There's a lot about the Marvel Cinematic Universe that's based on and identical to real-life. Locations, people, and events that have occurred in the real world are often also present in the MCU, but not always. However, it seems that one beloved video game from the real world does indeed exist in the MCU universe.

The brief game reference came in the first episode of the new MCU Disney+ series, Ms Marvel. A conversation between characters reveals that Super Smash Bros. exists in the MCU, and not everyone is a fan of it.

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Ms Marvel recently launched on Disney+, introducing the MCU's live-action take on the character to the world. During a conversation at school, the titular Ms Marvel makes mention of Super Smash Bros., wondering if her friend Nakia is interested in playing it. They quickly shut the proposition down, declaring that they're not a fan of the game. So far, the game hasn't actually been shown on the show, but with it just getting started, that could still change.

Viewer comments on the reference to Smash vary widely. Some fans seemed very appreciative of the mention, while others were pleased to hear a character note that they're not a fan. Super Smash Bros. is a hugely popular series, but that doesn't mean that everyone loves it, after all. Others pointed out some interesting questions regarding the history of the MCU so far when compared to the real world.

Following the 'blip' that led to half of the population of the universe vanishing, the real world's history and the MCU's started to vary from each other a bit more. This is seen when Thor is playing Fortnite on PS4 in Avengers:Endgame, as the PS5 had launched years prior to that time in the real world. While the specifics are never explicitly stated, it's reasonable to believe that technological progress and innovation would have been disrupted a great deal. With that in mind, there's no guarantee that the Super Smash Bros. Kamala is referring to is Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for the Nintendo Switch; it could be an older version, like that for the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS.

Some fans also pointed out that Disney has ties to Nintendo and Super Smash Bros. now with the inclusion of Sora as Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's final DLC fighter. While a simple namedrop isn't likely to be a serious attempt at marketing or promoting the game, it also wouldn't hurt if it resulted in a few more copies shipped. It'll be interesting to see if any other video games are mentioned over the course of the series; perhaps Kingdom Hearts itself will eventually be referenced.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is available now for the Nintendo Switch. Ms Marvel is now airing exclusively on Disney+.

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