
  • Follow market prices closely to balance profit and customer satisfaction.
  • Regularly restock shelves to keep customers happy and the store running smoothly.
  • Increase product variety and hire staff to optimize store productivity and generate more sales.

Supermarket Simulator is a complex game with lots of hidden mechanics that work in the background. Upon starting the game for the first time, players may feel a little overwhelmed when it comes to making the right decisions. Even after the first few days, it can still be a little tricky knowing what actions are the right ones to take.

Supermarket Simulator: Best Products To Stock First

Supermarket Simulator lets players run their very own grocery shop. Here are the products that should always be stocked first.

Just like in real life, a well-run store will typically perform much better than a poorly-run store. By combining a good product selection, fair prices, and a neatly laid out array of shelves, refrigerators, and cash registers, players can optimize their stores. This list aims to help players to run their stores as efficiently as possible by providing tips on how to optimize their supermarkets.

7 Market Prices Are Important

Don't Overprice Products

Pricing Cereal in Supermarket Simulator

The market price is there for a reason, and it is worth following whenever possible. This doesn't mean that the player needs to stick to the market price exactly, but they should price products so that they are close to the market value.

Early on, pricing things to the nearest full number speeds things up at the register. For example, if the market value for a certain product is $3.49, then charge $3.50 to make it easier at the register. However, the market price should be followed closely. Charge too much, and the store will lose customers. Charge too little, and the store won't generate any profit. It's a tricky balance, but it can be maintained by adhering to market prices.

6 Regularly Restock Shelves

Empty Shelves Aren't Good For Business

Customer Buying Bread in Supermarket Simulator

It is impossible to make money from an empty shelf. Also, customers don't like seeing empty shelves; it stresses them out. While it may seem tricky at first, it is important to keep a close eye on the shelves and ensure that they are always stocked.

Supermarket Simulator: Beginner Mistakes To Avoid

Supermarket Simulator can be a pretty relaxing game to jump into, so long as players make sure to avoid these crucial mistakes early on.

One good way of doing this from the beginning of the game is by having a small amount of excess stock. That way, instead of having to order stock every time the shelves are bare, the player already has a stockpile on hand that can quickly be put out for customers to buy.

5 Storage Over Additional Shelves

Buy More Shelves When Stock Is Plentiful

Supermarket Simulator Unboxing Product

As mentioned in the previous entry, customers don't like seeing empty shelves. While it may seem tempting to spend on extra shelves early on, it's actually better to invest in more storage space first. Having more space to store excess stock will reduce the risk of the player running out of various products. During the first few days, the player will want to have as much stock ready to go as possible.

It may be best to upgrade in a 'leapfrog' fashion. First, the player should invest in additional storage, then upgrade their shelves, and repeat the cycle until they have enough of both.

4 Have An Organized Storage Room

An Organized Storage Room Is Important

Storage Room in Supermarket Simulator

After investing some money in additional storage, it is important to utilize the space wisely. After a few days, the player will start to learn which items sell the fastest. Those items should be stored close to the shop floor.

In Supermarket Simulator, good time management is crucial. If the player has to grab boxes from the back of the storage area every few minutes, it will slow down productivity. It is hard to optimize the store if the player is constantly running to the back of the storage room for boxes.

3 ​​​​Product Variety Is The Key To Success

More Options Equals More Money

Fully Stocked Shelves In Supermarket Simulator Cropped

It is important for players to expand the amount of different products they have on the shelves. More variety means more sales. If a store only sells two or three different products, it won't take long for customers to grow bored and begin shopping elsewhere.

It can be a difficult balance knowing what the best products to stock are. A few good ones early on are:

  • Bread
  • Flour
  • Oil
  • Cereal
  • Dark Roast Coffee

It is better to stock smaller amounts of multiple products than to stock a large amount of one single product.

2 Hire Staff When Possible

Increase Productivity And Optimize The Store With Staff

Supermarket Simulator Large Store

In the early days, the player will run the store alone. While this is fine in the very beginning, it quickly becomes unmanageable. As a player's store becomes busier, it becomes almost impossible to keep up with everything.

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From the DAF 2021 to the Scania S, these Euro Trucks are the cream of the crop.

As mentioned several times, a crucial aspect of store optimization is keeping shelves stocked. By having a member of staff operating the register, the player is able to better manage the store.

The cash register is where a lot of the stress lies in this game due to the math involved. Serving customers can be fairly time-consuming. The more time the player spends working the register, the less time they will have to maintain the store.

1 Group Similar Products Together

It Creates A More Natural Flow

Supermarket Simulator Store Overview

In the real world, refrigerated items will typically all be kept in the same area. This makes it easier to shop. By having dedicated shelves for things like baked goods, drinks, and everyday essentials, the player creates a nice natural flow that customers love.

Not only is this better for the customers, but it also makes it easier to restock shelves. If all the products are grouped together, then it is easier to keep shelves full. Take inspiration from local supermarkets. Study their flow. After all, they work well for a reason.

Supermarket Simulator
Supermarket Simulator

PC , Android
February 20, 2024
Nokta Games