
  • Super Mario RPG remake includes a special Easter egg from the Japanese version that was previously exclusive, activated via a cheat code.
  • The North American version of the original game removed Easter eggs and pop culture references, but the remake reintroduces them.
  • The Easter egg is an amusing "cheat code" that has no actual gameplay effects, but adds charm and nostalgia to the game for long-time fans.

Players have discovered that the Super Mario RPG remake contains a special Easter egg that had previously been exclusive to the Japanese version of the original game, which can be activated via a specific cheat code. This Easter egg is one of many fun secrets from the 1996 classic Legend of the Seven Stars that are recreated in Super Mario RPG.

The original Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars was released in Japan in March 1996, and then in North America in May of that year. The North American version of the game removed many Easter eggs, pop culture references, and other particular oddities from the Japanese original, and their absence was noticed by fans who had the opportunity to play both versions. Among the many changes made in the Super Mario RPG remake was the reintroduction of some of these deleted references and Easter eggs.

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This particular secret can be unlocked at any time from the game's pause menu, by pressing the following buttons: Down, Up, Right, Left, L, R, L, R, B. Inputting the code correctly will cause Toad to appear in the middle of the screen and inform the player that they've found a secret code, then start speculating about what the code could have done. Toad will navigate through the pause menu, inspecting the player's stats, before eventually concluding that the code didn't do anything. Unlike other secrets in the game, like the hidden treasure chests throughout Super Mario RPG, this appearance from Toad has no actual effects or benefits in-game.

Super Mario RPG Secret Code

This odd little Easter egg is recreated perfectly from the Japanese original, allowing English-speaking players to experience it for the first time. Fans of Super Mario RPG have long questioned why this amusing "cheat code" was removed from the North American version of the game back in 1996, seeing as it contains no Japanese pop culture references that could have confused international audiences. While the Easter egg is essentially "useless" from a gameplay perspective, it adds to a distinct charm and personality that makes Super Mario RPG such a throwback to the era of classic RPGs.

The faithful recreation of this charming hidden joke is indicative of the care and attention to detail that was put into this remake, much to the delight of long-time fans. The quality of the remake has sparked widespread interest in the possibility of a Super Mario RPG sequel, and the game's distinct personality is undoubtedly a major factor in this appeal.

super mario rpg remake
Super Mario RPG

A remake of 1996's Legend of the Seven Stars, Super Mario RPG revamps the franchise's first role-playing game to make it as accessible as possible for a modern audience. The game utilizes a turn-based combat system reminiscent of old-school JRPGs, one that allows three characters to form a party. Outside of fights, Super Mario RPG features platforming, puzzles, and a more involved story than a traditional Mario game.