
  • An April update for the System Shock remake will include a female hacker option, upgraded ending, and waypoint system.
  • Nightdive Studio's CEO, Stephen Kick, states that the female hacker feature was "eight years in the making."
  • The upgraded ending in the 1.2 update addresses criticism of the original final boss, providing a fresh experience.

Nightdive Studio's System Shock remake confirmed a number of features that will be added in the next massive update, which will be released later this April. These new features for the System Shock remake include a female hacker, optional waypoints, and more.

The 2023 System Shock remake faithfully recreates the original 1994 first-person shooter, while adding a number of quality-of-life improvements and upgrading the visuals without compromising the original game's design. The remake had a rather troubled development, beginning in 2015 with a Kickstarter campaign that raised over $1 million to fund the project. However, it took eight years to develop after restarting development and being delayed several times due to engine switches, feature creep, and the COVID-19 Pandemic. While the game eventually was released in 2023, some of the promised features from the campaign's stretch goals weren't available at launch. Nightdive Studio's founder and CEO, Stephen Kick, recently revealed what will be coming in System Shock's next content update, which includes one of those campaign stretch goals.

System Shock Remake Confirms PlayStation, Xbox Release Date

After several delays, the remake of System Shock confirms a release date for this year on PlayStation and Xbox.

In an interview with PCGamer before the Game Developers Conference, Stephen Kick says this overhaul update will go live on April 11. According to Kick, the choice to play as a female hacker in System Shock was a feature "eight years in the making." He states that the choice was a stretch goal and that adding in the choice would add immersion to the gameplay experience. While the change required an overhaul of the model, new voiceover clips, and other alterations, Kick says this choice was important to include. "We knew we wanted to patch that in, it was just one of those things that we knew wouldn't have any kind of immediate effect on gameplay, but just having that option kind of adds to the immersive quality of the game," says Kick.

System Shock (2023) Update 1.2 Details

  • New Ending Sequence
  • Female Hacker Selection
  • Waypoints System
  • April 11 Release Date

The other major change in the System Shock remake that this update will bring is an "Upgraded Ending," which both Kick and Nightdive business development director Larry Kuperman state was worth replaying the game for. Kick notes this revised ending sequence was in response to criticism about System Shock's original final boss, which was a virtual reality puzzle/shooter segment that used different mechanics but none of the weapons the player collected throughout their adventure.

We knew we wanted to patch that in, it was just one of those things that we knew wouldn't have any kind of immediate effect on gameplay, but just having that option kind of adds to the immersive quality of the game.

The last improvement in the 1.2 update is the "Easy Mode Waypoint System," which is meant to help players who got lost in System Shock. This waypoint system will ease newer players into the game who are unfamiliar or unaccustomed to System Shock and navigating its maze-like corridors. This update adds quite a bit in order to freshen up the already faithful experience of System Shock, with some of these new features giving fans a good reason to revisit Nightdive Studios' 2023 remake.