An arcade-style fighting game called Super Fight is listed on Steam at an insanely expensive price, with little return on investment. Not to be confused with the smash-hit card game SUPERFIGHT, which also has its own game on Steam, Super Fight is a new game from Developer LGe released on March 25th, 2020.

LGe, also not to be confused with the phone company Lucky Goldstar Electronics, has only one game published, and it's this game. The game appears to be similar to originals like Streets of Rage where characters travel through a side-scrolling level fighting off 90's-themed bad guys. However, players can only choose between two characters and there is only one level to play.

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If the price for the indie game wasn't deterring enough, the reviews are also pretty bad. One player commented, "Wow, I wouldn't buy this for $1.99." YouTube gamer Cr1tikal downloaded the game out of pure curiosity, only to find that the one level lasted a minute long. Luckily Steam players can return any game within the first two weeks of purchase for a full refund.

Why the game is so expensive is anyone's guess, but likely the developer wanted some kind of return on a potential passion project. Needless to say, the game is obviously a lemon, but gamers are more than welcome to try it out for themselves.

Super Fight is out now on Steam available only for Mac and PC.

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