Setting the standard for all of Mario's subsequent RPG adventures, Super Mario RPG uses Flower Points (or FP) to fuel characters' abilities and, just as the name implies, is represented by a flower just as HP is represented by a heart. Players are able to increase the amount of FP they hold, but only through the use of certain items.

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What are Flower Points (FP)

Super Mario RPG Special Move

In Super Mario RPG, Flower Points represent characters' ability to perform Special Moves. As they level up, each character learns Special Moves, and each move costs a certain amount of FP to use. Regardless of whether the Special Move is a magic spell or simply a more powerful jump if players do not have enough FP, they cannot use the move. The entire party shares a single pool of FP, so it's important to manage your Special Moves wisely.

Super Mario RPG Item Shop Honey Syrup

However, players can restore any spent FP through the use of items like Honey Syrup. These items can be used both in the overworld and during battle, but the latter requires a party member to use up their turn to do so. However, these consumables can only increase your party's FP up to the party's total maximum.

How to Get More Flower Points (FP)

Super Mario RPG Items that Increase Flower Points FP

Though a character's HP maximum can be increased through leveling up, FP can only be increased by finding special Flower items scattered throughout the game. There is not a finite number of these items within the game, but FP can only reach a maximum of 99 total.

Super Mario RPG Flower Tab in Castle Treasure Room

These special items are Flower Tabs, Flower Jars, and Flower Boxes and increase the party's total Flower Points by the amounts shown below:

  • Flower Tab - Raises FP by 1.
  • Flower Jar - Raises FP by 3.
  • Flower Box - Raises FP by 5.
Super Mario RPG Forest Maze Flower Jar

These items can be found all over the game. Some are found lying out in the overworld or given as a reward for defeating powerful enemies. Many are found in the hidden treasures scattered about in each region. Flower items can also be earned through various activities given to Mario as he visits each town.

Players should stay on the lookout and collect as many Flower items as they can to increase FP and make their battles easier with more frequent Special Moves.