Released in 1985 on the Nintendo Entertainment System, the original Super Mario Bros. is legendary in the gaming world, spawning countless other games in the series which have made the titular characters one of the most recognizable in all of pop culture. Along with Sonic the Hedgehog's Green Hill Zone, World 1-1 is one of the most iconic levels in the video game sphere. On top of that, there have been many who have come along to speedrun the game and set new world records, and sometimes they do it without a traditional controller.

Uploading a video to YouTube a couple of days, streamer CZR was able to set a new record by completing Super Mario Bros. with a drum kit, which is apparently a first for the game. Using the snares, toms, and a foot pedal in place of the more Orthodox Nintendo controller, they were able to run, jump, and warp their way to the closing moments of the game, in a time of just 7:38. That may not seem too fast compared to the standard world record, but it's worth reiterating they were able to do this while drumming. As a result, this appears to be a new world record for Mario Bros. in terms of a drum speedrun, at least.

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This is also not the first time CZR has done something like this. Back in August 2020, they were also able to finish Mario 64 in one hour using a drum kit, showing that they clearly have the chops to combine the antics of the world-famous plumber with rhythmic beats. What's even more impressive about this latest run is CZR used an original NES console rather than a port or an emulation. They said they used a TASrman32 to connect their drums up to be able to use it is a viable controller.

There are all sorts of unusual ways that runners can challenge themselves. While speedrunning is already difficult enough, and requires a lot of time and dedication, some people opt for that extra bit of difficulty. For example, one player was able to set a new world record by speedrunning Super Mario Bros. while wearing a blindfold. It also shows that there are so many ways to play the iconic platformer.

With players speedrunning the likes of Elden Ring, and able to set incredible new records, it shows that the community is fit to burst with many talented individuals. Given that CZR still managed to achieve an amazing time despite dying a couple of times, no doubt they will be back behind the kit to give it another go.

The original Super Mario Bros. was released in 1985 for the NES.

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