Tactics Ogre: Reborn can be an unforgiving game. A simple mistake can prevent a player from winning a battle, or obtaining a new (and powerful) ally or item. Some of the mistakes the player can make in Tactics Ogre: Reborn cannot be undone, or are at the very least impracticable to undo; like reloading a previous save game from way back.

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Squad-based combat strategy games are usually more difficult than most games. Tactics Ogre: Reborn takes the concept a bit further by incorporating elements like terrain height (with associated bonuses and penalties), line-of-sight, elemental strengths and weaknesses, and weapon arcs and range factors.

8 Crafted Items Are Better

Checking the extra bonuses given by crafting in Tactics Ogre Reborn

One mistake to avoid is to neglect the weapon crafting system in this game. When improved, many weapons gain additional abilities through crafting. It is wise to check the crafting list to make sure the weapon or piece of armor doesn't get a new ability.

A good example of this is the Dirk. When improved it gains the ability to inflict the Silence status ailment on the target. This makes handling opposing wizards and healers much more manageable. Another prime example is the Leggings, which get +1 Movement when improved. A +1 to movement is a tremendous help during fights.

7 Balance In Party Make-up

A well balanced party in Tactics Ogre Reborn

A group of wizards sounds good in theory, but this group will soon find themselves getting picked apart by archers while being circled by melee units. A group like this has a more difficult time with healing wounded party members and suffers from low max hit points.

A player using a group of all fighters will soon discover that when every unit can only attack one opponent at a time, and none (or few) of them have distance weapons, the A.I. will start kiting your party as they approach. The A.I. is actually quite devious in Tactics Ogre: Reborn. It pays to have a well-balanced party with skills that complement each other.

6 The Chariot Tarot System

Accessing the Chariot Tarot system in Tactics Ogre Reborn

Many players never utilize the Chariot tarot system. This battle system allows the player to rewind the battle to a previous point. This system remembers the last 50 moves and actions taken in battle. Players can bring up a list of these actions and go to any point and replay from there.

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There are a few things players should keep in mind about the Chariot system though. The first, and most important, is that using this to rewind to before the currently active character can prevent the player from receiving some Titles. The second is that trying a different action than what's in the log will cause an alternate timeline. However, this system can be used repeatedly on the current character to try an attack from different vantages on different targets without penalty.

5 Knockback

Using a shield bash to knock back the target in Tactics Ogre Reborn

One mistake players can make is to not factor in knockback when performing an attack. Knockback can be used to great effect by forcing an opponent into a position that hinders them strategically - like off the side of a ledge or into water. Use knockback to push opponents into spots that give your next character an advantage.

Knockback can also be used to inflict more damage against foes. If the target cannot be knocked back into a square, it will take a little extra damage. This extra damage isn't much, but every little bit helps.

4 Terrain

An example of the terrain conditions the player can encounter in Tactics Ogre Reborn

In Tactics Ogre: Reborn, as with most tactical games, the terrain is everything in battle. Okay, not everything, but it is one of the most important aspects to consider when moving units around the map. Line-of-sight distance weapons can be made useless by ending a turn behind cover; however, bows can be fired over cover. Bows are also given a bonus range when on high ground.

Conversely, targets on the low ground will suffer penalties like being less likely to evade an attack, and being less likely to hit a counterattack. A player should always be trying to get the high ground.

3 Dropped Items

Buff cards, Tarot cards, and Item bags scattered on the battlefield in Tactics Ogre Reborn

It can be a mistake to ignore the tarot cards, buff cards, and item bags that enemies drop when defeated. The cards provide a boost to a particular stat, one of the most common to see dropped is the damage increase buff card. Picking these up can dramatically increase the damage of the character.

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Players should also be aware that opponents can also pick up these cards and benefit from their bonuses. It is a big mistake to let these cards accumulate on the battlefield. After a few cards, a player might discover an enemy unit can now one-shot any of their characters.

2 Loyalty

The Loyalty of your troops is important in Tactics Ogre Reborn. Lanselot receives a cherished item from Denam

Characters in Tactics Ogre: Reborn have a long list of stats. One of the most important is not revealed to the player: Loyalty. This hidden stat can cause a character to leave the player's side if it falls too low. Keep in mind it is usually the stronger and harder-to-get NPCs that this affects the most.

Players need to choose wisely when given a choice between Law, Chaos, or Neutrality. Picking one of these can upset some characters and cause them to leave the player. Players not wanting to lose a valuable ally should research the choices to see what NPCs lose loyalty. This research will probably include some spoilers, but it will also prevent the player from making a mistake they may not be able to undo.

1 Keep The Party Together

Overextending the party during a battle in Tactics Ogre Reborn

One of the biggest mistakes a player can make is to split the party up when in battle. Sometimes this might be necessary; like trying to get an archer to an advantageous spot. Running a fighter into a group of enemies is almost always going to end badly. Keep in mind, those enemies will get to move before that fighter's next move. If there's no other target in range, they will gang up on that fighter.

Sometimes it is wise to split the party into two groups to perform pincer attacks on the opponents - just don't send a unit forward into a group of opponents by themselves. It is almost always better to hang back and throw stones until the enemy units get a little closer. Let them come to you unless your party is on much lower terrain.

Tactics Ogre: Reborn was released on November 11, 2022, and is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Beginner Tips For Tactics Ogre: Reborn