Following the release of the final DLC character, the roster for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate totals over 80 characters. The long-running series is one of Nintendo's most popular franchises, featuring characters from video game history battling it out. While every character is meant to be treated equal, some unfortunately get sidelined.

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Over the years, several characters have been added to the Super Smash Bros roster and lack originality or strength. Oftentimes, these characters will get buffs or redesigns, such as the addition of Ganondorf's sword in Ultimate. These ten characters, as they currently are in Ultimate, could definitely use some updates.

10 Kirby

Kirby slicing downward with the Air Cutter on Tomodachi Life

Kirby made his debut all the way back in the original Super Smash Bros for Nintendo 64. His design has been pretty simple, featuring some iconic moves like his Stone form and hammer attack. However, most of his moveset design has been based around a gimmick where he copies any player's neutral special attacks.

Unfortunately, this gimmick has not helped Kirby in the long-run. As of Ultimate, Kirby ranks near the bottom of the tier list in competitive play. In future games, it'd be helpful if Kirby's design wasn't so reliant on his neutral special, and contained some alternate attack options that won't be affected based on his opponent.

9 Luigi

Luigi shooting a green fireball in Skyloft

Luigi's original moveset design in Smash 64 was basically a carbon copy of Mario's. Since then, the two have strayed in different directions, with Mario utilizing F.L.U.D.D. and Cappy, whereas Luigi gets alternate specials like the Luigi Missile and the Luigi Cyclone. However, Luigi could use more changes to differentiate him from Mario.

As of Ultimate, Luigi's grab moves now utilize the Poltergust G-00 from Luigi's Mansion 3, and the invention also appears in his Final Smash. It would be interesting to see Luigi's moveset incorporate it more into his special moves. By the next Smash game, Luigi's playstyle could make him entirely unique from his brother.

8 Zelda

Zelda smiling in Hyrule Temple

The titular character from The Legend of Zelda has gone through a lot of changes since Super Smash Bros Brawl. As of the Wii U/3DS installments of the game, Zelda and Sheik are now two separate characters. As a result, Zelda has performed poorly competitively and often ranks low in competitive tier lists.

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Some changes made to Zelda could make her moveset fresh. Her new moveset could be based on the Champion's abilities from Breath of the Wild, giving her moves that restore health and recovery high and fast. Her Phantom move could also be removed to make room for a Toon Zelda fighter who battles in the Phantom armor.

Young Link holding up his shield on Great Bay

Young Link suffers from a similar problem as Luigi. When the character was first introduced in Melee, he was similar in most aspects to Link. Few overhauls were made in the transition to Ultimate, despite Young Link having incredibly potential for an original moveset based on the Zelda title Majora's Mask.

This improved Young Link could make use of the Masks that players acquire throughout the game. The specials could all use an ability that summon the Goron Mask, Deku Mask, and Zora Mask. Finally, Young Link's Final Smash could incorporate the Fiercy Deity Mask, which would improve upon the Triforce Slash.

6 Meta Knight

Meta Knight flying in front of the moon

In the Brawl days, Meta Knight was considered to be the most broken character in Super Smash Bros history. As a result, the character was heavily nerfed in Super Smash Bros 4, and received few buffs in the transition to Ultimate. However, it may be time for the character to reclaim his former glory on the Smash tier list.

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Currently, Meta Knight ranks significantly low on the Ultimate tier list, which is a harsh drop from SSB4. To even get back to the way he was in the previous entry, Meta Knight would need some serious buffs in his dash attacks and combo potential. Hopefully, Meta Knight can become good without being frustrating to fight against.

Young Link waving the Wind Waker on Kapp'n's Island

The replacement for Young Link was introduced in Brawl, yet suffers similar shortcomings to the original Link clone. It can be exhausting for Smash fans to have three Links in the game with very few differences between them. Considering the changes suggested for Young Link, Toon Link could have similar reworks.

Fortunately, The Wind Waker provides lots of options for new special moves for Toon Link. These new specials can utilize the unique items in this game, such as the Grappling Hook, Mirror Shield, and Skull Hammer. There could also be moves that make use of Toon Link's nautical abilities, as well as the Wind Waker instrument.

4 Little Mac

Little Mac charging up his neutral special

Little Mac's competitive potential was doomed from the start. Upon the character's introduction to SSB4, it was revealed that Little Mac would be exclusively a grounded fighter, having little to no options for airborne fights. This has essentially crippled Little Mac's strength, keeping him low tier in both SSB4 and Ultimate.

Suffice it to say, for a character as anticipated as Little Mac throughout Smash's history, the Punch-Out star deserves better. These changes could include making Little Mac's grounded potential even more threatening than it already is. Increased speed could also make this character hard to avoid when not airborne.

3 Dark Pit

Dark Pit wielding his bow blades on Coliseum

Not many Smash fans were predicting Dark Pit's appearance in SSB4. However, the Echo Fighter of Pit has proven to be a worthwhile variation of the Kid Icarus character. Among the few differences between the two include different Final Smashes and an altered Side Special. However, more could still be done.

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It's odd that only Dark Pit's side special was changed. Kid Icarus Uprising has a large inventory of weapons that could potentially make for a good moveset. Dark Pit's neutral special could make use of his Dark Pit Staff, while his down special could replace the Guardian Orbitars with more offensive options.

2 King K. Rool

King K. Rool pointing at himself in a wrestling ring

Similar to Little Mac, King K. Rool's appearance in Ultimate has been a long-time coming. That's why it's so shocking that the heavyweight icon lingers near the bottom of the competitive tier list. A character like King K. Rool deserves to be way more menacing on the battlefield, and that could be done with a few small changes.

While K. Rool's strengths are quite significant, his weaknesses often prove to be detrimental in fights. Because of this, the next Smash game could see King K. Rool get increased mobility, allowing him to evade easy combos better. It'd be hard to change aspects like his weight or hurtbox, so changes like this would be integral.

1 Piranha Plant

Piranha Plant in mid-air on Midgar

Piranha Plant might be the least-expected character in all of Smash history, even next to Wii Fit Trainer and R.O.B.. As the first DLC character in Ultimate, Piranha Plant was a solid choice as a fun, bonus character for those who bought the game early. Still, it would be exciting to see the character become impossibly strong.

To increase Piranha Plant's viability, many of his attacks would have to become quicker to not suffer from end lag. Additionally, his weight and mobility could also be altered, making him be less susceptible to combo attacks. The day when Piranha Plant wins a competitive tournament will be a hilarious day in Smash history.

More: Super Smash Bros Fighters Who Used To Be Good Competitively (But Aren't Anymore)