For many fans, Masahiro Sakurai is known for being the director of the highly successful and critically acclaimed Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Others know him for being the director that successfully brought Kirby to life and creating a gaming icon. And then there's a subset of fans who adored the cult classic Kid Icarus: Uprising for the Nintendo 3DS. For the last few weeks, Masahiro Sakurai and Tekken director Katsuhiro Harada have been hosting a set of episodes on Harada's Bar, Harada's very own web show where they discuss a variety of topics. These include their experiences in the gaming industry, to the more mundane aspects of each other's lives. The latest episode of Harada's Bar sees him answering questions from fans, including Kid Icarus: Uprising.

Kid Icarus: Uprising was the 2011 sequel to the original NES Kid Icarus released in 1986. The sequel went in a very different direction, where one-half was an aerial on-rails shooter, while one part was a ground-based third-person shooter with some slight hack-and-slash mechanics. The game had a lot of praise given for its story and very funny characters and dialogue. The only major issue for fans was the control scheme, which can end up hurting a player's hand when played for too long. Despite that, the game was a huge hit on the Nintendo 3DS, where Sakurai talks about the creation of this game in this latest episode.

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Sakurai noted the inspiration stemmed from a DS series of games known as Touch! Generations. These included games like Dr. Kawashima's Brain Age, which were short games that were good for exercising the brain. He believed that the trend would continue, and wanted to use take that experience to the next level. He further believed that to accomplish this, he could make the game a third-person shooter, due to the 3DS' depth feature. The smaller screen on the 3DS however made the depth of view limited however, so instead of one-on-one fights, this resulted in Pit taking down much larger foes.

A lot of fan questions were sent in for the episode of the show, which ranged from the Kirby series to some more mundane aspects of Sakurai's life. In this episode of Harada's Bar, Harada even noted that there were several questions that revolved around Kid Icarus: Uprising. These were most likely about a continuation or port of the 3DS game, though Sakurai has expressed that a sequel would be difficult.

Some other questions that had came in for the show was regarding Sakurai's health. A lot of fans have worried that Sakurai has been working himself too hard, with some of these concerns maybe stemming from a previous Harada's Bar episode. The man assures fans that he is fine, and that he's going to continue working hard without issues.

Kid Icarus: Uprising is available on Nintendo 3DS.

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