Unknown Worlds Entertainment's Subnautica was first released in early access in 2014 before being fully released in 2018. The game is considered by many to be one of the best, if not the best, survival game of all time, as it encapsulates the essence of the genre by crash landing players on an alien planet and giving them no choice but to dive into an alien ocean with little knowledge of what could be lurking in its depths. Along with some frighteningly large Leviathans and fascinating flora, players will also find numerous resources and crafting materials.

One such resource is Polyaniline or PANI, which is a polymer used to conduct electricity. In Subnautica, explorers will need the advanced polymer to upgrade the Cyclops, Seamoth, and Prawn Suit. Considering how helpful these upgrades can be, creating this substance should be a priority later in a playthrough.

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Updated on September 17, 2022, by Jack Pursey:Subnautica is a unique open-world game in the sense that it doesn't have a map. In fact, the game offers very little in-game guidance at all, leaving it up to players to explore, scan, and research findings themselves. Although this puts some people off the game, it's one of the many features that fans of the game love. However, it can, of course, make it tricky to know how to craft certain things. To help players trying to figure out how to getPolyaniline in Subnautica, we've updated this guide to include some more information.

How To Make Polyaniline

Fabricator in use in Subnautica Cropped

Unfortunately, Polyaniline isn't just lying around waiting to be collected in Planet 4546B; it needs to be crafted at a Fabricator. Thankfully, thereare only two ingredients needed to fabricate the substance: Gold and Hydrochloric Acid. Better yet, both of these materials are relatively easy to find, provided that players know where to look. Anyone struggling to find these materials can follow the steps below and fabricate Polyaniline in no time.

After all, many players agree that Subnautica is more enjoyable with upgraded gear, as players can start heading into the ocean's depths and, in theory, fend off the game's terrifying leviathan creatures.

Where To Find Gold

screen that displays the numbers of available resources.

There are quite a few different places to find gold. The most common way is by harvesting a Shale Outcrop node. These nodes occupy almost every biome, and about a third of them will contain gold. Players who explore and stay on the lookout for these rocky deposits are bound to find some of this precious metal eventually.

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The resource has a slightly smaller chance to drop from a Sandstone Outcrop. Sandstone Nodes are more likely to spawn in the Grassy Plateaus and Kelp Forest. Those that have the Prawn Suit can survey the deep caves across the biomes for Large Resource Deposits of gold. Larger deposits yield more gold but are more difficult to locate as well. They are most commonly found in the Lost River and Jellyshroom Cave. Be careful when exploring the Lost Rive, though, as Ghost Leviathan Juveniles roam the area.

Head To The Floating Island

One of the most fruitful farming locations is near the Floating Island. Players can reach the island by heading directly southwest from the life pod spawn location. During the day, there will be a large cloud in the sky hovering over the island. Continue that way until arriving.

Gamers will want to have MK2 depth on their Seamoth because the farming zone is quite deep. Once the floating island is within sight, go underwater to drive below it. As soon as players reach the other side, they should turn 180 degrees and face northeast. From there, face the seamoth toward the island and descend. Make sure not to tilt the seamoth down, as this will glitch out the game.

Free Gold From Giant Crabs

On the seafloor, some 300-400 meters down, there are these long-legged creatures that make a loud sonar sound. Gamers can get out of the seamoth and swim down to where the creatures are walking. Each time one of their legs hits the ground, a random mineral outcrop will appear. These outcrops are made of diamond, gold, and lithium. One of the minerals spawns each second behind these massive alien crustaceans. In just a few minutes, the player will have all the resources they need. Try to follow behind the creatures to prevent the game from glitching.

Hydrochloric Acid: Deep Shrooms & Salt

Subnautica Farming

Where To Find Deep Shrooms

Deeps Shrooms are located in the Blood Kelp Zone, which is on the north end of the map. The zone is directly northwest of the Aurora, with the Dunes to the west and the Mountains to the East. Depending on where explorers have their base setup, it can be a long journey to get there. There will most likely be a few Bone Sharks and Reapers in the zone as well. The Blood Kelp Biome is some 300 meters below the surface once players reach the zone. Because of its depth, having an MK3 module is extremely helpful.

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Near the bottom, Deep Shrooms can be found on top of the large rock/coral formations. They are small, pink, and round, making them easy to spot. Gamers will be able to collect all the Deep Shrooms they need in just a few minutes if they peruse the area.

A Safe Route To Deep Shrooms

As an alternative to the route leading straight to the Blood Kelp zone, new players can cut through the Mushroom Forest. The forest is N/NW from the starting life pod location. After about 700 meters in the Seamoth, players will arrive at the Mushroom Forest. Dive to the bottom, make a right and follow the outskirts of the Mushroom Forest. This is by far the safest route to the Blood Kelp zone.

Gamers will know they are close to the Blood Kelp depths when the see a large dropoff. Just before that dropoff there is a small ledge with a healthy outcrop of Deep Shrooms. There will be five or six shrooms to harvest in that location alone.

What To Do If A Reaper Leviathan Spots You

Reaper Leviathan approaching the player

Unfortunately, no matter how safe players try to be, there's always a chance that the deafening roar of a Reaper Leviathan will be heard when entering a biome where it lurks, signifying that it has spotted them. Along with providing players with a nasty jump scare, Reaper Leviathans inflict the following damage with their bite attack:

  • Cyclops: 220
  • Player: 80
  • Prawn Suit: 20-30
  • Seamoth: 40-60

Thankfully, there are a few ways to deal with a Reaper Leviathan. The Stasis Rifle, which is crafted at a Fabricator with 1x Computer Chip, 1x Battery, 1x Titanium, and 2x Magnetite, is highly effective against Reapers as it will freeze them in place. Players can try to kill a Reaper when it's frozen, though it's far safer to just leave the area before it becomes unstuck.

Another good option is to equip the Seamoth with the Perimeter Defense System, which will shock the Leviathan if it grabs the player in the vehicle. The Perimeter Defense System can be crafted at a Vehicle Upgrade Console with a Wiring Kit and, coincidentally, Polyaniline.

If the worst-case scenario happens and the player is stuck without a vehicle or Stasis Rifle, players should try the desperate and utterly terrifying technique of facing the Reaper head-on, and strafing left or right when it charges towards the player. The Leviathan is slow to turn in small spaces, so this can be an effective last-ditch technique.

Salt Deposits

To craft Hydrochloric Acid, players will need to find Salt Deposits. The deposits look a bit like ice crystals and can be found in the majority of the biomes. They are often located on the seafloor and are easy to spot because they refract light. Looking for these deposits while farming gold or traveling to the Blood Kelp biome will save explorers some time. The following materials are needed to craft one Hydrochloric Acid:

  • 3 Deep Shrooms + 1 Salt = 1 Hydrochloric Acid

Create A Deep Shroom Farm

Players that have the Exterior Growbed will want to plant a few of these for future use. They only take up one of the slots in the planter, so a total of 24 can be grown in just one bed. Traveling all the way out to the Blood Kelp Zone can be a hassle, especially without the following vehicle upgrades, so this makes it easy to keep a constant supply.

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Upgrades That Use Polyaniline

seamoth with the torpedo upgrade module.

Polyaniline is one of the items needed to upgrade the Cyclops, Seamoth, Prawn Suit, and Fins. All of the upgrades make exploration safer and more convenient in Subnautica.

Swim Charge Fins (1 Polyaniline)

Gamers can use the chemical to create the Swim Charge Fins. These fins convert the kinetic energy of swimming into electricity, which charges any device players have equipped. The charge rate is only 1% per ten meters, but it can be helpful when away from the base for extended periods.

Cyclops (4 Polyaniline)

Polyaniline can be used to upgrade three different features of the Cyclops:

  • The Engine Efficiency Module makes the engine 3x more efficient while in use.
  • A Shield Generator can be added to the vessel, just in case one of the many terrifying creatures on Planet 4546B makes an appearance.
  • The Thermal Reactor Module will power the vehicle when in water that's warm enough.

Prawn Suit (1 Polyaniline)

Like the Cyclops, the Prawn Suit can be kitted with a thermal reactor to recharge the energy meter. Unlike the Cyclops, this reactor only needs temperatures of 30 degrees instead of 35.

Seamoth (3 Polyaniline)

Players can upgrade the Seamoth, like the Cyclops, in a couple of different ways that all require polyaniline.

  • The Engine Efficiency upgrade reduces power usage by 15%.
  • The Seamoth can be equipped with a Perimeter Defense System as well. Those frightening Reapers always seem to appear at the most inconvenient times. The Defense system can send a small or large pulse of energy to fend off large creatures. Using the system will drain the power of the Seamoth, but no more than 15%.

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