Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has a wide variety of different characters from its famous roster of video game mascots from multiple franchises. So many characters mean that there is a large variety of different players playing different characters as well! Now, naturally, some characters definitely play better against others.

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Usually, these matchups are considered in singles, but for doubles, players may consider which characters have the best synergy with a partner rather than choosing characters that match better up against one enemy on the opposing team. Naturally, it is important for a team in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate to play well together, and picking the right characters can easily flip the table of victory in the player's favor.

10 Double King K. Rool

King K. Rool pointing at himself in a wrestling ring

King K. Rool is one of the newest characters to be introduced into the Super Smash Bros. franchise, as the most recent game states, "Everybody is here!" The character is among some of the best characters in the game, though some may say the character needs some buffs.

King K. Rool is a wonderful heavy fighter with some great advantages all-around. The character can zone as well as fight up close. With two King K. Rools on a team, they are seemingly unstoppable as the combos devastate an opposing team.

9 Fox And Donkey Kong

fox and donkey kong in smash bros ultimate

This combo goes way back to the old Super Smash Bros. 64 days as Fox and Donkey Kong were among some of the first characters to ever be playable in the franchise.

Now that the roster has dozens upon dozens of different characters to play as it is still right to say that Fox and Donkey Kong make for a devastating combination. This is simply because Fox is quick with easy access to knockout moves, and Donkey Kong has a moveset that fits perfectly with Fox's as if it were a puzzle piece.

8 Zelda And Ganon

zelda and ganon in smash bros ultimate

Among canonical teams in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, this team-up can prove fatal against an enemy if used correctly. Zelda is a great character in the game, as she is mostly used as a zoner with multiple projectile-like moves.

Not only that, but Zelda has great moves to stop an enemy in their momentum. Ganondorf is simply a high-risk high-reward character, as Ganon can easily knock an enemy out of the game incredibly early. Ganon can be KO'd easily off-stage, but Zelda can work with Ganon to make for one infuriating game.

7 Byleth And Kirby

kirby and byleth in smash bros ultimate

DLC characters in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate are some of the highest-tiered characters in the game as their playstyles can definitely be an incredible foe. Byleth is one of these characters, as even one of the best players in the world, MkLeo, uses Byleth in many tournaments.

Kirby, being an underrated character, is more floaty than Byleth and is useful when it comes to predicting and taking advantage of an opponent's movements. With these two in a team together, they can unleash some deadly combos.

6 Mario And Bowser

mario and bowser in smash bros ultimate

This team-up is another canonical one on this list, and definitely one of the more classic, yet formidable ones. Mario is one of the classic Super Smash Bros. 64 characters that players could choose to play, and Bowser was accessible in the next game after!

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Mario is an all-rounder when it comes to the game, and has some of the best aerial moves in the game. Bowser is almost the opposite, as he is a heavy brawler, and is more frightening when on the ground. These two can work together perfectly to achieve victory.

5 Pikachu And Dark Samus

dark samus and pikachu libre in smash bros ultimate

Pikachu is yet another classic Super Smash Bros. 64 character, and was also regarded as the best character in the first game! Pikachu, in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, is a great character that is quick and deadly.

Dark Samus is one of the newest fighters in the game and is the echo fighter to Samus. Dark Samus is frequently regarded as the "better Samus," and the character generally works the same while being more floaty. Dark Samus can easily zone while Pikachu unleashes some quick KO combos.

4 Min Min And Marth

min min and marth in smash bros ultimate

Min Min is another one of the newest characters to be introduced into the Super Smash Bros. franchise, as Min Min was one of the purchasable DLC characters players could obtain. Min Min is a wonderful character to remain on the stage, as her smash attacks reach across half of the stage!

Marth is a classic Melee character that has great options in terms of shielding and guarding. With the two working together, Min Min can pressure opponents while Marth quickly guards and keeps opponents off-stage.

3 Jigglypuff And Greninja

jigglypuff and greninja

Pokemon in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate fall nowhere near short when it comes to the roster, and are some of the best characters in the game. Jigglypuff was one of the unlockable characters in Super Smash Bros. 64, and a great character to be picked ever since then.

Greninja made its debut in the fourth game and makes for a quick threat when on the battlefield. Jigglypuff is the lightest character in the game and focuses on being in the air to throw opponents off guard. Greninja is great at exploiting characters, so the two can work great together.

2 Chrom And Roy

Chrom and Roy in Smash Bros. Ultimate

Sword characters in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate are some of the best fighters, as they're generally quick while dealing heavy blows. In fact, Roy is one of the single best characters in the game as he has amazing smash attacks. Chrom is a new character to the franchise and is more so of a combination of Marth and Ike.

Roy is quick and usually unpredictable, while Chrom can easily catch enemies in a harsh attack. These two characters are capable of mowing down an enemy team's stocks as they unleash deadly combos together.

steve and link in super smash bros ultimate

In terms of doubles teams that aren't expected, this one may take the cake. Steve is one of the newest fighters to appear in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate within the game's fighter pass. The character is exactly how one would expect Steve to play.

Link, being a classic 64 character, has great coverage moves all around. Steve usually likes to hang back for a minute before going all out, while Link constantly pressures before getting a critical blow. Link and Steve together can constantly switch out in physically offensive strategies.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is available on the Nintendo Switch.

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