Nintendo just revealed its latest entry in the Mario Party series with Super Mario Party Jamboree. Previous Mario Party Switch titles were lacking in certain areas, and the upcoming party game is already set to improve on its predecessors in plenty of ways.

Super Mario Party Jamboree was featured prominently in the June Nintendo Direct. The reveal trailer gave prospective players a lot of enticing information, but left plenty of room for future reveals. With that in mind, there are some features that could really give Jamboree the strength it needs to stand among the best of the Mario Party series.

New Mario Party Game Revealed With New Boards and Game Modes

The June 18 Nintendo direct surprises audiences with a brand-new Mario Party game, featuring new and classic boards and multiple game modes.

Super Mario Party Jamboree's Philosophy Should Be "The More the Merrier"

Diverse Roster of Super Mario Characters

One of the trailer's biggest highlights was the reveal of an all-new 20 player game mode. Assuming Jamboree follows previous series mechanics, players won't be able to select the same character, even online. Naturally, this means the game must have twenty characters at least, and potentially more. That's a huge roster of characters, especially for a Mario Party game.

The size of Super Mario Party Jamboree's roster is already a huge boon, giving players a level of expression largely unseen in the series, but the makeup of the roster could take things even further. There is already plenty of room for all the most popular Super Mario mainstays, with the reveal trailer additionally showcasing more minor characters like Spike.

Obscurity is definitely a good direction to take, but bringing in crowd-pleasers like Diddy Kong is sure to spell a good time. Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong were unlockable characters in Super Mario Party, so having Diddy Kong return in Jamboree feels feasible, since Donkey Kong is already available. Likewise, having additional unlockable characters could add to the game's progression and prevent it from feeling stagnant.

Unique Mario Party Boards Are Best

Super Mario Party Jamboree is seemingly packed to the brim with content old and new. Of course, just as important as the characters people play are the boards they play on. As much as unlockable characters would improve the lifespan of the game, the sentiment is doubly true for unlockable game boards.

Having many game boards is essential for the diversity of the game. Equally important is the gimmick each map asks players to follow. Something missing from Switch-era Mario Party titles is the exceedingly unique gimmicks of older games. Seeing the return of Mario Party boards like Snowflake Lake or Koopa's Tycoon Town -- boards with economies that function completely different from the rest of the game -- would be an absolute joy.

Jamboree already seems to be moving in the right direction. Seven boards is already a sizable upgrade from Super Mario Party's roster of boards, and each of them seems to be trying something different to keep the game fresh. Rainbow Galleria and Roll 'em Raceway seem like particular standouts, so one can only hope that any other new boards are similarly unique.

Every New Stage in Super Mario Party Jamboree Revealed So Far

The announcement trailer for Super Mario Party Jamboree at the 2024 Nintendo Direct recently showed off some of the new maps coming to the game.

Super Mario Party Jamboree Needs to Stay Fresh

Super Mario Party's Custom Dice Blocks Were an Awesome Experiment

One of the coolest features in Super Mario Party was the game's custom dice blocks. Each character had a custom dice block wholly unique to themselves, that players could opt for instead of a standard six-sided die if they felt like changing the odds. Unfortunately, they did not return in Mario Party Superstars, but Jamboree could be Nintendo's chance to correct this.

Custom dice blocks seem like an unlikely inclusion at the current moment, seeing as they weren't featured in the trailer already. However, even if they don't make it into Jamboree at launch, they could potentially be added in with an update. This would also allow players who prefer standard rolls to still play without them. After all, despite their absence in the latest Mario Party game, they still feel very integral to the identity of Super Mario Party.

Don't Lock Players into Joy-Cons Again

Controller support may seem like a smaller ask, but it is just as essential as any hope for the game's content. Super Mario Party could only be played with Joy-Cons, a controversial feature that was thankfully changed with Mario Party Superstars. Jamboree featuring minigames that require Joy-Cons seems like a worrying sign.

However, the game may allow players to simply toggle away these minigames, which would also erase the need to use Joy-Cons at all. Joy-Cons are intentionally small, which can make them inconvenient to use. However, their helpful simplicity is likely why they're considered default for party games.

Despite Joy-Cons' upsides, giving players more choices for accessibility is never a bad thing. Ultimately, the larger wish is simply a question of clarity. Even if players are locked into using Joy-Cons, knowing that clearly from the get go would at least allow players to be more informed on an important aspect of play.

The Greatest Wish for Mario Party Jamboree

One wish that stands above all the others as the key to perfecting Mario Party on the Nintendo Switch: Jamboree should continue to receive support well after launch. Super Mario Party Jamboree is clearly taking a lot of feedback from previous Mario Party Switch titles. This is by all means great news for fans who may have been let down by one or two aspects of the previous games. However, one of the biggest flaws in Jamboree's predecessors was how little was being done to address these minor issues at the time.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Animal Crossing: New Horizons are highlights of the Switch. Likewise, they have received multiple additions since their launch that has only improved the experience of players who stuck with them. Mario Party, much like Mario Kart, is a game that players are likely to keep playing for quite a while.

Super Mario Party didn't have very many boards, and Jamboree is compensating for that. It is absolutely great to learn from its predecessors' shortcomings, but Mario Party DLC should go the extra mile. If Super Mario Party Jamboree continues to address feedback during its own lifespan, it would become something truly special, and a staple of the Nintendo Switch in its own right.