Long has it been since Super Smash Bros came to the Nintendo 64, with its roster of only twelve characters. The game was an absolute revolution, a smash hit that had kids and adults alike scrambling to snatch themselves a copy of the fun and wacky beat 'em up. Now in 2020, Super Smash Bros Ultimate shows just how far the franchise has come, with its roster of over 74 characters.

It doesn't end there, however. As of January 29th, the Fighters Pass Vol. 2 has appeared, which brings six new characters to Super Smash Bros Ultimate. One of these characters is Byleth, who serves as another ambassador of the Fire Emblem series. Byleth possesses a very strong move-set, and understanding them is the first step to utilizing them well.

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A New Challenger

The close relationship continues between Super Smash Bros Ultimate and the Fire Emblem series with the new and very welcome addition of Byleth. Byleth is the latest and greatest in the long line of sword-wielding fighters in the series. Byleth is extremely versatile, and possesses an impressive arsenal which includes a lance, axe, sword, and bow. Each of these weapons gives the Fire Emblem: Three Houses protagonist a move-set that can remedy just about any situation.

What sets Byleth apart from other Fire Emblem characters in Super Smash Bros Ultimate is her range. While characters like Ike or Roy tend to focus more on close combat, Byleth thrives at mid-range. Byleth is also a mid-weight character, meaning that she falls between Ike and Marth when it comes to speed and how far they'll send opponents flying. As such her smash attacks can be very effective, and easily send most enemies flying across the screen.

Absolutely Smashing

Byleth has a vicious up smash that sends their sword whipping upwards in a circle. It is capable of hitting a single opponent multiple times, and can be devastating if Super Smash Bros Ultimate players use it correctly.

The side smash and down smash are not laughing matters either. Byleth's side smash is a multi-directional ability which will send the spear Areadbhar shooting forward, which players can manipulate the trajectory of using the joystick. This attack causes around 19 percent damage. The down Smash sends the axe Amyr sweeping from front to back. While it may be slow, the attack deals 23 percent damage, and can even break shields.

Byleth's Final Smash is their best attack, and will send the Sword of Creator whipping in an arc forward. This can catch up to three enemies at once, and cause a devastating 45 percent damage.

super smash bros. ultimate byleth zero to kill


Failnaught, the bow utilized by Byleth, fires an arrows straight ahead. It takes some time to charge, and will flash when it is fully charged up. It can cause a devastating 29 percent damage at this point. Since it takes time to charge, the ability can be somewhat less reliable than some might prefer. Still, it can be used to prevent opponents from making their way back to a ledge.

The side special of Byleth sends Areadbhar sweeping in an arc while charging forward. The blade of the weapon is the sweet spot of the attack, and will cause significantly more damage. If Super Smash Bros Ultimate players use this ability in air, Byleth will be protected from multiple directions. Players should be wary, as the attack requires a split-second of recovery time after using the move, which can leave them vulnerable.

Byleth's upward special will send their sword whipping upwards. It can also attach to ledges for survivability, or enemies in case Super Smash Bros Ultimate characters want to effectively weaponize the ability. If an opponent is above 50% damage, the ability can be absolutely devastating, and will send opponents smashing downwards for a killing blow.

Byleth's down special will charge up Aymr to make for a tremendously powerful attack. The attack is comparable to Captain Falcon's Falcon Punch, but Byleth get's the added advantage of super armor during the attack's startup. The attack will send the axe slamming into the ground to create a shockwave, which can will cause 36 percent damage to anyone in it's way.

Summary & Pro Tips

Byleth is one of Super Smash Bros Ultimate's most versatile characters. Regardless, Byleth has a range of strengths and weaknesses.

Byleth's strengths are their good reach, speed, and distance. Byleth's special attacks can break shields, and with all the great aerial controls of the character, Byleth can still put up a good fight while airborne. Byleth also boasts some intense knockback ability.

The weaknesses are there regardless. Byleth is slow to recovery, especially horizontally. The attacks involving Areadbhar and Amyr are devastating, but challenging to pull off. They also leave Byleth exposed. Byleth is also fairly squishy, to put it simply, and can be tossed around without a necessarily high percentage of damage. Finally, Byleth's attacks telegraph, and are easily read and countered by opponents.

Either way, Byleth is a welcome addition to the Super Smash Bros franchise, and should keep players entertained and guessing for months and years to come.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is available now exclusively on Nintendo Switch.

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