If the Lightning Berserker is the damage-dealing caster and the Brute Force Berserker is the tank, the role of the Combat Berserker in Superfuse gets a bit murky. While it is true that this particular specialization doesn't have the damage output or tankiness of its other options, it's likely the best choice for players who don't like a glaring weakness in their game.

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Superfuse puts players in a variety of situations, sometimes against ranged or melee mobs, other times against solo bosses or elite groups. The Combat Berserker can handle any of these circumstances, so long as gamers get the best talents for their build.

This article was written during the Early Access period. Updates and patches may have altered the overall experience.

10 Commotion

Superfuse Combat Berserker Commotion Talent
  • Increase the duration of your shouts.

While Rally is normally the only shout used by the Combat Berserker, it can sometimes be a little too short-lived to justify its use in combat. If it goes off too soon, some players may be tempted to recast the skill in the thick of combat, which is probably more deadly than letting it expire. Commotion makes it so neither of these two negative events happen until the fight is just about wrapped up.

9 Rally

Superfuse Combat Berserker Rally Talent
  • Let out a rallying cry, increasing your defensive stats and the defensive stats of allies in your vicinity.

Rally has its use as a support and tank move in groups, but it works just fine for single-player experiences as well. The trick is to use the Rally skill before entering combat. In conjunction with Commotion, it should last for the entire battle. Even if the shout wears off, the bulk of the combatants will likely have been killed by Tornado well before the end of it.

8 Pace

Superfuse Combat Berserker Pace Talent
  • Increase your movement speed.

The Combat Berserker lacks a mobility move, such as a blink or dash. So any gap that must be closed to reach ranged enemies must be done on foot. The extra speed will reduce the number of times that these kinds of opponents can get away. Pace also makes it deadly for the poor souls that attempt to run away as they won't be fast enough. Loot any new fuses they drop and claim victory.

7 Bloodlust

Superfuse Combat Berserker Bloodlust Talent
  • Increase health on kill.

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While not a true lifesteal in the classic gaming sense, Bloodlust is perhaps better than most of these traditional lifesteal mechanics because it functions on any kill by the Combat Berserker, not just kills made with a weapon attack. Taking out a group of minions can return the Berserker to full health in the middle of a boss encounter. The only reason to get a respec after getting this talent is when playing with friends who get the kills themselves.

6 Raw Strength

Superfuse Combat Berserker Raw Strength Talent
  • Increase strength.

Strength increases both damage and armor, so it should be no surprise that Raw Strength makes this list. A passive skill that increases strength by ten with a full investment, unlocking new skills may be exciting, but this helps out on both offense and defense, making it invaluable to the success of playing as a Berserker.

5 Lasting Damage

Superfuse Combat Berserker Lasting Damage Talent
  • Increase the chance of inflicting bleed.

While mobs will die in a snap with Tornado, that leaves elites and bosses to contend with. Heavy Strike goes a long way, but adding damage over time deals a severe blow to the game's toughest opponents. Don't let a gatekeeper stand in the way of leveling up quickly, drain their health pool with some of the Combat Berserker's bleed effects.

4 Footwork

Superfuse Combat Berserker Footwork Talent
  • Increase evasion.

During sustained melee engagements, damage mitigation becomes important over time. The more hits taken, the faster the Berserker needs to escape combat. Instead of learning to fuse skills with more tanking at the expense of overall damage, try making the enemies miss more often with Footwork's evasion. Save the fuse capacity for damage dealing.

3 Precise Strikes

Superfuse Combat Berserker Preciuse Strikes Talent
  • Increase accuracy.

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The amount of misses that melee attackers make is astounding. There is a reason that melee roles don't often top the charts when measuring the best class specializations in the game. Those misses pile up and set the Berserker up to receive damage. Thankfully, Precise Strikes reduces the number of misses down to nearly zero.

2 Heavy Strike

Superfuse Combat Berserker Heavy Strike Talent
  • Powerful single-target melee strike.

Most specializations that focus on damage output focus primarily on mobs. That makes sense since most of the game is against mobs. But when they have to take on legendary mobs or bosses, they just have to hope to repurpose their area skills. Not the Combat Berserker, who has Heavy Strike, a blow specifically designed for bosses that can help players beat the game faster.

1 Tornado

Superfuse Combat Berserker Tornado Talent
  • Maintain a tornado, hitting everyone around you.

While many classes have access to incredible gear and abilities, the Combat Berserker's Tornado deserves consideration for the best mob-clearing skill in the game. The Tornado requires no energy to use, perfect for the Berserker who doesn't have a huge pool of it. The channeled damage is stronger than many abilities of traditional casters and hits everything nearby in all directions.

Superfuse is available in Early Access for PC.

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