Super Animal Royale is a game that has been out in Early Access since late 2018, a method that other BR games are trying to utilize as well, but it was fully released in a 1.0 state on Steam and just about every mainline console as of August 26th, 2021.

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In it, players take control of an adorable yet deadly little anthropomorphic animal of varying species as they battle it out in a top-down 2D battle royale setting. And, so far, players agree that all this time in Early Access was worth it to make SAR into a more polished and unique BR experience (though maybe not quite as unique as other recent BRs). But, even still, there are a few features the game is desperately missing, so let’s go over the most important ones now.

10 More Game Modes

Super Animal Royale - The Modes Screen As It Currently Is For The Game

Right now, SAR only has the Standard BR Format (that includes Solos, Duos, and Squads) as well as the Mystery Mode. And, while this Mystery Mode does have some interesting modifiers that change up the default gameplay loop, it desperately needs at least one or two more modes.

Other games get away with just the BR mode (but still sometimes add new modes too) because they appeal and advertise to that demographic, but SAR is less mainstream and more approachable for a younger audience, so it should have more options. Some examples of classic modes that wouldn't be too difficult to implement:

9 Some Sort Of Arena Or Ranked Option

Super Animal Royale - Ranking Systems In Other Games Side-By-Side With One Of The SAR Animals Overlaid On Top

It might seem sort of obvious for anyone familiar with competitive multiplayer games, but SAR needs a Ranked Mode or something more difficult to separate the pros and casual players. As it currently stands, the adorable art style, BR design, awkwardly designed Battle Pass, and the large amount of time SAR spent in early access are drawing in a real mixed-bag of player skill levels. In any standard match, there will usually be a blend of battle royale veterans, literal children playing for the cute animals, and dedicated hardcore SAR fans who have played the game since 2018.

Separating the pros from the casual players with a Ranked Mode would be a huge help, and it would also give people another incentive to grind the game too.

8 Static Weapon Slots

Super Animal Royale - Zooming In On The Weapon Slots To Show How The Secondary Slot Isn't There Until You Pick Up A Weapon

Weapon slots in Super Animal Royale aren’t technically “static”, rather, they appear as needed. Once players pick up a gun, suddenly they have a gun slot in addition to their melee slot, and that becomes two slots once they pick up their secondary.

But, if these empty primary/secondary slots just "existed" from the beginning, players could easily pick which slot the first weapon they pick up goes into. It may sound like a hyperspecific gripe (and it is), but anyone familiar with this genre knows that ease of use matters a ton when an incorrect/additional keypress means the difference between staying alive in a gunfight or not.

7 Additional Options For Teammate Indicators

Super Animal Royale - Circling The Ally Direction UI Element To Show How Small It Is

As it currently stands, trying to keep an eye on teammates in Super Animal Royale is just a tad too difficult. Allies won’t always be visible to their teammates, even when they're technically on the same screen as them, thanks to the fog-of-war/shadow mechanic SAR has. So, when a teammate is far enough away, a tiny arrow "pointers" shows up on the border of the screen to point the way to them.

But, it’s very easy to lose track of that arrow in a chaotic gunfight (especially considering how destructive some of the guns are), and it's not exactly the best way to gauge how close a teammate is. Some ideas for additional options include:

  • Options to increase the arrow size/change its color.
  • A subtle “aura” around teammates when they’re in the fog of war nearby.
  • The option to have the arrow react as players get closer and closer to their teammate's positions.
  • Or, even just an option to add a distance tracker to the pointer as well.

6 A Quick Way To "Play Again"

Super Animal Royale - Showing The Lack Of A Play Again Option After Dying

This has to be the biggest feature the game desperately needs, as well as likely the easiest one to implement. After completing a match in Super Animal Royale, players are brought back to the main menu so that they have a chance to go over all the Animal DNA, Super Serum, and Carl’s Coin items they received.

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But, the amount received per game (unless the player wins or gets top 3) is minimal, and most times players are just skipping or clicking through everything to start the next match. In that case, why not add a “play again” button next to the "spectate" and "leave" options so that players can go from one match to another as smoothly and quickly as possible?

5 An Ammo Counter For Stowed Weapons

Super Animal Royale - Putting A Red Box Around The Ammo Counter In-Game

With most other BR games, of which there are plenty considering how versatile the genre is, players can see how full both their weapons are at any time, but in Animal Royale, the ammo count only shows for the currently equipped weapon. That’d be bad, but not egregiously bad in a BR where all guns have a high bullet-per-clip count, But, a ton of the guns in SAR are single-short or have less than 10 bullets a clip!

Plus, the Super Jump Roll cancels the reload animation, even when used at the very end of it, so a lot of players reload, roll, then switch weapons without ever realizing their reload never actually finished.

4 Allowing Double Keybinds

Super Animal Royale - Showing The Keybinds Menu In-Game

It's small, but a reoccurring gripe among the player base is that the current version of SAR doesn’t allow players to “double-bind” their keybindings. Sure, players can get around this using keyboard software to set macros, but it’s always easier to have the option in-game. In a BR game, the APM or Actions-Per-Minute is pretty high and only goes up as the people left in the game increase.

During a gunfight, players have to aim, fire, dodge, reload, move, heal, repair armor, switch weapons, interact with nearby objects, and more. So, giving players the option to double-bind so they can set multiple functions to the same key or even letting them set two different keys for the same action, can make a big difference.

3 An In-Game Voice Chat

Super Animal Royale - Showing The Lack Of A Voice Chat Option In Settings

In the world of modern online multiplayer games, not having In-Game Voice Chat functionality is sort of a faux pas. Sure, Discord will always function as a workaround, but PC games shouldn’t be developed with that reliance on a third-party app in mind. SAR desperately needs In-Game Voice Chat if it wants to be taken relatively seriously as a BR (yes, even with the adorable artstyle).

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Currently, it does have a way to communicate with both allies specifically and the entire lobby through text, but communication in any sort of shooter game needs to be instant, AKA voice chat.

2 Current Player Count On Eagle Express

Super Animal Royale - What It Looks Like Starting A Game On The Giant Eagle

Next up is a feature that isn’t present in all BRs, but should be. Whether it’s the Battle Bus from Fortnite or the aircraft players jump from in both Warzone and Apex Legends, all these games should have a counter on-screen to show how many players are still in the vehicle at all times.

In SAR, players ride a Giant Eagle instead of a bus and hop out of it to float down to the ground using their umbrellas. Giving these players a way to know how many of their opponents have yet to jump out just makes it easier to pick a location to drop to, both for players who like to get themselves fully geared and for ones that enjoy fighting others right away.

1 Easy Melee Swapping

Super Animal Royale - Circling The Melee Weapon UI Element In-Game

Lastly, here's another warranted feature that has a lot of similarities to the Static Weapon Slots entry. Basically, with the current state of SAR, players have a “button” assigned to each Weapon Slot, with the third slot always functioning as the melee. But, more often than not, melee weapons are used for one swing to cut a clump of grass or break a wooden crate.

So wouldn't a button that switches back and forth between melee make more sense? To be more specific, wouldn’t it be easier if pressing the melee input again with the melee weapon out switched the player back to their last equipped gun?

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