The series of sexual misconduct and assault allegations sweeping the video game industry has just hit the Super Smash Bros. eSports community. Players and popular personalities in the community are stepping forward with their own stories of misconduct. This article has explicit references to topics such as sexual assault and grooming, so reader discretion is advised.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate player Troy "Puppeh" Wells posted a Twitlonger in which he describes prominent Smash caster Cinnamon "Cinnpie" Dunson making inappropriate advances towards him that led into an unwanted sexual relationship. This happened during the Summer of 2016, when Wells was only fourteen years old and Dunson was 24. Dunson has yet to comment on or respond to the allegations, but others on Twitter have shared on-stream clips of older tournaments where she can be seen being physical with Wells.

RELATED: Skullgirls, Indivisible Dev Accused of Sending Sexual Harassment Messages

Another major allegation comes from this morning when Zack "CaptainZack" Lauth posted a Twitlonger accusing top-tier Smash pro Nairoby "Nairo" Quezada of engaging in a sexual relationship with him when he was fifteen and the accused was twenty. Fellow pro Gavin "Tweek" Dempsey seconded Zack's account in his own Twitlonger. He said that he was aware of the relationship between the two, but stayed quiet out of respect for Zack's wishes, who Tweek said begged him to keep the relationship secret. Nairo deleted their Twitter account shortly after the accusation surfaced, and the gaming organization NRG announced that they are severing ties with Nairo.

super smash bros. ultimate third fighters pass

One of the biggest stories out of this features EVO co-founder Joey Cuellar, also known as MrWizard. Early this morning, EVO, which is running an online event this year starting the 4th of July, announced that it is aware of allegations against Cuellar and are putting him on administrative leave while it investigates. This bit of news follows several accusations, including one made on Twitlonger by PyronIkari. PyronIkari's claim in particular claims Cuellar made "bets" in order to get predominantly "young boys" to take off their clothes or, in PyronIkari's case, show him his private parts. Cuellar has yet to say anything about these allegations.

More details about these accusations will be published as they become available.

MORE: Ubisoft Responds to Sexual Misconduct Claims

Source: Twitlonger (1, 2, 3, 4) via Dexerto; Twitter