In the anime series Sword Art Online, Kirito and a cast of other characters explore the realm of virtual and augmented reality through massively multiplayer online role-playing games. When Kirito draws his sword and charges toward a variety of monstrous and human foes, his arsenal of abilities and years of combat experience shine through.

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In Sword Art Online, mental, emotional, and strategic qualities are just as important as physical strength. The show depicts a wide variety of people, many of whom have special abilities that help them cope with the perils of the online world. The consequences of death in video games are sometimes terrible for the protagonists, so excelling at the game requires more than simply brute strength or speed to succeed.

7 Annihilate Ray

Sinon using Annihilate Ray

The most famed user of a sniper in the Sword Art Online series is undoubtedly Sinon, who was first portrayed in the Phantom Bullet arc of the Sword Art Online anime series. However, when Sinon appeared during the War of Underworld, she appeared as the Goddess Solus with a bow in her hand.

Using the legendary bow, Sinon was capable of unleashing the Annihilate Ray, an attack skill that absorbed resources from its surroundings while condensing them into a single attack. Sinon employed the annihilate ray as a last-ditch effort against the arc's final opponent, Subtilizer. He survived the attack, but not without terrible injuries, including a severed limb and burns to his face.

6 The Eclipse

Kirito using The Eclipse

The Eclipse is one of the more powerful skills in the Sword Art Online franchise. Kirito used it in a fit of rage against Heathcliff, the leader of the Knights of the Blood Oath guild after he killed Asuna and was revealed to be Kayaba Akihiko.

The Eclipse is the final skill of the dual-wielding category that is unlocked when a user's dual-wielding proficiency reaches 1000. The sword skill entails a series of 27 successive sword hits with increasing velocities. It delivers quite a punch, with more chained attacks than Kirito's signature Starburst Stream.

5 Unlimited Regeneration Ability

Leafa using Unlimited Regeneration Ability

Regeneration is a god-given ability to warriors, as it allows them to survive injuries that would otherwise be fatal to the average warrior. In the Sword Art Online franchise, Leafa's regenerative powers are game-changing.

Leafa, while using the Terraria account of the Goddess of the Earth, avoided death on numerous occasions during the War of the Underworld. Even after having a spear stabbed through her chest and an eye socket, she was able to heal so quickly that she began to view her ability to regenerate as a curse because it prevented her from giving in to her pain.

4 Uragiri

Uragiri attack in sao

The ability to cut into the past is just as unbelievable as it sounds. With such an ability, getting rid of enemies whose positions are known from the past would be possible when certain requirements are met. Bercouli Synthesis One, the first and mightiest Integrity Knight, was in possession of the Time Piecing Sword, which allowed him to slash both the past and the future.

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As the future is ever-changing, successfully slashing a person’s future could turn out in diverse ways. However, slashing a fixed past is a sure-kill skill. With this powerful skill, Bercouli defeated the dark emperor Vecta.

3 Armament Full Control Art

Kirito using Armament Full Control Art 

In the Alicization arc of the Sword Art Online anime series, the inhabitants of the Underworld have access to a higher tier of skills known as Sacred Arts. The most powerful skill in the Sacred Arts itinerary is the Armament Full Control Art. Further divided into two, the Armament Full Control Art is used to amplify the power of a divine object by linking it to its true essence.

The first step of the Armament Full Control Art is the strengthening phase, which brings the weapon's memories back into consciousness in a limited fashion. The second stage, called "Releasing," fully reawakens the weapon's memory. Quinella, Kirito, and Alice are just a few of the more well-known characters to make use of this ability.

2 Unlimited Landscape Alteration

Unlimited Landscape Alteration by Asuna

Creating massive chasms and restructuring the topography and terrain of wide landscapes with It takes a remarkable talent to be able to create vast chasms and reshape the topology and geography of expansive areas with just the stroke of a hand or sword. Asuna, posing as Stacia, Goddess of Creation, and logging on as superuser 01, was able to use this power to destroy a large number of the dark territory's soldiers.

Even a seasoned VRMMORPG player like PoH was astounded by the incredibleness of this skill. As Asuna drastically changed the terrain, she was worshiped as a goddess. However, there is a downside to this skill: it can cause severe migraines if one's fluctlight (soul) becomes overloaded. The expertise comes at a cost, but that cost is reasonable given the benefits.

1 Starburst Stream

Kirito performing Starburst Stream

Kirito, the main character and Black Swordsman of the Sword Art Online anime series has some of the most formidable abilities in the whole Sword Art Online series. Starburst Stream, one of his more well-known abilities, is notable for its deadly chain of 16 combo hits.

Kirito has demonstrated the absolute maximum power of Starburst Stream using another of his skills, Dual Wielding. Kirito defeated the final antagonist of the Alicization Part 2 arc (War of Underworld) and the boss of the 74th floor in Sword Art Online with the use of the mighty sword skill.

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