
  • Warner Bros secretly edited Suicide Squad, turning it into a comedy, due to the backlash from Batman v Superman and the success of Deadpool at the time.
  • Shia LaBeouf tried to persuade director David Ayer not to make Suicide Squad and expressed frustration with Ayer's decision to direct the film.
  • Ayer has been vocal about his desire for the release of the Ayer Cut of Suicide Squad and believes that he should have more control over his voice in the film industry.

Suicide Squad director David Ayer revealed to Jon Bernthal that their Fury colleague, Shia LaBeouf, pleaded with the director not to make the DC movie in a personal encounter that involved all three of them.

It was made known that what happened to Justice League also happened to Suicide Squad, in that Warner Bros. went behind Ayer's back after the director turned in his assembly cut. WB made a secret second edit of Suicide Squad, which involved studio-re shoots and WB handing off Ayer's movie to a trailer editing company in place of the original company. Ayer stated that this edit turned the movie into a comedy and that this was due to the Batman v Superman backlash and the success of Deadpool.

RELATED: Suicide Squad's David Ayer Shows Unused Harley Quinn & Incubus Design

During a REAL ONES conversation, Bernthal recalls an incident where LaBeouf, who worked with him and Ayer on Fury, was upset with Ayer for even considering directing Suicide Squad. When speaking about Ayer's true cut of Suicide Squad, Bernthal recited an encounter of Ayer meeting with an actor for Suicide Squad at a hotel during the Fury press tour, and unluckily for them, they were seated next to Bernthal and LaBeouf. Bernthal describes LaBeouf getting up from his seat and saying something along the lines of, “What the fuck, why are you doing this fucking movie, fuck you for even wanting to be in this movie, you’re throwing it away, don’t fucking do it, bro.” Ayer cut in and said, “I should have listened to him.” Bernthal recalls thinking LaBeouf was out of line, but he was in an uncomfortable situation because he had respect for Ayer and Shia after they bonded on Fury.

Ayer goes on to express that the entire experience with Warner Bros. and Suicide Squad taught him that he needs to have control over his voice. This involves not allowing others to create narratives around him that only serve their interests, such as WB and critics who continue to use Suicide Squad as an example for every new DC film that has since come out. Ayer said this is why he has been vocal on social media in his and the fans' campaign to see the Ayer Cut of Suicide Squad released.

Bernthal says he has seen the 'Release The Ayer Cut' hashtag on social media and asked Ayer if there is hope. Ayer recalled speaking to James Gunn, DC Studios CEO, where Gunn said he would release Suicide Squad after he puts “some scores on the board.” However, there are no DCU films set for 2024, so some fans believe it makes the most sense to release Ayer's Suicide Squad before Superman Legacy in 2025 to appease that segment of the fan base and right the wrongs of the past before looking ahead to the future.

LaBeouf may have been looking out for Ayer, especially since the actor has had experience with big franchise films like Transformers and Indiana Jones. Unfortunately, he ended up being right. Ayer describes Suicide Squad as his biggest heartbreak in the film industry, but hopefully, the Ayer Cut will be released so the film can be judged on the director's terms.

Suicide Squad is available on MAX.

MORE: James Gunn's Uphill Battle to Save DC Movies

Source: REAL ONES with Jon Bernthal