The following contains spoilers for Episode 2 of Survivor Season 44.This season of Survivor is, so far, really leaning into their characters. The cast is full of a lot of big personalities, and the editing really allows them to come to the forefront and be just as entertaining as one might expect them to be. This episode really put a spotlight on those players, particularly Carolyn, which made for a very fun episode with plenty of unexpected moments. Sometimes the "wacky" archetype of player can be a little much, but this season, the show managed to cast players who are not just weird, but also seem like genuinely nice people, which makes them infinitely more endearing to the audience.

This episode also focused a lot on the relationships between the players, which was really nice to see. Watching tribes build connections with each other is always one of the most compelling parts of the show, and the format doesn't work without that specific element. Any season that doesn't give enough focus to the players and their relationships with each other is always doomed to fail, so it's great to see Survivor prioritizing that part of the game once again.

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On the note of relationships, there may be an island romance blossoming, as Matt and Frannie are growing closer every day. Matt shares that he had a bad breakup right before coming on the show, so it's baggage that he's still carrying with him and trying to work through. However, his friendship with Frannie is definitely helping him through it, as they've had an instant connection and get along so well. Their personalities click, and they do seem to genuinely like each other - Matt basically admits that he has a huge crush on her. However, they're also aware that being a tight pair puts a huge target on their backs and will make some people (like Claire) suspicious, so it's something they'll have to try and avoid.

survivor s44 e2 frannie matt

Then begins a three-way hunt for the keys to the cage at each camp, where every tribe has at least one person out looking for a way to unlock the mysterious cage and/or obtain an idol. At Ratu, Kane has gone out to look for an idol, as he assumes the one that Brandon used at the last Tribal Council will now be back in play and hidden somewhere in the jungle. He doesn't find the idol, but he does find a crab, so at least they have dinner. At Soka, Danny is much more successful and manages to find the key all by himself, not telling anyone about it or the idol he managed to snag from the cage secretly.

Over at Tika, the saga of the caged idol is a bit more involved. The whole tribe goes out into the jungle as a group to search for the key, and Carolyn is the one who manages to locate it first (after nearly grabbing a snake out of a tree instead). As the number one most entertaining person on the island this season, it's super exciting that she's the one who got the key and then had to devise a sneaky plan to keep that knowledge away from everyone else. She picks her moment when everyone else goes off to get water, and she quickly runs to the cage, grabs the bag, and runs away. It's only after she does this that she realizes the major flaw in the plan - if the bag's gone and she's the only one who was left back at camp, it's going to look super suspicious and give her away immediately.

survivor s44 e2 soka

This means that she has to perform another quick switcharoo just before her tribe returns and put the bag back into the cage. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, in a way, she forgets to close the bag up properly and it definitely looks like it's been tampered with. The members of Tika all start becoming suspicious of each other, with multiple members suddenly becoming experts in body language as they try to read the mannerisms and expressions of their tribe mates. They all cast their suspicions around, but somehow no one actually suspects Carolyn, which is perhaps the major upside to her wild card personality. Her secret, so far, is safe for another day.

Unlike Carolyn's secret, however, Tika as a whole is not safe, as they lose the immunity challenge and are sent to Tribal Council. Now is the time when they start scrambling and trying to figure out who they trust the least. Tika is an interesting tribe because it seems split between players who fall into the "smart and strategic" trope and players who are the loud, wacky type, which in general just leads to a lot of fun interactions, but it also means that the players with big, bold personalities have an easier time deflecting the target onto one of the more obviously strategic players. This is exactly what happens at Tika, as the consensus at first is that Carolyn should go home, but she and Yam Yam are able to get their other tribe members to consider voting out a bigger strategic threat in Helen.

survivor s44 e1 tika

At Tribal, Carolyn considers playing her idol but decides against it, which is a good decision at the end of the day as she and Yam Yam managed to fully swing the vote onto Helen, who is the next castaway to get her torch snuffed. It's a bit of a shame, as Helen seemed like a great player who would have been fun to watch if she'd gone farther, but for now, she'll have to be another entry onto the fan wishlist of players who should return for a "second chances" season. Of course, this also means that Carolyn is safe for now, and Survivor viewers will (hopefully) get to see even more of her very expressive face on their screens in the coming weeks, which is always welcome.

NEXT: Survivor: Season 44 Premiere Review