Survival: Fountain of Youth strives to replicate what it would be like for someone to be stranded alone on an inhospitable island with unfamiliar terrain, hostile wildlife, and a plethora of secrets.

One of the ways the game achieves this is by incorporating diseases and injuries as core aspects of the gameplay. Everything from crafting in the safety of your own base to simply walking in the jungle to fighting animals can quickly turn into something much worse due to the cascading effects of a disease or an injury. Here is how to find a cure if it happens.

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What Causes Diseases & Injuries

Diseases are caused as a result of the environment a player is in - like bad weather, getting bitten by the wildlife like a Mosquito or a Scorpion, or eating bad food like rotten or uncooked meat.

Injuries are caused by undertaking a difficult task requiring manual effort, like cutting down trees, setting up fires, mining stones, or even building a house. Anything that would carry a risk of injury in real life also carries that same risk in the game.

chance of injury in survival fountain of youth

Chance of Injury is the metric to pay attention to before carrying out any task. Visible on the right side of the screen during crafting, this stat shows how likely it is that performing that task will result in an injury. This chance can be reduced by keeping out of the dark, being at full health, and having full food, water, energy, and health bars.

The Chance of Injury is dictated by the difficulty level of the run . In Very Easy, for example, it is almost impossible for anything to result in an injury, but in Hard mode, it is very common.

How to Cure Diseases & Injuries

sleep in survival fountain of youth

There are two ways to cure diseases and injuries:

  • Medicine: Players can craft different kinds of medicine to counteract diseases and injuries. Barring certain all heals, all medicines are specialized, meant to treat one specific thing.
  • Sleep: Sleeping is one of the easiest ways to recover from ill effects and restore health due to something called Natural Recovery. Sleeping in a cozy bed by a fire has a much larger chance of curing diseases and injuries than sleeping on the jungle floor while it's raining.

All Diseases and Their Medicine

medicine in survival fountain of youth




How to Craft


Minor Poisoning > Poisoned > Severe Poisoning > Fatal Poisoning

Processed Scorpion Venom

1x Scorpion Carcass; 1x Wide Leaf


Runny Nose > Flu > Severe Flu > Pneumonia

Hibiscus Petals

1x Hibiscus Flower; 1x Wide Leaf


Sunburn > Burn > Severe Burn > Infected Burn

Tobacco Compress

1x Tobacco Leaf; 1x Wide Leaf


Slight Overheating > Sunstroke > Severe Overheating > Heatstroke

Treated Formic Acid

1x Handful of Termites; 1x Wide Leaf


Stomach ache > Mild indigestion > Diarrhea > Food Poisoning

Chamomile Juice

1x Chamomile Flower; 1x Wide Leaf


Minor Cut > Normal Wound > Severe Wound > Infected Wound

Clay and Egg Ointment

1x Clay Strip; 1x Bird of Paradise Flower; 1x Egg



Bark Concoction

1x Tea Bark; 1x Clean Water; 1x Sea Salt



Bat Ointment

1x Bat; 1x Wide Leaf



Crushed Sage

1x Sage Flower; 1x Wide Leaf

Players can check all current diseases, injuries, debuffs, or buffs on their character by clicking on 'Status' in the top left of the pause screen.

How to Prevent Diseases and Injuries

using a torch in survival fountain of youth

Protective equipment, like clothes, ointments, or certain potions, can give players either outright immunity or percentage resistance to negative conditions like injuries and diseases.

As players progress the game and unlock new recipes for wearable items, they'll be able to craft clothes that give them anywhere from 5% to 100% resistance to certain conditions (100% means outright immunity).

navy coat in survival fountain of youth

In the early game, the best item for this can actually be obtained from the tutorial chest. It is the Navy Coat, and it provides immunity to Sun, Wind, and Rain effects, 25 resistance from rain effects, and minor resistance against wounds and poisoning. Crafting more items of a similar tier will allow players to gain true protection against all diseases and injuries.

Players can also lower the Chance of Injury by keeping themselves in excellent condition with plenty of light sources around them and adequate shelter to stave off the elements. Cutting down a log while low on food, water, or energy results in a higher Chance of Injury than if those needs are taken care of.

Survival: Fountain of Youth

April 19, 2023
Odinsoft Inc.
Twin Sails Interactive, CE-Asia