Releasing in just over a month, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is one of the most anticipated games of 2018, and with the majority of the game's modes and details just announced, it is clear that the amount of content in Ultimate is overwhelming. Although new details surrounding Super Smash Bros. Ultimate have been slowly becoming known throughout the year in previous Nintendo Directs, the latest Direct strongly focused in on Ultimate, and fans now have a much clearer idea of the plans Nintendo has for the newest installment in one of the most esteemed fighting franchises to ever hit the market.

Despite the majority of Ultimate's character roster having already been revealed, Nintendo announced the last two to join the previous 72, Ken and Incineroar, though it was also confirmed that post-launch DLC will include new fighters. In addition to new fighters, game-changing 'spirits' have also joined the arena. These supporting characters give players different upgrades and will certainly add a more tactical approach to matches. Companion apps have been joining some of the top game releases as of recently, including Red Dead Redemption 2 and Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is also getting an app, Smash World. Finally, Nintendo detailed Ultimate's online modes, which seem to be radically different than previous installments.


Announced by director Masahiro Sakurai, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's matches are formed when a player sets their preferred rules. They are then matched with players with similar choices, though matchmaking will prioritize geography over the preferred rules setting. While waiting for a match, players can now play other modes, including the new World of Light mode, until they are alerted to the match's start, and can also personalize 'Smash Tags', which are immediately collected by a matches victor. Players will be ranked globally through their GPS (Global Smash Power) score, and while it is still relatively unclear on how players will be selected, the best players will have the option to engage in Elite Battles.

Although the Super Smash Bros. franchise has always produced amazingly competitive and successful games, many fans are predicting that Ultimate will be the franchise's biggest hit yet. Arguably Nintendo's biggest release this year, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and its Switch bundle will surely be one of the best-selling gifts this Christmas season. Although there will be no way to know for sure until its release.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate releases on December 7, 2018, exclusively for Nintendo Switch.