An artistic fan of the Subnautica games has created their own adorable redesigns for some of the game's terrifying alien leviathans, instead transforming them into friendly cats. Subnautica's massive leviathan sea monsters have become one of the game's primary attractions for many players, with fans constantly designing their own leviathan concepts and sharing their own unnerving encounters with them in the depths of planet 4546b.

The leviathans themselves – at least the carnivorous ones – represent the greatest threats that players will have to be mindful of as they survive on planet 4546b. There are several different species of leviathan in the games, each sporting their own unique and equally terrifying appearance which often corresponds to the type of environment or biome that they live in. Many fans of the series will recognize the name of the Reaper leviathan specifically, which is perhaps the most infamous of all leviathans found in the first Subnautica game. This massive, highly-aggressive predator stalks the sandy dunes and underwater mountain biomes of the planet, thriving in the darkness where they are almost impossible to spot. However, cat-loving gamers can enjoy this adorable redesign of the Reaper instead, where the creature's loud, sonar-based roars are replaced with endearing meows.

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A contributing member of the Subnautica community on Reddit known as DaDancinAxolotl is responsible for creating this artwork. The post features several depictions of the so-called "Reapurr Leviathan" in different poses, including, of course, a sitting stance. The adorable fan creation aims to help take away players' fears of Reaper Leviathans by inspiring fans to imagine them as cuddly pets instead. The project even comes complete with a Seamoth squeaky toy for the Reapurr Leviathan to play with, which is of course inspired by Reapers' tendencies to grab and attempt to crush the vehicles in-game using their 4 strong mandibles.

This isn't the only leviathan species that has been turned into a kitten either, as the same artist has even redesigned the Ghost Leviathan too, which Subnautica players are also encouraged to have a look at. It seems that the creator has plans to do the same for other species' in the games too, perhaps looking to give the many new leviathans in Subnautica: Below Zero a makeover as well.

There's no doubt that the leviathans are one of the main contributing factors towards the themes of fear throughout the Subnautica games, and many fans find themselves hesitant to proceed in the game due to its more terrifying aspects. Uneasy players are encouraged to press on, however, knowing that its perfectly possible to play hundreds of hours of Subnautica without once dying to the massive underwater beasts. And hopefully, some players might be able to get over their fears if they just imagine the leviathans are cuddly kittens instead.

Subnautica is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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