While Superfuse doesn't pretend to be a game about player choice, anytime gamers get to choose a class and a specialization, there is a pretty substantial decision to make. This initial decision will impact the rest of the game and determine precisely how much fun gamers will have with the final product.

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Players should always play with the preferred class. Superfuse can be beaten with every class and specialization in the game, some classes merely make this process more accessible than others. Gamers that feel drawn to a specific subclass should play that one regardless of where it ranks on this list.

This article was written during the Early Access period. Updates and patches may have altered the overall experience.

7 Brute Force Berserker

Superfuse Using A Skill With A Brute Force Berserker

Even players who are partial to tanks should be disappointed by the state of the Brute Force Berserker. The taunt effect from Provoke, while enticing, forces enemies to attack the Berserker who has no defensive capabilities from the Brute Force specialization.

That means Berserkers that do this need to invest in the Leap ability but use it to escape rather than to dive into the fight and deal damage. Given so many other builds can tank better, anybody who picked this build should think about getting a free respec and choosing a different specialization.

6 Ice Elementalist

Superfuse Using A Skill With An Ice Elementalist

When gamers think of ice builds in Action RPGs, the first thing that comes to mind is probably the slow debuff. Sadly, the only debuff the Ice Elementalist applies is from Chill, a move that deals no damage. And the build starts with melee attacks even though the Elementalist is not at all tanky.

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After grabbing some new fuses and applying slows this way, the Ice Elementalist can feel more fun. Unfortunately, this forces players to focus their efforts on fixing this specialization's problems while most other builds are spending their resources improving their built-in strengths.

5 Combat Berserker

Superfuse Using A Skill With A Combat Berserker

The Combat Berserker has all its bases covered. It has two moves that deal damage in a melee area, one move that does single-target damage, and another move that increases defense. This defensive skill, Rally, also benefits allies, making it a welcome party addition.

Other than that, there isn't much flare from the Combat Berserker. It's the definition of average. Without any movement abilities or heavy hitters, this is a fine class to play until the endgame, where more fans will probably use this character for storing items and make another more thrilling specialization their main.

4 Metal Technomancer

Superfuse Using A Skill With A Metal Technomancer

There is no specialization more unique than the Metal Technomancer because it adds an entire system to the game. Various moves create and spend "scraps," making for a rather entertaining back-and-forth between skills. Its ranged area of effects attacks allow the Technomancer to stay safe most of the time.

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However, the scrap system acts as more of a burden than a boon to the character. The specialization doesn't hit any harder than other ranged classes and the attacks still cost energy, meaning players have to watch two gauges instead of just one. Players will have to port around to stack up scraps in anticipation of a boss fight.

3 Lightning Berserker

Superfuse Using A Skill With A Lightning Berserker

When players think of what they want in a melee tank unit, they likely think of damage absorption, mobility, and damage-dealing. The Lightning Berserker has it all, starting off with a ranged attack that keeps the Berserker safe during its most vulnerable portion of the game.

By using Energize, a buff that enhances all damage, and following it up with Thunder, players get to go up into the air for a moment of total immunity, then crash down anywhere they please with devastating effect. Players should get this new skill as soon as they can, it's a game-changer.

2 Fire Elementalist

Superfuse Using A Skill With A Fire Elementalist

As the best minion-clearing unit in the game, the Fire Elemenalist has area of effect attached to all of her best skills. Two of these, Torch and Combust, center on her, allowing her to kite around melee attacks and kill them without needing to cast any abilities.

After leveling up quickly, there is no wrong answer for this specialization. Players have the freedom to use any ability they'd like and know that it will have massive damage. It's not tanky and doesn't have any additional movement boosts, but when the player can focus on just running around, they are close to invincible.

1 Minions Technomancer

Superfuse Using A Skill With A Minions Technomancer

A Minions Technomancer with their skills fused to attack groups of enemies is too much to contend with for any elite mob or legendary boss. Like the Fire Elementalist, the Technomancer can run around all it wants. But it gets the edge because it can cast its spells, the minions, before the battle begins and not in the thick of it.

As if this weren't enough, the Minions Technomancer also has a Decoy that can tank for it and Tekhead for support, making it a complete party with just a single character.

Superfuse is available in Early Access for PC.

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