The most fun part about Superfuse is how it allows players to adjust their skills in a virtually endless fashion. Using a fuse on a skill to enhance its power can change the entire way the ability works, often making it more powerful than perhaps what the developers had even intended.

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That's not to say that doing this with fuses ever trivializes the gameplay in Superfuse. Certain bosses are given abilities that are great at dodging melee, ranged, magic, or other types of attacks. Players will want to experiment with all of their abilities to craft a truly unique build.

Get An Applicable Fuse

Superfuse Finding A New Fuse

The first step in fusing a skill is to have some fuses to play around with. Early on, players may only have one skill and one fuse. This guide will go over how to combine the two, but the skills don't really feel customizable until players get some more fuses to choose from.

Some fuses don't work for every skill. For example, a fuse that breaks apart a projectile into a cone naturally will not work for a melee attack. Keep this in mind when acquiring more fuses. It never hurts to have as many as possible, even if players need to use their storage box to trade them to other characters.

Checking Fuse Capacity

Superfuse Checking Fuse Capacity

Open the talent tree and then click on the desired skill to alter. The first thing to look for is the fuse capacity. This number determined the amount of power than can go into a skill. If players have a fuse capacity of 40, check the various fuses and choose ones that stay at 40 or under.

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This number will increase as more is invested into the skill as players level up. Consider this an incentive to get as much experience as quickly as possible. The higher the fuse capacity goes, the more powerful fuses can be added to it.

Making Room

Superfuse Applying A Fuse To A Skill

The final component of fusing a skill is making the room to do so. Technically, there is no numerical limit to the fuses that can be added to a skill. However, there is a space situation to deal with. Every fuse has a shape and a certain number of hexagons that are filled up when they are used.

This shape can be rotated (with Q and E keys on the keyboard) to fit any empty spaces around the skill. Like with the fuse capacity, this area grows as players get more levels under their belts.

Superfuse is available in Early Access for PC.

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