Getting new weapons is an exhilarating part of any game. After completing a difficult task or earning a ton of money, it's incredibly fulfilling to attain a fresh tool for dispatching enemies. It's among the major milestones for character growth, and players always look forward to any new toys that their future exploits may yield. Unfortunately, not all new weapons can meet those lofty expectations.

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Many of these tools are downright disappointing. They hype up their appearance with preemptive fanfare and may require exhausting effort to attain. In the end, though, they're no better than the normal weapons. They may actually be worse. Players are then frustrated and dejected, wondering why they were ever excited in the first place. It turns out they're the butt of the developers' sick joke.

5 A.J.M. 9 – Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon

The AJM 9 in Robocop and Far Cry 6

As an ode to 1980s action, Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon sports several weapons and items ripped straight from cinema's greatest shoot-em-ups. Among these is Robocop's pistol, referred to here as the A.J.M. 9. Sadly, it's a pitifully standard handgun which deals minimal damage to both humans and the titular dragons. This is disappointing in itself, but especially so in comparison with its movie (and game) counterpart.

In the Robocop film, the gun is practically a weapon of mass destruction. Whenever the eponymous lawman fires it, the bullets punch holes in enemies and send their limbs flying. Such a gun should have been perfect for Blood Dragon given how enemies already explode into purple goo. Instead, the A.J.M. 9 is a glorified peashooter incapable of stopping a shoplifter.

4 Clank Zapper – Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando

The Clank Zapper in Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando

The most expensive weapon in any Ratchet & Clank title is the R.Y.N.O., or the "Rip Ya A New One" gun. The second game deviates from that with the Clank Zapper. This AOE attack is exceptionally pricey at one million bolts. With that cost, one would think it outclasses every weapon in the game, R.Y.N.O. included. Imagine fans' shock when they realize it's a waste of money.

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All it does is let Clank emit an electrical field. It zaps surrounding enemies into oblivion, but the damage isn't as heavy as some guns. Worse, it has a pathetic range and only stays active for a few seconds. In a way, these flaws are tragically fitting. Everyone in Ratchet & Clank's commercialized galaxy seeks to swindle consumers, and the Clank Zapper makes players feel like just another sucker.

3 Soul Edge – Soul Calibur

Nightmare and Soul Edge in Soul Calibur 4

The Soul Edge is the most iconic and sought-after weapon in the Soul Calibur series. All characters can attain this legendary sword, and it then morphs into whichever weapon they are comfortable with. This ought to make it the ultimate all-around tool. However, those who try to be good at everything often excel at nothing.

That holds true for the Soul Edge. Although all Soul Calibur fighters can wield it in some form, they also have at least one more powerful weapon in their collection. In addition, later entries simply make it the regular loadout for certain fighters, such as Nightmare. Thus, its status as the be-all, end-all blade is null and void. It then becomes even less viable once players realize that it drains their health. That colossal downside means Soul Edge isn't remotely worth the hassle, particularly when better options exist without any disadvantages.

2 Blade Of Artemis – God Of War

Kratos and the Artemis Blade in God of War

In the first God of War, the Olympians grant Kratos many magical gifts, but Artemis gives him one of the only weapons. It's a massive sword that any warrior would envy. Heavy weapons like this usually cut through foes with tremendous damage and flatten anyone in the vicinity, making them ideal for powerhouse builds. Subsequent God of War games cements that with items like the Blade of Olympus and Barbarian Hammer.

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Here, though, the Blade of Artemis is just impractical. The painfully long windup lets foes hit Kratos before he ever finishes his swing. This happens without fail because of the sword's short range. The wielder must be right next to the enemy for the strikes to connect, and it doesn't even pack the punch that players would expect. This makes it utterly irrelevant next to their other toys. By this point, fans have upgraded the Blades of Chaos so much that they deal superior damage without sacrificing speed or range. Any self-respecting Spartan should stick with them instead of wasting any time with Artemis's oversized boxcutter.

1 Most Main Weapons In Square Enix Games

The Buster Sword in Final Fantasy 7 Remake and the Kingdom Key in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Most games from Square Enix are counterintuitive. That goes for Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, and the myriad of other franchises under their banner. The developers design their heroes with specific weapons in mind. The characters wield said weapons in the promotional material, sequels, and crossovers. One would think these tools would be the pinnacle of the protagonists' arsenals.

On the contrary, these are usually the heroes' starting weapons and, therefore, the weakest. The Kingdom Key in Kingdom Hearts and the Buster Sword in Final Fantasy 7 are prime examples. Granted, fans can sometimes upgrade these tools, but there still exist items with stronger base stats and greater potential for growth. Why stick with the starting sword when a better blade comes later on? Rather than aspirational treasures, these iconic weapons amount to playthings that players quickly outgrow.

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