
  • Side quests in Super Mario RPG are not easily trackable and players must pay attention to NPCs for clues and information.
  • Completing side quests in the Mushroom Kingdom rewards players with items that increase Flower Points (FP) in battles.
  • Players can unlock various side adventures, such as finding Yoshi's Island and participating in a martial arts tournament, which offer unique rewards and boss battles.

Super Mario RPG doesn't have traditional side quests that players can easily track. The ability to go into a menu and select which side quest to follow is a relatively new idea in the video game industry. Players instead have to pay attention to what NPCs tell them and piece things together themselves.

Every Companion in Super Mario RPG Explained

Mario will be joined by a cast of new and returning party members in Super Mario RPG, and each one has their own skills to aid the plumber in battle.

Now, as this is a remake, the developers behind Super Mario RPG could have added ways to track quests. They did, after all, change a lot of things, including adding Triple Moves into the battle system, expanding the inventory space, and more. The game is not huge though, so the lack of a side quest track isn't a big deal. So, let's get to some side quests you should be on the lookout for. There will be spoilers.

7 Rescue The Mushroom Kingdom

Stop Claymorton’s Reign Of Terror

A cutscene with Claymorton in Super Mario RPG

There are a couple of side quests that can be tackled in the Mushroom Kingdom after players defeat Croco. Upon returning, Mario and Mallow will see that the Mushroom Kingdom has been overthrown with monsters. Players could rush to the castle to fight the boss in Super Mario RPG, Claymorton, but players would miss out on so much.

If players help every house in town, they will be rewarded. Most of the citizens will give players items that will increase FP, or Flower Points, in Super Mario RPG. Once Claymorton is defeated, don’t forget to get the Toad Sage’s package at the item shop on the way out. This will lead to Mallow’s first weapon, the Froggie Stick.

6 Complete Toadofsky’s Masterpiece

Get Juice Cards

Composing with Toadofsky in Super Mario RPG

At the Tadpole Pond in Super Mario RPG, players can head to the right of the entrance to meet a composer named Toadofsky. He’s trying to write his masterpiece, which can be completed with three pieces of music. The first idea will come from a tadpole outside of Toadofsky’s entrance.

Super Mario RPG: How to Save

Super Mario RPG has gotten many quality-of-life changes in the remake, and saving has seen some improvements made to it.

Players can input So La Mi Re Do Re Do Re into the tadpole mini-game, and then Toadofsky will dash off excitedly. Players can return after hearing a jingle from Moleville and Monstro town to complete the work. Respectively, those two inputs are Mi Do So Do Re La Ti Do and La Ti Do Re So Do Re Mi. Completing each ring of the side quest will reward players with cards to buy special items from tadpoles in the area.

5 Find Yoshi’s Island

Traverse The Pipe Vault

Riding Yoshi in Super Mario RPG

After completing the Forest Maze in Super Mario RPG, players can head right to Moleville to get the next Star Piece. A side adventure is unlocked along the way via the Pipe Vault on the world map, which can be ignored. It’s a relatively simple dungeon with some decent rewards inside and no boss fight.

At the end, players will pop out onto the Yoshi-themed island of Yo’ster Isle. If players win a race against Boshi here, Yoshi will give players Yoshi Cookies. Using them in battle will summon Yoshi as an assist sort of like a Summon in a Final Fantasy game.

4 Perfect Mario’s Jumps

An Armor And Accessory Await

Jumping on Spinies in Super Mario RPG

Ever wonder if there is a reward for doing consecutive Super Jumps in a row? There is, but not until late into the game, although the game keeps count as soon as the move is unlocked. Once players reach Monstro Town, they can unlock a plethora of side quests. There is a wolf character there that will challenge players to do thirty Super Jumps in a row.

This will lead to one of the better accessories in the game, Attack Scarf. Doing a hundred Super Jumps will lead to the armor, Super Suit. Both pieces of gear increase stats exponentially, which is a plus for post-game content. The easiest enemy to practice on is the Spiny in Mushroom Way.

3 The Three Musty Fears

Find Flags For A Prize

The Three Musty Fears visiting Mario in bed in Super Mario RPG

There is another house in Monstro Town worth visiting that just has a bed and lamp in it. Hit the lamp and Mario will go to sleep. He will then be visited by three ghosts in this dream including Boo, Greaper, and Dry Bones.

They will tell Mario they hid flags all over the world with cryptic clues. The three locations include the GOAL sign at Yo’ster Isle, underneath Mario’s bed at home, and the wooden flower in Rose Town. The reward for this fetch quest will be the Ghost Medal accessory which will halve damage in battle. It’s a great type of accessory for any turn-based RPG like this.

2 A Martial Arts Tournament For The Ages

Fight Jinx

Jinx in Super Mario RPG

There are two optional boss battles in Monstro Town worth checking out. The highest door in the village will lead to a dojo. In here, players can fight one of Bowser’s former minions, Jagger. After this fight, the master will appear, aka Jinx.

Super Mario RPG: How to Beat Croco

Croco is the first non-tutorial boss that players will encounter in Super Mario RPG, and here is how to beat him.

Players have to face Jinx three times before they can claim the powerful Jinx Belt accessory. The tricky thing about Jinx is that his evasion is high, and he hits characters like a semi-truck in battle. It proves that powerful things come in tiny packages. A party consisting of Mario, Geno, and Bowser would be a good idea for this boss fight.

1 A Final Fantasy Secret

Culex Is Waiting

Fighting Culex in Super Mario RPG

The other boss fight in Monstro Town will require a lot of money and some prep work. A little girl is selling Shiny Stones in Moleville. She will only trade it for fireworks, though, which can also be bought in Moleville. This Shiny Stone will unlock the boss’ door in Monstro Town, aka Culex.

Culex is a boss inspired by the Final Fantasy series. He is, without a doubt, the hardest boss in the original version of the SNES game, and it’s probably best to leave him alone until he reaches the max level of thirty in Super Mario RPG. The reward for this fight will be the Quartz Charm which will halve damage, increase attacks by 50%, and prevent mortal blows.