Final Fantasy 7 follows the story of Cloud as he navigates the world of Gaia in search of a way to stop Sephiroth's return. On his journey, he is pursued by a variety of enemies hellbent on ending Cloud's escapade. Some of those he encounters pose bigger threats to him than others, often requiring the use of Summon Materia to ensure victory.

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Final Fantasy 7 allowed the player to call upon an array of god-like deities to assist them in combat, but the Final Fantasy 7 Remake only included a few of the summons present in the original game. With Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2 currently in development, many fans of the series are curious about which summons will appear next.

10 Ramuh

Ramuh Lightning God Final Fantasy 16

Having appeared in Final Fantasy 7 Remake: Intermission, it would be a shame for this summon to remain absent from the full game. Ramuh is a recurring summon seen throughout the franchise, and his presence in Final Fantasy 7 implies he is all but guaranteed to appear in the remake's sequel.

If the player calls upon Judgement Bolt, Ramuh will materialize and cast lightning on his enemies. Given that its model already exists, it would be a waste to not utilize his abilities in Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2.

9 Odin

Odin holding the Zantetsuken in Final Fantasy Worlds

Having not yet appeared in Final Fantasy 7 Remake, it is likely that Odin will debut in its sequel due to his presence in the original Final Fantasy 7. His design paints him as a skeleton who rides a white steed into battle.

Upon discovering Nibelheim, the player can come across Odin's Summoning Materia, an artifact that permits the player to call on the powers of this godly presence. If Odin is to reappear, he would be the first ally in the remake series with the ability to instantly kill an enemy.

8 Kujata


Found in the Sleeping Forest, the Kujata Summon Materia permits the player to call upon a giant boar to aid them in combat. Final Fantasy 7 marked its first appearance in the series, leading it to appear in numerous follow-up games.

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Being a practiced wielder of magic, Kujata can inflict fire, ice, and lightning damage to its enemies. Unlike most of the summons seen in Final Fantasy 7 Remake, the inclusion of Kujata in its sequel would not restrict players to using one element per summon.

7 Alexander

Alexander emerges from the lake in Final Fantasy 14.

Uncovered in the Great Glacier, the Alexander Summon Materia is one of the most powerful summons present in the original game. It was the only being able to cast Holy, an immensely powerful elemental spell.

Since its appearance in Final Fantasy 7, Alexander has become nothing short of iconic through its multiple depictions throughout the franchise. The frightening power it possesses is seen through the impact it has on the story of Final Fantasy 9 where it destroys an entire city. It is truly a force to be reckoned with, but fans can only hope it appears once more.

6 Phoenix

Phoenix from the Final Fantasy series

The Phoenix has appeared multiple times in Final Fantasy games, both as a summon and an enemy. Final Fantasy 7 allowed the player to call upon this feathered flame to assist them in combat, so Cloud and company will likely gain the ability to summon this beast once more.

The Phoenix uses the ability Phoenix Flame, an attack that deals heavy fire damage to its enemies. It also has the power to revive a fallen party member if they are unconscious when the Phoenix is summoned. The inclusion of the Phoenix would allow players to focus less on Aerith's healing abilities and instead utilize her for offensive attacks

5 Neo Bahamut


Given that Bahamut has already appeared in Final Fantasy 7 Remake, it can be assumed that he will not be appearing in its sequel. If this is the case, Neo-Bahamut will likely become an obtainable ally in Bahamut's stead.

Unlike Bahamut, Neo Bahamut is capable of performing the Giga Flare spell, a spell significantly more powerful than Bahamut's Mega Flare. It is the second most powerful Bahamut-styled summon in the game, so it is logical for it to return in the series' second game.

4 Bahamut Zero


Bahamut Zero is the most powerful Bahamut summon present in Final Fantasy 7. When called upon, Bahamut Zero uses the spell Tera Flare, the most powerful Flare spell present in the game.

If Final Fantasy 7 Remake's story is to be divided into two separate games, it would make sense for this iconic creature to appear toward the end of the sequel's narrative. Originally found in Cosmo Canyon, obtaining Bahamut Zero would require Cloud to venture to Red 13's home.

3 Hades


Final Fantasy 7 allows the player to call upon the God of the Underworld himself, Hades. To aid the party, Hades uses an ability known as Black Cauldron, a spell that casts non-elemental damage at his foes. Hades' return to the series could mark a grand return of status effects.

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Hades' main selling point was his ability to inflict his enemies with a variety of status effects upon being summoned. With Final Fantasy 7 Remake rejecting its roots in turn-based combat, status effects became more difficult to inflict on one's enemies due to the fast-paced combat. If Hades returns, so too could one of the best features of Final Fantasy combat.

2 Typhon


Originally found in the Ancient Forest, the Typhon Summon Materia permits the player to harness the power of nearly all elements present in the game. This small pink creature may seem to hold little strength, but looks can be deceiving.

Upon summoning Typhon, it proceeds to inflict fire, lightning, ice, and earth damage on its foes, making it slightly more powerful than Kujata. The unusual beast can also ignore an enemy's magical defense, making it a must-have in Cloud's arsenal. Final Fantasy 7 Remake could finally see a high-definition render of this strange companion.

1 Knights Of The Round


The most powerful summon in Final Fantasy 7 is the Knights of the Round. When called upon, the Knights of the Round Summon Materia summons 13 knights to attack its foes, dealing multiple hits that can easily decimate Cloud's opponents.

The Knights of the Round summon has become a fan favorite, resulting in its impact on the story of Final Fantasy 15. It is a spectacular summon that takes some effort to obtain, but eventually unlocking its devastating power is an apt reward. It is arguably the best summon present in the original game, so reprising its role in Final Fantasy Remake Part 2 would no doubt please fans of the series.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2 is currently in development.

MORE: Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2: Changes The Sequel Should Make To The Original Story