Super Smash Bros. Ultimate news approaches. Fans have been eagerly awaiting information for the next fighter ever since the reveal of the second DLC fighter pass. The success of the Smash Bros series is undeniable, and the first fighter pass saw five playable characters across multiple first and third-party franchises. The wish list for the Fighter Pass Vol. 2 is vast, but Nintendo shocked supporters during the Nintendo Direct Mini today by revealing what game the first fighter would come from.

Even during a Coronavirus quarantine, Nintendo has been pumping out the video game information and today they unfurled a half an hour direct with oodles of information. Within that direct was a flash announcement that the newest fighter for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate will be joining the battle from Arms. 

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Nintendo did not reveal which character would be playable in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. It did, however, reveal that the new fighter would be ready in June. Arms has 15 playable characters, so there is a bevy of options to choose from. Spring Man is already an assist trophy in the game, and Ribbon Girl would be another solid option, neither of which were on a recent poll for who fans want in Smash. Nintendo could also go the route of Bowser Jr., who is in the game, and has multiple skins that are swappable, but with the same moveset. However, some fighters in Arms have drastically different styles and body types, so this would be tricky to pull off.

June seems like a long way out, especially with the most recent character, Byleth, having been released on January 28th. However, the character development for Smash Bros. seems to have been delayed thanks to COVID-19, which is certainly understandable.

The Fighter Pass Vol. 2 will include six playable characters. And Nintendo has confirmed that it has no plans for a third fighter pass. With one game down, it will be intriguing to find out where the last five games will come from. The first Fighter Pass was heavy on the third-party characters, but time will tell if that is to continue.

Arms is a unique fighting game that released on the Switch in 2017. It used the Joy-cons adequately and the fighters in-game were able to extend their arms for devastating punches. Arms reviewed rather well for the Switch, but since the launch and initial success, the game seems to have fizzled out. It is a bit surprising that Nintendo has chosen an Arms character as a fighter for Smash, even though it feels like a perfect fit. With the character being fully revealed and released in June, it may also be excellent timing for an announcement of an Arms sequel.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is out now, exclusively for the Nintendo Switch. The Fighters Pass Vol. 2 is now available for pre-order.

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