As players make their way through Super Mario RPG, they will inevitably come across a Special Enemy. Though they may look like their regular counterparts, these Special Enemies can take players by surprise with their toughness. This guide will detail everything there is to know about these powerful foes and if their risk is worth the reward.

Super Mario RPG: How to Get the Pipe Vault Frog Coin

After saving Rose Town in Super Mario RPG, players have the option to visit the Pipe Vault. Inside is a Frog Coin that may prove tricky to obtain.

What Is a Special Enemy in Super Mario RPG?

Super Mario RPG Special Enemy Starslap

In Super Mario RPG, a Special Enemy is, to put it simply, a stronger version of an enemy found in the game. While there are stronger variations of enemies found as players progress through the game, those have different names and aren't considered the same enemy.

A Special Enemy will look completely identical to its normal counterpart except for the gold lettering of its name and "Special Enemy" listed beneath.

Super Mario RPG Special Enemies

Though these variants look the same, Special Enemies hit harder and take a lot longer to defeat, posing a potential challenge if players are caught unaware. Their attacks, defenses, speed, and HP will all be raised higher than normal, making their appearances in late-game encounters a major threat. However, players will also earn additional Exp. for defeating a Special Enemy, rewarding them for overcoming the sudden challenge.

How to Find Special Enemies in Super Mario RPG

Super Mario RPG Boo in Kero Sewers

Although Special Enemies can appear in any standard enemy encounter, there is no way to tell if a battle will include a Special Enemy ahead of time. All enemies will appear the same in the overworld, so the only method for finding Special Enemies is to continually enter combat with enemies.

Changing the difficulty of Super Mario RPG does not appear to affect the frequency of Special Enemy appearances. That said, playing on Breezy difficulty would make the battles easier when they do eventually appear.

Farming Special Enemies for Frog Coins

In addition to receiving higher Exp. than normal, players will earn one Frog Coin each time they defeat a Special Enemy, as shown in the video above. This Frog Coin is always a guarantee, but will never drop more than one per Special Enemy.

Super Mario RPG Frog Coin

As they make their way through the game, players will steadily accumulate these Frog Coins from the many random encounters they face. However, due to Special Enemies' even more random appearance in these encounters, this is far from the most efficient method to farm Frog Coins and is not recommended.

super mario rpg remake
Super Mario RPG

Super Mario
November 17, 2023