It's been 13 years since Super Mario Galaxy first released on the Wii. After a new coat of paint and a bump in resolution, it's finally available on the Switch as part of the Super Mario 3D All–Stars pack. Although Super Mario Galaxy is actually quite an easy game to play, it can be a difficult one to master thanks to its gravity–based mechanics.

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What's more, it's full of secrets and unlockables that can take a long time to obtain if players don't know exactly what they're looking for. Thankfully, there are a few tricks that can help make gameplay a little easier as well as some hidden extras that can prolong the game once its main challenge has been overcome.

10 Infinite Lives

The Comet Observatory from Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

For players requiring a few extra attempts at making it to the star, there are numerous ways to rack–up extra lives in Super Mario Galaxy. Perhaps the easiest can be found in the game's hub world.

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Throughout the Comet Observatory there are 5 hidden 1–up mushrooms that respawn each time Mario enters the room. By obtaining one of these mushrooms and then leaving and re–entering the area, players are able to quickly pick up the maximum of 99 lives.

9 Homing Ground Pound

The homing ground pound Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

After Mario learns the Star Spin, it's possible to perform a modified version of the ground pound. Not only is the move more powerful than the regular ground pound, but it can also lock on to enemies. To pull this off, all the player needs to do is spin the Joycon while Mario is in mid–air before hitting one of the Z buttons. It might take a bit of practice, but once mastered, this move can make taking out enemies a lot easier.

8 Change Banktoad's Outfit

Banktoad in Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

Once the ability to deposit Star Bits has been unlocked, Banktoad's attire will change depending on how many Star Bits he is holding.

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In total there are six different variations ranging from cute to downright absurd. In his final form, Banktoad will be wearing a miner's flashlight on his head – a nice nod to 2014's Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker.

7 Unlimited Star Bits

The Sling Pod Galaxy from Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

Many of the game's Star Bits respawn after Mario dies, meaning that they can be recollected as many times as the player likes. One of the best places to take advantage of this is in the Sling Pod Galaxy. Somewhere between the checkpoint and the stage's star there is an area where the player can collect around 100 Star Bits. By intentionally dying after collecting them, players can return to the checkpoint and recollect them as many times as they like. After reaching the stage maximum (999), collect the Star and complete the stage.

6 Cosmic Races Speed Boost

A cosmic race from Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

While competing in the Cosmic Races, it's possible to give Mario a very helpful speed boost at the beginning of the race. To do this, the player needs to hold forward when the countdown begins, press and hold one of the Z buttons when it reaches 2 and then press the jump button on "Go." If done correctly, Mario will turn yellow and be propelled forwards for around three seconds. This should be enough to give Mario a decent lead over his cosmic counterpart.

5 Watermelon Madness

A giant watermelon in Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

After handing over the maximum number of Star Bits (9,999) to Banktoad, all of the game's coconuts will be turned into watermelons. It's just an aesthetic change and has no real impact on gameplay, but it does show off a player's mastery of the game. Be warned though that this change is permanent and cannot be undone by withdrawing Star Bits. Anybody with a fear of watermelons should perhaps to stick to 9,998.

4 Unlocking Luigi

Luigi in Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

Unlike the 3D Mario games on home console that came before it, Mario Galaxy allows players to play as Luigi. In order to unlock him, players will need to collect all 120 stars in the game. Once that's been taken care of, speak to Rosalina and request a rematch with Bowser.

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Thankfully, Galaxy's Bowser fight is one of the best in the series, so it shouldn't be too much of a chore. After defeating him again and watching the credits roll, everybody's favorite video game sibling will be unlocked.

3 Co–Star Mode

An example of Co-Star mode in Mario Galaxy (Wii)

Anybody wanting to play the game with a friend can do so by connecting a second Joycon. There won't be an additional character on screen, but the second player will be given a cursor with which they can collect coins and star bits. They're even able to assist with some of Mario's jumps. It might not be a traditional co–op experience, but like the one found in Super Mario Odyssey, it can help to make the game a little easier.

2 The 121st Star

121 stars in Mario Galaxy (Wii)

Despite what the in–game counter might say, there's actually a 121st Star hidden in Super Mario Galaxy. To obtain it, players will need to fully complete the game with both Mario and Luigi. After obtaining all 240 Stars and completing the fight with Bowser using Luigi, speaking with the fourth green Luma on the Planet of Trials will unlock the Grand Finale Galaxy. Here the player can find the 121st Star as well as enjoying the Star Festival from the beginning of the game.

1 Death Counter

A death screen in Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

For anybody wanting to show off their platforming prowess (or be reminded of how badly they've failed), the game also includes a hidden death counter. Players can unlock this by collecting all 121 stars with both brothers. After doing so, a death counter will be displayed on the player's save file. Be warned though; like other 3D Mario games, fully completing Super Mario Galaxy can take a very long time.

NEXT: 10 Hardest Bosses In Super Mario Galaxy