Like in many survival games, base building is essential to survival in Subnautica: Below ZeroPlayers will start the game with a handy drop pod that will see them through an opening couple of hours, but they will soon need to build expansive bases if they want to start making significant progress.

RELATED: 8 Mistakes Everyone Makes While Playing Subnautica: Below Zero

Unfortunately for new players, Subnautica: Below Zero doesn't offer much guidance in building a good base. This lack of hand-holding is one of the game's charms and suits the "survivor on an alien planet" concept. However, it can make things tricky when building a base for the first time. For anyone looking for some base building basics, here are a few tips.

7 Think Carefully About Where To Build

Chelicerate preparing to bite

As anyone familiar with the Subanutica series will know, the player isn't alone on planet 4546B. The alien world is full of other life below and above land. Some of these creatures won't hesitate to attack players if they get too close.

Consequently, building a base near these predators isn't the smartest idea — unless the player wants a few unwelcome guests when they return home. Like buying a house in real life, it's worth having a thorough look around the surrounding area before building a base to avoid any unwanted neighbors.

6 Build Multiple Bases

Underwater base

When progressing through Below Zero, players will realize that they're constantly needing to travel further and further to find required resources. These materials will be scattered around more and more biomes as the game moves forward. Thankfully, players don't need to constantly make dangerous trips all over the map before returning to safety.

RELATED: Subnautica: Below Zero: 7 Useful Things To Scan Early In The Game

Players can build multiple bases in Below Zero. Not only does this save players from frustratingly long trips, but it also provides multiple save havens for players to hide from chasing predators or refuel on food, water, and health.

5 Scan Everything When Coming Across A Base

arctic base with a multipurpose room

Before players can start building their first base, they need to obtain some blueprints. Thankfully, bases are easier to find in Subnautica: Below Zero than its predecessor. A small handful of them are relatively close to the starting area.

When the player comes across a base, they should immediately drop whatever they're doing and start scanning everything in sight. Scanning is one of the most essential gameplay mechanics of Below Zero, so players should take their time to analyze. Once this is done, they'll be able to start crafting their own bases.

4 Build A Scanner Room

Subnautica: Below Zero - Map Scanner Room

When it comes to building the base itself, there are a few essential things players should do to get started. A Multipurpose Room with a Fabricator and Locker should be built first, with an energy source such as Solar Panels to get the place up and running. Once this is done, players can start building some more interesting features.

The Scanner Room is a great additional room for any base, as it will cut down on the player's time searching for materials. As the name suggests, the Scanner Room will do a large scan of the surrounding area, mapping out where certain materials and resources are located. The room also offers multiple upgrades, such as a controllable Camera Drone. This feature lets players explore the surrounding ocean from the safety of their base.

3 Build Battery Chargers

Battery Charger station

Subnautica: Below Zero has a plethora of electrical items for players to use, such as the Flashlight, Scanner, and Seaglide, that will all drain their Batteries. These Batteries take some time to build, so it can be extremely frustrating to have to keep building new ones. Thankfully, players can build a Battery Charger that will allow players to reuse rather than re-build Batteries.

RELATED: Subnautica: Below Zero: 7 Tips For Staying Alive In Hardcore Mode

Larger electrical items, such as the Seatruck and Prawn Suit, require Power Cells. These Power Cells take even longer to craft than Batteries and are consequently more frustrating to make. Power Cells can be recharged in-base with the aptly named Power Cell Charger.

2 Build A Water Filtration Machine

Water Filtration Machiene in base

Battery charge isn't the only meter that players need to keep an eye on, as they also have a whopping four different health bars. One of the fastest to deplete is hydration, forcing players to constantly find water. This is usually accomplished by converting Bladderfish, which are a pain to catch.

Thankfully, there is a far easier way to get water once a base has been built. The Water Filtration Machine is built with 3x Titanium, 1x Copper Wire, and 1x Aerogel. This gadget will convert ocean water into bottled drinkable water, so it is worth crafting in every base.

1 Ensure A Beacon Is Set

Beacon in the snow - Subnautica: Below Zero

Without a doubt, the most important tip is to build a beacon. Subnautica: Below Zero's large open-world doesn't come with a map, so players constantly need to build beacons to map out certain locations. Although it may seem obvious to put a beacon next to a base, some new players don't do it for a couple main reasons.

Firstly, they aren't sure how big the game world is yet, so they assume that a large base will be easy to return to. Secondly, some believe that the base will automatically come with a marker. However, players should place a beacon on their base as soon as possible. The idea of losing a base after spending 30 minutes building and expanding it is a painful one, to say the least.

NEXT: Subnautica: Below Zero – 10 Most Useful Items (& How To Craft Them)