
  • Stay close to Lifepod 5 and avoid the Aurora to survive in Subnautica. The Aurora is radioactive and inhabited by dangerous creatures.
  • Take time and be observant to survive in the alien world of Subnautica. Carry essential items and pay attention to creature behavior.
  • Scan fragments and read articles on the PDA to gain knowledge and blueprint for new equipment in Subnautica. Expand the base to store necessary materials.

It isn't surprising that the Subnautica franchise has become incredibly iconic over the years. Since it came out of early access in 2018, Unknown Worlds Entertainment sold over 5 million copies by January 2020. Though there are several noteworthy open-world underwater exploration games, Subnautica's immersive gameplay has consistently made it one of the best.

However, while Subnautica has garnered a large player base, some may not be familiar with the unwritten rules. For newcomers and veterans alike, it's important to adhere to these guidelines if they want to survive. Of course, it should be noted that the game mode and mechanical skill can make a difference.

Avoid the Aurora

The Aurora Subnautica

For the less experienced, it's incredibly vital that at the start of the game, players stay as close to Lifepod 5 as possible. Subnautica doesn't start the survivor with much, but as time passes people can use the Modification Station to upgrade their equipment and build their base. The crashed spacecraft near the pod, also known as the Aurora, may look enticing at first but if players overstay their welcome they'll rapidly lose HP. This is because the Aurora is a radioactive location surrounded by Reaper Leviathans. To have a chance at survival, people will need to craft a Radiation Suit which isn't available in the early stages.

Patience is Key

Subnautica Nexus Clocks

It goes without saying that Subnautica is focused on exploration. If players want to survive, it's vital that they thoroughly observe their surroundings and take their time. Making a move without understanding the environment can be fatal. As such, being prepared is the key to success in the alien world. Carry spare health kits and batteries along with food and water. Additionally, watching how certain creatures behave could make the difference between life and death. For example, because sand sharks camouflage themselves with the ocean floor, players should keep a watchful eye on the ground while avoiding shallow water.

Scan Everything

Subnautica Scanner

As players adventure through new biomes in Subnautica, they should scan as many fragments as possible. Doing so will educate them on how this world works while also providing blueprints for new equipment. Scanning creatures like the small Peepers will allow players to learn that they are edible and can also be used to distract predators. Furthermore, though it may seem tiresome or unhelpful at times, players should also read the articles on the PDA.

Store As Much As Possible

Subnautica Eggs

Expanding one's base is one of the best parts of Subnautica, though people should be selective about where they put it. This will serve as a place to rest, free from danger, while also permitting players to store items that they've scavenged. Unfortunately, the space in one's portable inventory and in the original Lifepod is extremely limited. Taking advantage of base-building and waterproof lockers is the best way to make sure that necessary materials will be readily accessible. Though it isn't critical, it may also be advantageous to label the lockers.

Avoid the World Edge

Subnautica World Edge

Intriguingly, Subnautica and Subnautica: Below Zerorequire exploration but don't have a map. As such, this vibrant video game world can feel nearly endless. Even so, it is possible to travel to the map's edge. Here people will find an invisible wall alongside a message that reads: "The prospect for survival is fast approaching zero." Players won't be able to see much in this rocky yet barren wasteland and the odds of running into a Void Chelicerate, a gigantic and deadly leviathan, are incredibly high. Although some players may think this treacherous environment will lead them to important treasures, this couldn't be further from the truth. The best way to survive the World Edge is to simply not enter it.

Subnautica is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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