Players who are looking to do something a little different from a standard Action RPG class build in Superfuse will want to strongly consider playing as the Lightning Berserker. Usually, a tank-turned-damage specialization finds that they excel at neither facet of the game, but the Lightning Berserker is something else.

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Of course, it's also possible to play this hero badly. Superfuse gives gamers a lot of freedom to experiment with talents and fuses, but investing in the wrong skills will make anybody walk away. Get some points into the best talents and show the online community how much power this character is capable of.

This article was written during the Early Access period. Updates and patches may have altered the overall experience.

10 High Voltage

Superfuse Lightning Berserker High Voltage Talent
  • Increase lightning penetration.

Enemy resistances get higher as the game gets tougher, so High Voltage has more value late than it does early. Cutting through these resistance points is often a better means of increasing damage than stacking on more raw damage. The value of this passive talent is at its height in the game's most difficult encounters.

9 Impulse

Superfuse Lightning Berserker Impulse Talent
  • Increase energy on kill.

It's unorthodox, but the Lightning Berserker can convert enemy lives into energy. Those who play with other damage dealers online may need to respec out of this, but solo gamers will find that killing groups of enemies can top off their energy so the Berserker has full strength when it's time to take on elites and bosses.

8 Brain Power

Superfuse Lightning Berserker Brain Power Talent
  • Increases power.

Power is a stat normally limited by level and gear. There comes a point where, no matter how often players port around, they won't be able to get much of an upgrade on power anymore. The Lightning Berserker gets access to Brain Power, increasing their power and allowing them to get more of this stat than what the other classes are limited to.

7 Weather Front

Superfuse Lightning Berserker Weather Front Talent
  • Increases maximum energy.

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A new fuse might help with energy conservation, but nothing beats a big energy pool for a vast majority of the fights. Weather Front gives the Berserker a huge pool to draw from, enabling the Lightning Berserker to take out all opponents on the screen before requiring a recharge.

6 Quickening

Superfuse Lightning Berserker Quickening Talent
  • Lower cooldown of all skills.

Quickening is far down the talent tree, past all of the new skills. Very few passive abilities are worth that kind of investment, but Quickening is a rare exception, lowering the cooldown of all skills by up to 15%. If Thunder gets a quick cooldown, enemies won't even get a chance to hit the Berserker.

5 Electric Discharge

Superfuse Lightning Berserker Electric Discharge Talent
  • Increase energy recharge speed.

If the Lightning berserker has any drawback, it's a dependency on energy. Every build should make it a goal to put three talents into Electric Discharge. This increases energy regeneration by 15%, giving the Berserker some staying power in combat. It's an advantage that normally would require fusing a skill to attain.

4 Conductor

Superfuse Lightning Berserker Conductor Talent
  • Increases lightning spell damage.

What makes this one of the best specializations in the game is its spellcasting power. Combined with some of the other talents on this list, a Lightning Berserker should never have to use any attacks that aren't lightning-based. This means that five points into Conductor become a direct 25% upgrade to all damage.

3 Lightning Bolt

Superfuse Lightning Berserker Lightning Bolt Talent
  • Throw a bolt of lightning at your target location.

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It's good to know, regardless of how long the game is, that the class will be fun from start to finish and Lightning Bolt does that for the Berserker. While other melee specializations have to deal with getting attacked and damage mitigation, the Lightning Berserker starts off with a ranged attack that holds up in the early game and endgame.

2 Energize

Superfuse Lightning Berserker Energize Talent
  • Infuse yourself with lightning, dealing additional lightning damage with attacks and spells.

Most of the time, getting stronger will be closely tied to getting better gear, but the Lightning Berserker is unique thanks to the Energize skill, an ability that enhances all other damage abilities. One use of this before a fight starts and the battle will be over in a fraction of the time it would take most other specializations.

1 Thunder

Superfuse Lightning Berserker Thunder Talent
  • Launch into the air to crash down after a delay, damaging all near the impact location.

Thunder is moderately far down the talent tree, so players will have to level up quickly if they want to use it during the campaign. But it is worth the wait. Thunder gives players some immune time, allows them to move anywhere on the screen, and then comes crashing down, usually annihilating anything underneath it. This kind of damage, durability, and mobility tied into the same skill makes Thunder one of the best moves for any class.

Superfuse is available in Early Access for PC.

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