Team Meat's not yet ready to release Super Meat Boy Forever, but it isn't going to pass up an opportunity to make a cutting remark towards Electronic Arts in the process. Today the Super Meat Boy Forever developers issued a statement confirming a delay, noting that the game needs a bit more time in development and will miss its April release window. In the process of revealing the dealy, Team Meat makes a not-subtle-at-all reference to an "Evil A**hat corporation" and it's definitely not just a reference to where Dr. Fetus might work.

In a very matter of fact and a perfectly on-brand statement released on Twitter, Team Meat addresses the Super Meat Boy Forever delay candidly. "Game delays blow, we know, but we're close so it shouldn't be too long of a delay." Super Meat Boy Forever's new release window now comfortably rests at, "After but not too far after April 2019."

The dig at EA comes as part of Team Meat's explanation for Super Meat Boy Forever's delay. Team Meat says it's "fortunate" in that it's able to make these kinds of decisions as opposed to having to "run ourselves into the ground." It says this in comparison to another figurative studio that doesn't have this choice, a studio "owned by an Evil A**hat corporation that has say over what we do and how we do it."

That Team Meat's made-up corporation has the same initials as Electronic Arts is likely no coincidence, though perhaps it's enough for plausible deniability. That this statement comes amidst a fiasco regarding Electronic Arts subsidiary BioWare and its working conditions perhaps erases such plausible deniability.

Cutting remarks aside, Super Meat Boy fans are unlikely to be too stressed over the follow-up's delay. If anything, Team Meat's candidness and humor will only ingratiate its faithful community even more to the franchise. Super Meat Boy Forever was initially announced in 2014, though its current iteration only came about in 2017. Fans are likely more than willing to wait a month or more as necessary for the return of Meat Boy, Bandage Girl, and Dr. Fetus.

Super Meat Boy Forever releases "not too far after April" for the Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, Xbox One, and mobile devices.