In the Sword Art Online universe, players are completely submerged in a virtual reality massively multiplayer online role-playing game (VRMMORPG). The series follows Kirito (the player name of Kazuto Kirigaya), an expert player with a distinctive dual-wielding sword style. Through his adventures, the show delves into his most devastating moves and the methods behind them.

Kirito has an extensive collection of attacks at his disposal. Damage from each style of assault is unique, though. Kirito's great swordsmanship is shown throughout the Sword Art Online series, from the thrilling and legendary Dual Blades to the deadly Starbust Stream as he fights other skilled players and monsters.

7 Vertical And Horizontal Strike

kirito performing a vertical and horizontal strike

No one should undervalue the effectiveness of such basic swordsmanship skills. Though simple on their own, Kirito connects his sword strikes together in a furious barrage. It doesn't take long for Kirito's opponents to become exhausted from his relentless barrage of vertical and horizontal strikes, on top of his lightning-fast footwork.

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When he took the fundamentals of combat he had learned in Sword Art Online VRMMORPG to the other in-game worlds, they became the basis of his diverse and straightforward usage of vertical and horizontal sword blows. He would use a steady barrage of vertical and horizontal attacks to dispatch an opponent he couldn't knock out with brute force alone.

6 Vorpal Strike

Kirito performing a Vorpal Strike

There's a good reason why Kirito frequently employs Vorpal Strike as a sword technique. This one-handed heavy-hit sword skill consists of a single, extremely forceful thrust with a range equal to twice the length of the sword's blade. This ability has the punch of a two-handed heavy polearm.

During Heathcliff and Kirito's fight, Kirito utilized the Vorpal Strike technique on him. Heathcliff was able to block the attack with his shield, but he still took damage. Also, in the early half of the Alicization arc, Kirito used Vorpal Strike on Quinella, the ruler of the Human Empire, severing her arm and penetrating her chest.

5 Deadly Sins

Kirito performing Deadly Sins

This is a high-damaging one-handed sword ability with seven hits. Kirito frequently employs this ability to deflect a wide variety of magical and physical projectiles that have been fired at him. Against PoH (a member of the Red Guild, Laughing Coffin), Kirito intercepted seven out of eight sword attacks, demonstrating the power and precision of this skill.

Kirito is so proficient with the technique that he rarely announces its name, and instead uses it without any preface. Due to the rapid succession of its actions, most monsters and adversaries are quickly dispatched.

4 Dual Wielding

Kirito performing Dual Wielding

Most players in Sword Art Online who wielded one-handed swords, like Heathcliff, captain of the Knights of the Blood Oath, also wielded a shield. Nonetheless, Kirito is not one of them. When pressed for an explanation, Kirito reveals that he is able to do so because he possesses the exceedingly rare skill Dual Blades, which allowes him to efficiently wield two swords at once.

This is an extremely unusual ability that was neither widely known nor documented at the time. Kirito's signature fighting style grew to include using two swords at once, and its success led to a lot of other moves that were just as powerful.

3 The Eclipse

Kirito attacking with the eclipse

The Eclipse is the ultimate and most powerful talent obtained by a user of the Dual Wield ability. This technique involves a 27-hit combo with dual swords. Kirito utilized the Eclipse sword skill against Heathcliff, leader of the Knights of the Blood Oath guild when it was revealed that Heathcliff was actually Sword Art Online VRMMORPG creator Kayaba Akihiko.

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In a fit of wrath over Kayaba's recent murder of Asuna, he used it against Kayaba. Kirito's failure to beat Kayaba wasn't because of his sword talent. Instead, it was because he kept slashing at Kayaba's shield, which was impossible to break, that the blade finally broke.

2 Armament Full Control Art

Kirito performing Armament Full Control Art

In the Alicization arc of Sword Art Online, Kirito learned the Armament Full Control Art, which is activated with the chant "Release Recollection" or "Enhance Armament." This is a very powerful ability. An advanced Sacred Arts ritual, it releases the weapon's actual essence, thereby increasing the offensive strength of a top-tier divine weapon.

For Kirito, the ability unleashes a swarm of black tendrils or energy that eats whatever is in its path. A Gigas Cedar branch from Rulid Village was used to construct Kirito's Night Sky Sword; hence, the dark mass of energy is symbolic of the tree's spirit. Also, since Eugene's sword was made from an eternal block of ice with a blue rose inside, when Kirito used Release Recollection on it, it let out thorny ice rose vines.

1 Starburst Stream

Kirito performing Starburst Stream

Kirito's most impressive sword technique is Starburst Stream. As he is pushed to his limits, Kirito frequently resorts to this sword technique. Starburst Stream is a dual-sword technique wherein the user takes 16 hits in rapid succession, with each impact gaining momentum and becoming more devastating than the one before it. Even more so when used against formidable foes like The Gleam Eyes and Heathcliff.

Starburst Stream was employed by Kirito against the Alicization arc's last enemy, Subtilizer. The employment of this skill against her resulted in terrible shock waves that spread far and wide. By executing a 17th strike, Kirito was able to finish off Subtilizer and surpass the 16-hit limit of the sword skill.

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