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Silent Hill

Silent Hill is a series of survival horror games best known for its original trilogy. The first three games stood out with how atmospheric they were, along with their engrossing storylines that were often told through symbolism and metaphors.  Silent Hill 2 is set to be remade by Bloober Team, a game that could reignite the franchise. 

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Bloober’s Silent Hill 2 Would Be Right to Lean More Toward The Last of Us Than Resident Evil

Bloober's Silent Hill 2 doesn't have a clear identity as a remake but its Last of Us-esque combat could ironically be what helps it stand out best.

30 Best PS2 Horror Games

These horror games from the PlayStation 2 are the genre's best titles from the console's era.

Silent Hill 2 Remake's New Camera Perspective Could Betray its Most Important Element

Silent Hill 2 was a groundbreaking game in the horror genre, but one change in the remake could fundamentally change the core of its identity.

Even After the Silent Hill Transmission Showcase 2024, Some Major Franchise Questions Still Linger
Even After the Silent Hill Transmission Showcase 2024, Some Major Franchise Questions Still Linger

2024's Silent Hill Transmission featured a host of exciting updates, but some key absences have left many of fans' biggest questions unanswered.

unreal engine 5 games hellblade 2, ark 2, first descendants
Major Games Confirmed to Be Using Unreal Engine 5

Unreal Engine 5 is the latest version of Epic Games’ creation platform, and several upcoming games are confirmed to utilize it.

Silent Hill_ Hardest Endings To Unlock In The Games, Ranked split image SH2, 3, and 4
Silent Hill: 6 Hardest Endings To Unlock In The Games, Ranked

Every Silent Hill game has multiple endings. Some are unlocked just by playing, while others are so specific they require a guide for every step.

Dog Ending, Maria Ending, and Leave Ending from Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 2: Every Ending, Ranked

Silent Hill 2 has several endings that players can achieve through their in-game actions. Here's how they stack up in terms of quality and impact.

labyrinth of the demon king
Silent Hill and FromSoftware Fans Should Keep an Eye on Labyrinth of the Demon King

Labyrinth of the Demon King is a grim, disturbing first-person adventure set in the heart of a feudal Japan infested with grotesque creatures.

PS2 Horror Games From Every Year
Best Horror Game From Every Year Of The PS2’s Life

The PlayStation 2 was a fascinating and much-loved era of gaming, and it contained more memorable horror games than any other generation of consoles.

Scariest PS1 horror games Jill Valentine Harry Mason
Best PS1 Horror Games

The PlayStation 1 console has some of the most immersive and terrifying games that haunt players even today. Here are some of the scariest PS1 Games.

James Sunderland
Silent Hill 2: 6 Most Impactful James Sunderland Quotes, Ranked

These quotes from Silent Hill icon James Sunderland have stuck with fans because of how eerie, memorable, and impactful they are.

slitterhead november 8 leak
Major New Horror Game Leaked For November 8

The release date for a major new horror game developed by veterans of the genre leaks online hours before its official reveal.

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How the Returnal IP Could Become a Sci-Fi Silent Hill

Returnal is ripe with franchise potential and could fluidly transition into a horror anthology series inspired by the series formula of Silent Hill.

Konami Reveals Price of Silent Hill 2 Dog Ending Statue

Konami has finally revealed the price of the statue honoring one of the goofiest moments in the otherwise horrifying Silent Hill 2.

Silent Hill 2 Remake Shows Off Extended Gameplay Sequence

The upcoming Silent Hill 2 remake from Bloober Team and Konami unveils gameplay, giving an idea of what to expect in combat and exploration.

Silent Hill 2 Remake Finally Has a Release Date

Konami's eagerly awaited Silent Hill 2 remake finally gets an official release date during Sony's latest State of Play event.

silent hill 2 remake pyramid head
Silent Hill 2 Remake Deluxe Edition and Pre-Order Bonuses Revealed

The Silent Hill 2 remake reveals the Deluxe Edition content as well as the pre-order bonuses for both versions.

This Silent Hill Trope May Make Its Way Into Silent HIll: Townfall

Silent Hill: Townfall may play into this huge staple of the Silent Hill Franchise.

Silent Hill Downpour Screenshots Large
Silent Hill: Townfall Will Hopefully Play on a Fun Downpour Trope

With the recurring use of radios throughout the Silent Hill series, Silent Hill: Townfall's trailer might have teased a new take on this design trope.

What We Hope To See In Return To Silent Hill
9 Things We Hope To See In Return To Silent Hill

Return to Silent Hill has the potential to be a great asset to the franchise. Hopefully, these things will make it into the final product.

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