The first step for any player diving into the world of Survival: Fountain of Youth should be to find a place to set up their first base of operations, which they can return to when the going gets tough.

A base provides adequate shelter for the player to sleep, rest, and recover. It also serves as a storage space for resources and a hub for crafting benches and water collection.

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Where To Build Your First Base in Survival: Fountain of Youth

For the very first base of operations, players should find a place with the largest variety of resources that can be found nearby, and the location should be near a waterfront so that players have a place to build a dock to set sail to the neighboring islands.

The best place to build the base is on top of the hillside directly west of the bay, where players find the Captain’s spyglass during the story.

best place to create the first base in survival fountain of youth

The jungle west of this hill contains abundant resources like Narrow Leaves, Wide Leaves, Short Ear Dogs, Liana trees, Boars, Flowers, Coconuts, Big Branches, and more. In this location, players should have no trouble finding plenty of raw materials to craft their base's first tier of buildings.

The bay lying to the east not only provides ready access to the ocean but also makes it easy for players to obtain saltwater.

Saltwater can be converted to drinking water using a Water Distiller ( unlocked after players find Clay ), allowing players to rely on it for all their water needs.

To continue the main story, players must find the path leading to the top of the mountain. This small pathway is also located nearby to the southeast (pictured above), giving players ready access whenever they feel ready to take the journey to the top.

Alternative Base Locations

alternative bases locations in survival fountain of youth

The world of Survival: Fountain of Youth is large, and there is more than one location where players can put their roots. Here are some alternative options to start:

At the Base of the Cartographer Tree

The very first Cartographer tree players encounter on the main island in the Bird Region after exiting the Grotto Cave is also an excellent spot for building a base. This location is surrounded by a vast array of resources and lies smack dab in the middle of the island, providing players the freedom to explore the island in any direction.

The only downside to this location is that it’s somewhat far away from the beach, meaning players won’t have the ability to get saltwater very easily. However, this is not a dealbreaker as drinking water can easily be obtained by relying on Rain Water Collectors to see players through the early game.

Inside Grotto Cave

For the super early game, when players are completely new to the island, the Grotto Cave is an excellent spot to put down their first structures. The insides of the cave provide natural protection from all negative weather effects like sunburn, windchill, and cold and fulfill all the basic requirements of an adequate shelter. Setting up crafting benches and a makeshift bed inside the Grotto Cave is an excellent jumping-off point for further exploration.

Keep in mind, however, that this base will likely be temporary, as while it does have access to the beach, it is far away from all the useful resources the island has to offer, and carrying stuff to and fro can get quite time-consuming.

Survival: Fountain of Youth

April 19, 2023
Odinsoft Inc.
Twin Sails Interactive, CE-Asia