Since its origins on Nintendo 64, Super Smash Bros has become one of the biggest fighting game franchises of all time. By the latest title, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, it's a cavalcade of gaming history. This iteration features everyone from Nintendo icons like Mario and Pikachu, to retro legends like Pac-Man and Ryu, to modern-day classics like Minecraft Steve and Sora.

Every stage in the game also serves as a tribute to various games throughout Nintendo's history. Some of these stages, while only offering a few platforms to battle on, have become more iconic than the original games they're from. Nevertheless, it would be difficult to argue that these stages bring out the best that Super Smash Bros has to offer.

10 Saffron City

Jigglypuff and Pikachu battling on the Saffron City stage

The original Super Smash Bros for Nintendo 64 features some of the most simplistic stages in the franchise's history. However, the Pokemon-inspired Saffron City is certainly one of its most interesting. Most of the fighting takes place at the top of Silph Co., a headquarters that plays a significant role in the story of Generation 1's Pokemon Red & Blue.

This stage also set the foundations for future Pokemon series stages in Smash titles. Occasionally, various Generation 1 Pokemon will appear from the door on the Silph Co. rooftop, such as Electrode or Chansey. It also features Flying-type Pokemon such as Fearow or Moltres making cameos in the background during matches.

9 Temple

A full view of the Temple stage in Super Smash Bros Melee

This is one of the most famously brutal stages in Super Smash Bros. Melee. While it doesn't contain difficult-to-avoid hazards like Brinstar Depths or Rainbow Cruise, it's one of the largest stages in the game. For a title like Melee that draws a lot of competitive players, this stage layout can be a nightmare in the heat of battle.

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Particularly, Temple has an underground section with low ceilings, allowing for certain fighters to easily chain combos against helpless opponents, often called the "Fight Club." The stage's size also encourages players to run away from action rather than confront it. Either way, most Melee players remember Temple if only for its grueling layout.

8 Fountain of Dreams

Link standing alone on Fountain of Dreams in Melee

In terms of more competitive-appropriate stages in Melee, Fountain of Dreams is quite a fan-favorite. The stage is based on a location of the same name from the Kirby franchise, most notably appearing in the Milky Way Wishes sub-game of Kirby Super Star. It's often favored for its simplistic, three-platform layout and adequate size for matches.

Unfortunately, a stage like this doesn't come without its technical limitations. Famously, the reflection of the stage's main platform are actually completely separate, lower-resolution models. Super Smash Bros Ultimate also deactivates the possibility of accessing certain Assist Trophies on this stage, which may be preferable to some players.

7 Onett

An empty Onett stage in Smash Bros Wii U

Despite Mother being one of Nintendo's less-popular franchises, the series has quite a footprint in Super Smash Bros. The protagonist of Earthbound, Ness, has been a series regular since the Nintendo 64 title. However, he didn't get his own stage until Melee, with the Onett stage being based on Ness' hometown from the SNES classic.

This stage is home to many Easter eggs for diehard Earthbound fans, such as the meteor crash site near the mountain in the background. Players may also keep in mind the threat of passing cars as hazards, such as the Runaway Five Tour Bus, which appears frequently in Earthbound. Its music may also be burned into the brains of frequent Melee players.

6 Big Blue

Donkey Kong fighting Ike on Big Blue in Brawl

Like Ness, Captain Falcon has been a mainstay in Super Smash Bros, despite the dormant nature of his origin series, F-Zero. The absence of new titles in the racing series hasn't deterred players from enjoying some of Falcon's most iconic Super Smash Bros stages. One of these is the infamous Big Blue, a stage that takes place mid-race.

Most of the battle is done on the short platform that is Captain Falcon's ship, the Falcon Flyer. Passing cars make for additional platforms, but falling onto the track will result in an instant-KO. When the stage re-appeared in Brawl, some players were quick to notice that when playing as Sonic the Hedgehog and equipping bunny ears, it is possible to outrun the race cars.

5 Halberd

An empty Halberd stage in Brawl

Captain Falcon isn't the only one with an iconic Super Smash Bros ship. Meta Knight's ship, the Halberd, makes its stage debut in Brawl, though it originally appeared in the Revenge of Meta Knight sub-game in Kirby Super Star. The stage features a platform that docks on the ship, finding players the targets of its laser cannons and various other weaponry.

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Not only is it a gorgeous-looking stage, but it also carries importance in Brawl specifically. The Halberd appears frequently in Brawl's Adventure Mode, used as the mother ship of the Subspace Army. Meta Knight's role in the Adventure Mode is to reclaim control of his ship, which he does with the help of Lucario and Snake.

4 Smashville

K.K. Slider performing on an empty Smashville stage in Brawl

This Brawl stage inspired by Animal Crossing predates a playable character in the series, which eventually came with Villager in Super Smash Bros 4. It's a fairly simplistic stage, with one large platform and several floating ones that fly on and off the screen. However, the real charm of the stage comes with its cameos.

Randomly, Animal Crossing characters will appear in the background of the stage observing the fight. Some of them, like Gulliver or Kapp'n, will pass by in vehicles. The big show-stopper, however, is K.K. Slider, who appears every Saturday night to play songs for a crowd, making this stage a must-play for weekend tournaments.

3 Boxing Ring

Kirby facing King Dedede on the Boxing Ring stage in Smash Wii U

The addition of Little Mac in Super Smash Bros 4 was a long time coming after years of fan demand. The character's inclusion also made way for the Boxing Ring stage, which was frequently seen in reveal trailers for the Wii U and 3DS titles. The Boxing Ring continued to appear in trailers for characters like Ken and Incineroar in Super Smash Bros Ultimate.

The stage also features some cool Easter eggs that change with every character used. Screens on the far-back wall will display a character's artwork, as well as a unique nickname for each of them. Mario is donned "Mr. Video Game Himself," while Lucina from Fire Emblem is nicknamed "Warrior From a Doomed Future."

2 Palutena's Temple

Palutena giving Pit advice on battling Sonic in Smash Wii U

Super Smash Bros 4 also featured some well-earned representation for the Kid Icarus franchise. In between Smash titles, series director Masahiro Sakurai revived the retro franchise with Kid Icarus Uprising for the 3DS. As a result, Palutena and Dark Pit were added as newcomers, along with a brand-new Palutena's Temple stage for the Wii U game.

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Along with being one of the most massive stages in the series, it also became a replacement for Shadow Moses Island from Brawl. Rather than have Metal Gear Solid characters discuss Snake's opponents, Pit can call upon Palutena or Viridi to converse about the various characters who appear in Ultimate.

1 Gamer

A Mii Brawler being spotted by 5-Volt on the Gamer stage in Smash Wii U

Few stages capture the magic of their original games like Gamer. This stage first appeared in Super Smash Bros for Wii U, based on the Gamer minigame from Game & Wario. In the original game, players would have to complete various WarioWare mini-games while avoiding being caught by 9-Volt's lurking mother, often producing horrifying reactions.

On the Gamer stage, the same concept applies, as players must battle without being spotted by 9-Volt's mother. If caught, players will take damage and be knocked back, which can dramatically turn the tide of battle against reckless players. It definitely takes the cake for being one of the most thrilling stages to play in the entire Super Smash Bros series.

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