
  • Super Mario RPG remains faithful to the original game, offering a great experience for fans and newcomers alike, but its unchanged nature also makes it feel a bit outdated compared to modern gaming.
  • The leveling system in Super Mario RPG reflects older RPGs, lacking the depth and customization found in more recent games with expansive talent trees, which may disappoint players seeking more control over character development.
  • While the remake honors the original title and delivers what fans have wanted for years, its similarity to the 27-year-old game can make it feel dated.

Super Mario RPG faithfully recreates that classic adventure for the modern age, but something feels a bit off. Instead of completely overhauling the game like some remakes do, Nintendo has chosen to keep the game relatively unaltered save for a few new additions. That has led to a great experience for fans of that original game as well as newcomers. However, it also feels a bit ancient. While it may be great to see Super Mario RPG with an HD facelift, gaming has changed a lot since 1996.

One of the areas where Super Mario RPG's age is the most prevalent is in its leveling system. Leveling has changed drastically over the years with RPGs trying different ways to incorporate it. Additionally, the concept of leveling has made its way to all sorts of different genres, which has led to a diverse system. But Super Mario RPG has brought the concept back to the basics, and while that may work well when remaking a classic game, it pales in comparison to what players have been getting for the last couple of years.

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Super Mario RPG Honors That Original Title

Super Mario RPG Feels Like a 1996 Game

While remakes like the Final Fantasy 7 Remake have completely overhauled the game it is based on, Super Mario RPG has stuck as close as possible to that classic experience. Those who played that original game should know exactly what to expect here. The story has remained the same, it plays extremely similar to the original title, and even the HD graphics are reminiscent of its predecessor. Nintendo may have injected a few new mechanics into the mix, but the majority of the game feels exactly like it did 27 years ago.

There is nothing wrong with Nintendo's approach to remakes, especially because that is exactly what fans have been wanting for years. There is a reason that Super Mario RPG is so popular, and this remake has once again reminded audiences of that. However, because it is so similar to the original, it also feels a bit dated when compared to other RPGs that have come out recently. And specifically, its leveling system could use a bit of work.

Gaming Has Evolved Greatly Since 1996

Just like with every RPG before it, Super Mario RPG features a leveling system that lets the party grow in power as they progress through the game. With each defeated monster, the party is granted a certain amount of XP. Once a character hits a certain XP threshold, they will level up and be granted new powers. Genre fans should know exactly how this concept works, but those who are looking for an in-depth leveling system will not find it here.

When a character levels up, their primary stats are increased. Additionally, players can select one of three stats to upgrade. They can either give the character more health, increase their attack power, or increase their magic strength. Occasionally, these characters will also unlock new spells and abilities. But players have no control over that side of leveling.

Super Mario RPG's leveling system may harken back to RPGs of old, yet it feels very dated by today's standards. Most modern RPGs give players massive talent trees that they can plunge countless points into. This gives them the freedom to design characters around their preferred play style, which gives them immense freedom.

Super Mario RPG does not offer that same level of control, which means that its leveling system may feel a bit lackluster to fans of talent trees. And while that may not ruin the game experience, some players may have wanted a bit more from Super Mario RPG's grand return, even if what it does offer remains truly faithful.