Recently, The Ballot Man tweeted out the current results for an on-going fan ballot for the most requested Super Smash Bros. Ultimate fighters.

The Super Smash Bros. fan ballot is still currently ongoing, with more and more fans voting every day. The ballot has seen over 13,000 votes as of last week, with many more votes cast since then. As of last week, the results currently show Waluigi as the front runner, with over 1,100 votes. Rayman sits at second place with over 800 votes, followed by Minecraft's Steve in third place. Fourth, fifth, and sixth place currently belong to Team Fortress 2's Heavy, Kirby's Bandana Dee, and Sora from the Kingdom Hearts franchise, respectively. The ballot results display the top 29 fighters, and you can check out the full roster of top-requested characters if so desired.

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Most of the attention obviously falls on the top two picks on this list: Waluigi and Rayman. Waluigi has been long-requested by fans for many years now, ever since the release of Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Nintendo has disappointed Waluigi fans time and time again, as the character has continued to appear as an Assist Trophy three times over. Other characters, like Isabelle and Ridley, started off as Assist Trophies or stage hazards and later were promoted to fully-playable characters, but Waluigi has had no such luck. Perhaps one day Waluigi will get his time to shine, as there clearly is a fan demand for it to happen.

Rayman, who appears second on the ballot, has also been a long-requested inclusion. First showing up as a trophy in the fourth Smash title, Rayman has unfortunately never been promoted to anything more than that. There have been plenty of fake leaks and mods regarding Rayman in Smash Bros., but nothing official has ever occurred. Rayman has become long-absent from video games in general, with the recent Ubisoft Forward upsetting many fans with the character's absence, but perhaps now is time for the armless mascot to finally make a comeback.

Seeing Minecraft's Steve in third place in quite interesting, as he is a Microsoft-owned character with little history shared with Nintendo. His inclusion may not be completely out of the question, however, as the company's own Banjo-Kazooie was recently added to the roster earlier last year. Halo's Master Chief appears later down on the list, as well as Conker from the Nintendo 64 classic, Conker's Bad Fur Day. Other console-exclusive characters appear on the list, including Ratchet & Clank towards the bottom of the list. PlayStation has never lent out any of its IP characters to its competitor's games, so this pick seems the most unlikely.

Though this ballot is nothing official, it shows what fans currently want to see included in the next batch of Smash Bros. fighters. Whether any of these characters have a real shot or not is unclear, but fans will find out soon enough.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is out now, exclusviely for the Nintendo Switch.

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