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Marvel's Wolverine

Marvel's Wolverine is a third-person action game from Insomniac Games that is set in the same universe as the studio's Spider-Man titles.

marvels wolverine tag page
Marvel's Wolverine

Marvel's Wolverine is a third-person action game from Insomniac Games that is set in the same universe as the studio's Spider-Man titles.


Marvel's Wolverine with X-Men 97 versions of Professor X and Magneto
One Memorable X-Men 97 Relationship Deserves To Make The Jump To Marvel's Wolverine

X-Men 97 Season 1 had a lot of memorable drama and relationships, with one pairing being a perfect fit for Marvel's Wolverine.

Marvel’s Wolverine Must Evade a Tired Character Trope in Its Original Story

Marvel's Wolverine will be a true test of Insomniac's ingenuity when it comes to crafting another original, authentic story in the Marvel mythology.

Insomniac's Wolverine Should Take After Miles Morales' Suits
Insomniac's Wolverine Should Take After Miles Morales' Suits

Insomniac's Marvel's Spider-Man series features a variety of outfits that pay homage to the wider universe, and Marvel's Wolverine should follow suit.

A screenshot of Wolverine running with his claws extended in X-Men 97.
Wolverine Gameplay Leak Reveals How Traversal Will Work

A new Marvel's Wolverine gameplay leak gives players a glimpse at how Logan will get around in Insomniac's next superhero action title.

marvels spider man 2 venom wolverine
Insomniac’s Venom Game Won’t Have to Deal With One Marvel’s Wolverine Challenge

Insomniac's upcoming games based on Wolverine and Venom are hotly anticipated, but these character present unique challenges for game developers.

Fortnite Magneto Skin Impressive Run
Fortnite’s Magneto Skin Continues an Impressive Run For The Popular Mutant

Fortnite's latest season brings a Magento skin to the table, and it's just the latest in a great ongoing run for the iconic X-Men character.

marvel wolverine sequel x-force team squad switching deadpool good why
Marvel’s Wolverine’s Ideal Follow-Up Wouldn't Be Wolverine 2 or X-Men

There's one iconic Wolverine comic that would make for a perfect follow up to Insomniac’s upcoming Marvel’s Wolverine video game.

Marvel's Wolverine Shouldn't Be Afraid to Show a Different Side of Logan

Last year's Insomniac leaks suggest a major narrative opportunity for Marvel's Wolverine, which should be capitalized on to flesh out Logan.

An image of Wolverine extending his claws in his classic yellow and blue costume.
Insomniac Responds to Demand for More Wolverine Game News

Insomniac addresses the growing demand from fans for more information about Marvel's Wolverine, months after the studio's infamous data breach.

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Why Marvel’s Wolverine Might Demand an Origin Story More Than Marvel’s Spider-Man

Marvel's Wolverine revolving around the titular adamantium-laced mutant will likely warrant an origin story whereas Marvel's Spider-Man did not.

Insomniac Should Double Down on a Controversial Spider-Man 2 Approach With Marvel’s Wolverine

The upcoming Insomniac game Marvel's Wolverine should take a leaf out of Spider-Man 2's book when it comes to one crucial element of its design.

Marvel’s Wolverine Should Have a Version of Stellar Blade’s Most Viral Feature

Marvel's Wolverine has the perfect opportunity to follow the lead of Stellar Blade with its own version of one of the game's most popular features.

X-Men Origins
Insomniac’s Version of Wolverine Should Make The Same Leap as Its Spider-Man

Even though Marvel's Wolverine may not have an official release date, It already has the perfect opportunity to follow Marvel's Spider-Man lead.

Marvel’s Wolverine is in the Same Boat as Insomniac’s Spider-Man, Venom

Insomniac's Marvel outings have worn unabashed inspirations on their sleeve and while Marvel's Wolverine likely will, too, it has a rare opportunity.

If Marvel’s Wolverine Pulls From The Comics, One Era Will Likely Be a Major Inspiration

If Spider-Man is any indication, Insomniac could be looking into a specific era of Wolverine to gain inspiration for the game's story.

Marvel's Wolverine Has the Perfect Excuse to Market Itself Sparingly

Marvel's Wolverine experienced a horrible hack recently and if there's a silver lining to it, it may be how Insomniac can now push forward from it.

Spider-Man and Wolverine from Insomniac's Marvel universe
Why Insomniac's Spider-Man and Wolverine Universe Could Inevitably Feel Underwhelming

Insomniac may need to stretch further if it hopes to establish its own worthwhile Marvel universe, as the current roster could feel a bit shallow.

Spider-Man Miles Morales Punch
How EA's Marvel Games May Already Beat Insomniac to the Punch

EA currently has three Marvel games in active development, and though they might be a ways off, they might beat Insomniac to the punch in one big way.

A man obscured by shadows approaching Logan in the trailer for Marvel's Wolverine
Why Marvel's Wolverine Should Pull Deeper Cuts Out of His Rogues Gallery Than the Basics

The X-Men's most famous member has a long list of enemies, and Marvel's Wolverine has some good reasons to reach deep into his history.

Wolverine Origins Pounce
Marvel's Wolverine Should Jump on the Chance to Feature This Witcher Mechanic

The Witcher has no shortage of excellent gameplay mechanics, but there's one in particular that would fit Marvel's Wolverine perfectly.

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