Nintendo's E3 2019 Direct kicked off with a major reveal for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, revealing the addition of the Dragon Quest hero DLC fighter. Or more specifically, the addition of four different Dragon Quest heroes as DLC characters. Shown in an exciting reveal trailer, four of the Dragon Quest franchise's most popular protagonists were shown as joining Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's roster. The four fighters will likely be treated as slightly different mirror versions of the same Dragon Quest Hero DLC character.

The four Dragon Quest protagonists shown include the nameless heroes of Dragon Quest 11, Dragon Quest 8, Dragon Quest 4, and Dragon Quest 3, who is also known as the legendary Erdrick. Erdrick is even decked out in his iconic armor and wielding the legendary Sword of Light.

According to the Nintendo Direct, the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Dragon Quest Hero DLC will be available for purchase and download this summer.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is available now exclusively on Nintendo Switch.

gamezxc e3 2019 coverage