There are tons of pop culture references to sort people by personality type, like what Friends or Seinfeld character you are, but nothing is more popular than what Hogwarts House you belong to. These four options, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin, cover the pretty much every personality type imaginable in some capacity or another.

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Now, your house placement can be used to make many choices in life, so why not which character to play in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate? Whether your brave, wise, caring or disciplined, there is a Smash character to match your house.

10 Ness, Slytherin

While not every Slytherin is evil, the majority of evil wizards are Slytherin. Super Smash Bros. resident evil wizard, Ness, is a fantastic pick for any Slytherin. Matching the traits of being determined and being willing to do whatever it takes to reach their goals, the brutal capabilities of Ness' PK Fire (read spamming) make him a surefire candidate for the house. Seeing an opponent pick Ness puts a certain pit into your stomach, much like seeing many of the dark wizards that come from Slytherin. You should be wary of anyone who picks Ness.

9 Isabelle, Hufflepuff

While Isabelle is certainly capable of some intense acts of violence, she has a very caring and sweet nature about her that follows in line with traits of the Hufflepuff house. Her adorable exterior matches her adorable interior as well, always caring for our beloved mayor. Isabelle works phenomenally hard, only for the sake of others, never for herself. She embodies the nature of Hufflepuff through this and makes for a loving, caring, fighting machine.

8 Fox, Ravenclaw

A fan-favorite and the character of choice for Super Smash Bros. Melee, Fox is incredibly fast and tactical. He requires strong knowledge and thought to play, making him an excellent choice for anyone belonging to the Ravenclaw house.

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His difficult to master move set and combos make him incredibly appealing to those who like to think their way through a fight. This master starfighter makes a fantastic choice for our resident thinkers and tacticians, who laugh as others try to find victory through brute force.

7 Joker, Gryffindor

The leader of the Phantom Thieves, Joker of Persona 5 fame brings courage and loyalty, which is the trademark of Gryffindor. Joker constantly stands up for people and against corruption, even if it means rule-breaking and crime-committing. While this straddles the line between Gryffindor and Slytherin, Joker, much like Harry Potter, ultimately proves to be the hero of the story, justifying the majority of his actions through their results. This Super Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC character is the (almost) anti-hero that Gryffindor can rally behind.

6 Villager, Slytherin

It might seem counterintuitive for Isabelle's counterpart to be Slytherin, but their actions support it. Villager's only goal is to live in the largest mansion possible, surrounded by all their favorite material items. Villager abuses the capitalistic system and even feigns friendships with others in order to gain free stuff. The dead eyes and brutal tactics in Smash just further support this narrative of darkness lying inside the villager. Villager might not be evil, but they stop at nothing to achieve their goals.

5 Luigi, Hufflepuff

Luigi is constantly afraid, but in moments when his friends are faced with grave danger, he rises to the occasion. Constantly outshined but his egotistical brother Luigi never complains and even helps Mario out whenever he gets captured inside a haunted mansion.

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Luigi isn't the smartest or the bravest around, but he cares for others in a way that only a Hufflepuff could. Luigi doesn't do anything for Luigi, he does it all for you.

4 Daisy, Ravenclaw

Daisy has always just been an alternative to Peach but in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Daisy is clearly the better character, no matter what Mario says. This princess has a powerful move set, as long as you know what you're doing. Her counter and other special moves all require more thought and skill than in other characters, making her an excellent consideration for Ravenclaw. Daisy might get outshined by some of her better-known counterparts, just like Ravenclaw, but it doesn't take much to see that she knows something that everyone else doesn't.

3 Kirby, Gryffindor

Kirby, the once-banned fighter, is the undisputed hero of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Kirby is the sole survivor of the apocalyptic events of the game's story mode and he does his best to rise to the occasion to save every last one of them. Kirby is the character in the game the most in line with the values of the house Gryffindor, very possibly even more so than Harry himself. This pink ball of courage stops at nothing to save the day, no matter the danger or occasion. He isn't the hero Smash deserves, but the one it needs.

2 Duck Hunt, Slytherin

Don't let his cute face and apparent partnership with the bird fool you, Duck Hunt Dog is a menace to society. This maniacal creature takes far too much pleasure in the pain and suffering of others, laughing at their demise. No dog packing that many explosives can be a good boy, no matter the sad puppy dog eyes he might be giving you.

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Duck Hunt Dog is Slytherin, no doubt about it. Not everyone in Slytherin is evil, but those like Duck Hunt Dog are the reason the stereotype exists. Duck Hunt Dog might be in the Slytherin house but he should be in the crazy house.

1 Diddy Kong, Gryffindor

Diddy Kong is the silent hero, never bragging or boasting, only helping. Not only that but anyone willing to play this character is most definitely courageous, at least to a fault. Diddy Kong is not good, but if you feel the need to give every character on the roster a shot no matter what, you are probably a member of Gryffindor. Nothing in Diddy's set is good for much of anything but he continues to try his heart out every match, even though we all know how it ends anyway. Persistence in the face failure is courage after all.

NEXT: Hogwarts Houses Of The Last Of Us Characters