Min Min's inclusion as the newest DLC fighter in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate may not be as world-shattering as previous characters', but aside from being a unique and fun character in her own right and giving ARMS some well deserved representation, it actually opens up some huge possibilities for the remainder of the second Fighters Pass to follow Min Min.

As Min Min was already in the game as one of the collectible Spirits, her being made playable proves that there is nothing stopping other Spirit characters from being promoted to a fully realized character. And with there being nearly 1500 Spirits at the time of writing, there are so many characters now that we could potentially see be announced in the future.

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ten characters Marin

There are a lot of Legend of Zelda characters that could feasibly be made playable, but there's one yet to be truly represented in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. So, with the likes of Ocarina of Time and Breath of the Wild ruled out, how about the most recognizable face from one of Link's somewhat smaller adventures?

On the surface, Marin hardly seems like she could be a fighter, especially since she plays more of a supporting role in Link's Awakening. However, she was made a playable DLC character in Hyrule Warriors, where she fought with bells that emitted shockwaves. She could even summon the Wind Fish to aid her, which could make for an impressive looking Final Smash.


ten characters Chibi-Robo

Chibi-Robo may not be as big of a Nintendo all-star as most of his peers, but the little helper robot still has his supporters that would love to see him become playable in Smash. While some may think he's not suited for the battlefield, being a tiny robot whose original game was all about doing house chores to help a family, let's not forget that there are very few rules in Smash. It's a series where the mighty Ganondorf can get his butt kicked by the dog from Duck Hunt.

Beside, Chibi-Robo is no stranger to action either. His last game, Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash, had him fighting aliens attempting to steal resources from Earth, using his cord as a whip. Maybe give him some extra items for certain attacks, like a toothbrush and a spoon, and Chibi-Robo can more than hold his own in a fight.

Maria Renard

ten characters Maria Renard

Assuming that Konami allows it, another Castlevania character would be a welcome addition to the roster. The series is lovingly represented in Ultimate, between the two playable Belmonts, the selection of music, the cameo-filled stage, the multiple Spirits, and the Dracula boss fight. But then the question is which character should be picked? Maria Renard, who first appeared alongside Richter in Rondo of Blood, fits the bill. Despite only being a dainty girl of 12 years old, she was surprisingly capable of vanquishing the forces of evil, including Dracula himself.

She could slide and double jump (abilities not yet seen in the series at that point) and, instead of a whip, fought with a number of animal companions, like doves, cats, and even a dragon. She'd certainly make a unique character within the roster and it'd just be fun to see her sicking an entourage of animals on her opponents.

Akira Howard

ten characters Akira Howard

Astral Chain quickly became a success for PlatinumGames, receiving pretty stellar reviews and outperforming the company's expectations in terms of sales. With Nintendo and Platinum having a pretty solid relationship at the moment and Astral Chain being a Switch exclusive, including the game's twin protagonists seems like a no-brainer.

Much like characters such as the Wii Fit Trainer and Robin, Ultimate could easily have both of them take up a single slot on the roster, since they otherwise play exactly the same in their home game. Maybe giving them access to all five Legions - the creatures they can summon to aid them in battle - might be too much and risk making them obscenely broken, so they could be limited to just the Sword and Arrow Legions, which can be swapped between and make them versatile for both close and long-range combat.


ten characters Rayman

Rayman has been hotly demanded by fans for a while. It was even suspected that he would be included in the last Smash game, but only appeared as a Trophy. His chances were seemingly dashed again when he was added in Ultimate as a Spirit, but he may still have a chance.

Aside from possibly having a pretty versatile moveset, capable of throwing his punches quite far thanks to his lack of limbs and possessing a hover ability, it's almost worth putting him in just so Ubisoft can have an actual playable rep in the game. The closest it's got have been the Rabbid and Assassin's Creed costumes for the Miis. And if any Ubisoft character is going to get to stand alongside the likes of Mario and Link, it should be Rayman.


ten characters Roll

If another Mega Man character was to be included in Smash, most fans would probably cast their vote for Proto Man or Bass. However, there's a case to be made for Mega Man's little sister, Roll. Despite being primarily a maintenance robot, usually staying at home to clean up while Mega Man foils Dr. Wily's newest scheme, she has quite the legacy, having been around since the very first game.

Not to mention, she's far from useless in a fight. In battle, she wields a broom and bucket of all things, and in the Marvel vs. Capcom titles, she even had her own equivalent of Mega Man's Mega Buster. Whereas Mega Man is primarily a long-range fighter, Roll could maybe serve as a short-range alternative and possibly draw on influences from other versions of her character that appear in the Mega Man Legends and Mega Man Battle Network spin-offs.


ten characters Chun-Li

It honestly seems almost criminal that Chun-Li wasn't included in the first batch of DLC or even the base roster. Easily one of the most iconic women in video games and considered by many as the first lady of fighting games, Chun-Li's status and legacy make her more than worthy of appearing in the Hollywood of gaming that is Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Incorporating her moveset into Smash may be tricky for the developers, but it could make her one of the most fun characters to play as if done right. Not to mention it'd be a treat for those that may struggle playing Street Fighter and have always wanted an easier means of pulling off her techniques, like the Spinning Bird Kick and Hyakuretsukyaku.


ten characters Leon

While the Resident Evil series isn't commonly associated with Nintendo, the series has always had a strong presence on Nintendo hardware. And with Resident Evil 4 initially being synonymous with the GameCube and considered to be one of, if not the, best entry in the series (to the point where the possible RE4 remake can be considered controversial), having its star become playable in Smash makes too much sense.

Between his multiple appearances, Leon's got enough weaponry to take advantage of, from numerous types of guns and a trusty knife, as well as some mean kicks. And for a Final Smash, what else would he use but the trusty rocket launcher.

Dixie Kong

ten characters Dixie Kong

Dixie has been another popular pick from fans, and with K. Rool's inclusion proving that the Donkey Kong Country series has not been forgotten, she absolutely needs to be the next character from the series to appear next.

Many have argued that she could be an Echo Fighter for Diddy, but she has enough unique traits of her own to justify being her own character. Her ponytail alone makes for a great means of attacking, grabbing, and throwing opponents, and she can use it to propel herself through the air. And in Tropical Freeze's multiplayer, she had her own popgun that, instead of peanuts, used bubblegum as ammunition, which could maybe have some benefits like slowing opponents down.


ten characters Geno

Despite only making one proper appearance as a party member in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Geno has become one of the most hotly demanded characters for the series since as early as Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

With the inclusions of Ridley and Banjo-Kazooie fulfilling seemingly impossible dreams, maybe it's time for Geno fans to be thrown a bone. Fans were able to craft a moveset for him in the Project M fan-mod, and director Masahiro Sakurai himself seems to at least acknowledge the demand, with a Geno Mii costume being added as DLC for Smash 4.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is available exclusively on Nintendo Switch.

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