New data suggests that the full purchases for Nintendo's side-scrolling, auto-running video game Super Mario Run only amounts to roughly 3 million users in total.

Despite having set an App Store record for day one downloads in the digital distribution platform when it launched several weeks ago for iOS devices, Super Mario Run doesn't seem to be generating the surfeits of revenue that Nintendo and its fans had originally hoped it would. According to fresh data, Super Mario Run has fared well when it comes to downloads – so far, about 90 million downloads have been accounted for – but it seems as if only 3% of those downloads are translating to players paying to unlock the full version of the mobile title.

This information comes courtesy of The Wall Street Journal, who initially reported the data for Super Mario Run that was given to it by the market research firm known as Newzoo. According to the numbers provided, the game has earned $30 million in gross revenue since its iOS launch back in December 15. With that being the case, should every single person out of the 90 million who downloaded the game have spent about $10 to buy the full version, then Nintendo's revenue for the mobile title could have been approximately $900 million.

Of course, Super Mario Run generating profits of $30 million shouldn't really be considered an all out failure by any stretch of the imagination, especially when one considers that it's only been available for iOS devices and is one of the more expensive mobile titles out there. Plus, Android registration just recently started a few days ago, and it will alert fans whenever it becomes available in the Google Play store, which could result in more sumptuous amounts of revenue for Nintendo in the long run.

Naturally, not all Android users will download the free version of Super Mario Run when it comes out for the operating system, and even less will end up paying $10 for the full product. However, once the game launches to a much wider market, it has a greater chance of becoming a financial success that could eventually support a follow-up or cheaper version, which was implied by a recent survey sent out by Nintendo.

As it currently stands, Super Mario Run doesn't have much of a chance of when it comes to matching or besting the profits garnered by Nintendo mobile releases like Pokemon GO, or other developers' popular games that have been available for smartphones and tablets for some time. Nevertheless, there's no reason to totally discount Super Mario Run from the race in regards to it making a respectable financial showing when all's said and done.

What do you think about Super Mario Run only being purchased by about 3 million users? Were you one of those players who paid for the full version? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Super Mario Run is currently available for iOS devices, with a launch for Android devices coming in 2017.