022 release window being targeted.

While the new Tales From the Borderlands seems poised to focus on a new cast of characters, it would still be nice to see some lingering plot threads from the original game resolved. With a few major characters not seen since the first Tales From the Borderlands, the upcoming sequel has a chance to provide closure for fans of the series while simultaneously setting up some fresh adventures.

RELATED: Tales From the Borderlands Choices That Are Likely to Carry Over to The Sequel

Answering The Fiona Question


The biggest unanswered question from Tales From the Borderlands has to do with Fiona. After opening the Vault of the Traveler with Rhys, the two characters are teleported to some unknown locations. With Rhys being a big part of the Promethea story from Borderlands 3, he is clearly fine, and he went on to find success with his revival of the Atlas corporation. Fiona’s whereabouts, however, are entirely unknown.

Based on an ECHO log from Borderlands 3, Rhys had asked his ally Zer0 to find Fiona, but even the skilled assassin found no trace of the con woman. She could have ended up on a distant planet or been transported to a different point in time, with fans having no clue where she has gone. If the new Tales From the Borderlands story answers anything, this is what it needs to touch on. With Rhys taking on a prominent role in the main series, Fiona deserves to do the same, possibly realizing her dream to become a Vault Hunter. Even if new playable characters are introduced, Fiona’s whereabouts should be touched on at some point in the sequel.

Updates on Athena, Springs, Gortys, and Loaderbot

tales from the borderlands gortys close up

Alongside a much-needed update on Fiona, the new Tales From the Borderlands should touch on two lovable couples from the original game. In the first Tales From the Borderlands, the romance between Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel's Springs and Athena was made canon, with players even able to ensure that they get married if certain dialogue choices were made. Seeing what the pair is up to would be a lot of fun, as the cheerful Springs and serious Athena made for a fun combo.

However, Springs and Athena were outclassed by an even cuter pairing in Gortys and Loader Bot. The innocent Vault Monster fighter and the loyal Hyperion bot were both great on their own, but Gearbox struck gold when it put them together. Their personalities mesh very well, and fans would surely like to see them both again in the sequel. At the end of the original season, Loader Bot and Gortys go off together, clearly happy to have one another for whatever adventure comes next.

Though Ashley Johnson and Laura Bailey have both found incredible success in The Last of Us 2, their portrayals of Gortys and Fiona were also excellent. A sequel provides a chance to bring both of these characters back to the forefront of the Borderlands series, letting players interact with them for the first time in over seven years. While focusing on a new cast could be a good route to take, as many gamers may have missed out on the first Tales From the Borderlands, it would be great to see Fiona, Gortys, and other characters featured in some supporting roles.

A new Tales from the Borderlands game is scheduled to release in 2022.

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