
  • Sonic faces a variety of powerful villains, some of whom possess abilities that match or exceed his own impressive speed.
  • Dark Oak, Erazor Djinn, and Merlina are just a few of the Sonic franchise's strongest and most iconic adversaries.
  • These villains, such as Dark Oak's incredible durability, Erazor Djinn's wish-granting abilities, and Merlina's powerful sorcery, present significant challenges for Sonic and his friends.

When most people think about Sonic the Hedgehog, they usually picture the blue blur doing battle with Eggman. However, aside from Dr. Ivo Robotnik, the Sonic franchise actually features a number of other villains who are out to get Sonic and his friends at any chance they get. What’s worse, some of these villains have powers and abilities that may match - or even exceed - those of the hasty hedgehog.

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For any avid Sonic fan out there, it helps to know just which Sonic villains are the strongest across all of the games. Moreover, some Sonic villains remain iconic enough to come back game after game and pose an ever-present threat to the blue blur and his friends. These are the strongest Sonic villains from the franchise.

Updated on April 7, 2024, by Rhenn Taguiam: With Knuckles the Echidna debuting with his own six-episode miniseries on April 26, 2024, fans of the Blue Blur and his companions may be excited about the kind of adventures Knuckles will bring viewers with his newfound popularity since his first film appearance in Sonic the Hedgehog 2. As the series takes place between Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and 2024’s Sonic the Hedgehog 3, fans may be eager to see just what kind of new allies and villains Knuckles would meet in his series. More importantly, fans may be on the lookout for any signs of just who Sonic’s new enemies are. After all, in the games, Sonic’s stronger enemies include alien invaders, an exiled Echidna, an otherworldly wizard, and an evil genie.

23 Dark Oak (Sonic X)

A Conqueror Who Wants To Eliminate All Life Except Plants

Dark Oak

First Appearance

Sonic X (Anime)


Robotic Metarex Physiology, Genius-Level Intellect, Immense Strength, Immense Durability, Mover Mode



Among the foes Sonic and his friends would encounter in the Sonic X anime, Dark Oak would become one of the most powerful they would face. This robotic foe is among the Metarex, a group of beings with robotic bodies who wish to end life across the universe and retain only plants and plant-like creatures. It’s eventually revealed that Dark Oak is actually Lucas, a member of Cosmo’s species who vowed revenge against the universe after a horrific war against another species.

Throughout the events of Sonic X, Dark Oak is portrayed as a scheming villain who never engages Sonic and his friends unless absolutely necessary. In the instances that he did fight them, it’s portrayed that Sonic and his peers could barely damage him - only for him to reveal that their fight was either with a hologram or a mere test. It took the powerful Sonic Power Cannon with Super Sonic and Super Shadow onboard to defeat Dark Oak, and even then, he’s seen surviving and eventually reconciling with his wife, Earthia. It’s unknown whether Dark Oak has truly reformed or if he will make a return to the path of evil.

Feats Of Dark Oak

Thanks to his Metarex body, Dark Oak possesses an incredible durability that even Super Sonic can’t defeat in their first encounter. Dark Oak can also fight Super Sonic on equal ground, proving his strength can match the level of those enhanced by Chaos Emeralds. Flying is also part of his arsenal, boasting speeds that can match Super Sonic’s and dodge his attacks. Dark Oak admitted that he may be unable to fight Super Sonic head-on.

22 Erazor Djinn

The Immortal Evil Genie Of The Lamp

Erazor Djinn

First Appearance

Sonic and the Secret Rings


Djinn Physiology, Immortality, Wish-Granting, Lifeforce-Depleting Arrow


Sealed in his Lamp

While primarily a one-off villain in the Sonic game Sonic and the Secret Rings, Erazor Djinn is not a pushover. Revealed as the franchise’s take on the Genie of the Lamp in the Arabian Nights, Erazor Djinn was once a mischievous djinn cursed to stay in a lamp until he granted the wishes of a thousand people. After serving his sentence, Erazor harbored a deep hatred against humanity and started taking over the Arabian Nights. It’s revealed that Erazor’s goal is to absorb as much energy from the Arabian Nights that he can become powerful enough to cross over to Sonic’s world and rule it.

It’s thanks to Sonic’s intervention that he managed to seal Erazor Djinn back into his Lamp, especially when his Alf Layla wa-Layla form became too powerful for the speedster to manage. It’s implied that Erazor Djinn is still in his Lamp even when Sonic dropped it into the Foundry, with the hopes that no one else could find it and release him again.

Feats Of Erazor Djinn

Compared to other Sonic villains, Erazor Djinn is among the few whom Sonic may never defeat in head-on combat. In the world of the Arabian Nights, Erazor Djinn is a god-like being who has powerful wish-granting capabilities. As he absorbed the book’s pages, Erazor Djinn has developed more abilities such as spirit-summoning, flight that nearly matches Sonic’s speed, and even constantly returning from physical beatdowns due to being practically immortal.

21 Merlina

Granddaughter Of Camelot's Greatest Wizard


First Appearance

Sonic and the Black Knight


High Ancient Magic, Dark Queen Magic, Interdimensional Summoning, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Strength, Swordsmanship



In the world of Camelot, the powerful wizard Merlin has a granddaughter named Merlina, who is shaping up to carry the family legacy as one of the most potent spellcasters in the land. When Merlina learned of the cruel fate of ruin that Camelot would suffer at the hands of the corrupted King Arthur, she called for Sonic’s help in retrieving Excalibur’s Scabbard to prevent this tragedy from happening.

Upon meeting Sonic, Merlina reveals that her plan isn’t to “save” Camelot through the Scabbard but to amass its powers to turn Camelot into an everlasting paradise through a time-stasis spell. Such was the depths Merlina was willing to take to preserve her grandfather’s dream that she took on powers of the underworld to become the Dark Queen. Her renewed powers required Sonic to wield Excalibur to stop her madness, bringing her to the realization that she needs to let everyone live life to the fullest - even if their world will have to end someday.

Feats Of Merlina

As the Royal Wizard of Camelot follows her grandfather’s footsteps, Merlina is already an exceptionally powerful sorceress. Her magic is described as High Ancient, allowing her to cast spells and summon beings from other dimensions. She also possesses incredible strength and speed, seeing as she manages to stop Sonic just as he starts gaining momentum and even dragging him back. After absorbing the Scabbard’s powers, Merlina becomes the Dark Queen and proves powerful enough to consistently defeat Sonic. It took Sonic using Excalibur to become Excalibur Sonic and defeat her to pull her out of the dark form and back into the light.

20 Imperator Ix

An Exiled Echidna Who Can Wield The Chaos Emeralds

Imperator Ix

First Appearance

Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood


Energy Projection, Levitation, Chaos Energy Manipulation



It’s often that an Echidna like Knuckles would meet another Echidna as a villain in the Sonic franchise, yet this is the role Imperator Ix took in Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. In the game, the megalomaniacal Imperator wants to steal the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald to break free the Nocturnus Clan from captivity and conquer the world. It’s revealed that the Nocturnus Clan caused the destruction of their rivals in the Knuckles Clan, but not before being absorbed into the otherworldly Twilight Cage.

During their clan’s captivity, Ix used his cunning and strategic prowess to pin the Cage’s clans against each other, eventually having the Nocturnus Clan become the strongest in their new home. After reacquiring the Chaos Emeralds and amassing his own Super Form, it took the combined forces of Super Sonic and his friends to defeat him. And even then, Imperator Nix only escaped instead of being utterly destroyed, hinting at a potential return.

Feats Of Imperator Ix

Described as a cosmic-level entity, Imperator Ix is extremely powerful in that he’s able to strategically and utterly defeat his rivals both in the form of the Knuckles Clan and other factions in the Twilight Cage. Through his staff, belt, and other augmentations, Imperator Ix is able to release powerful energy blasts, levitate, and even teleport. He’s also demonstrated the capabilities of amassing his own Super Form through the Chaos Emeralds, demonstrating a deep understanding of their nature and innate capabilities.

19 Heavy King

Uses A Scepter To Absorb Powers

Heavy King

First Appearance

Sonic Mania


Elite Eggrobo, Sentience (via Phantom Ruby), Scepter Absorbs Powers


Active, defeated after harnessing Master Emerald powers

Designed as elite Eggrobos that can handle extreme missions, Heavy King and his Hard Boiled Heavies became more than their designations after a fated investigation on Angel Island. Upon discovering the Phantom Ruby, its mystical energies transformed Heavy King and his allies into their royal-themed garbs, complete with personalities that didn’t necessarily want to follow Eggman.

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Much of the Heavy King’s appearances afterward involved attempts to steal an assortment of the series’ powerful gems. On top of failed attempts to steal the Phantom Ruby, Heavy King also tried to steal the Master Emerald in order to use its powers for himself. While Heavy King’s villainous attempts are always stopped, his scepter’s compatibility with a powerful artifact like the Phantom Ruby makes him quite the challenging adversary.

Feats Of Heavy King

Perhaps the most powerful ability of Heavy King is tied to his special scepter, which was modified by the Phantom Ruby to become a conduit of abilities. Such was Heavy King’s powers that using the Phantom Ruby transformed him into the Phantom King, a monstrous form that could only be fought by Dr. Eggman in one of his robot suits as well as Super Sonic. Moreover, Heavy King’s scepter seemed capable of harnessing the power of the Master Emerald. While Knuckles still defeats Heavy King despite the Master Emerald’s assistance, it still shows how Heavy King is one of few beings who can use its powers.

18 Zavok

Master Martial Artist


First Appearance

Sonic Lost World


Enhanced Physique, Martial Arts Prowess, Fireball Projection, Magnetism


Active, Defeated by Sonic in different games

Originally a part of the Zeti’s Deadly Six troupe of martial artists, Zavok rose to the top of its ranks as its leader. Unfortunately, Eggman’s possession of the Zeti-dampening Cacophonic Conch put Zavok under his control, forcing the Deadly Six to follow the Sonic character’s whims until Sonic set them free. This act made Zavok realize how they could use Eggman’s technology to target the Earth, motivating Zavok to start his plans for world destruction.

While Zavok is eventually defeated by team Sonic, such is his perseverance that he’s returned to other Sonic games to do different forms of villainy. Aside from uniting with Dr. Eggman on other occasions, Sonic Forces will see Zavok become duplicated by a Phantom Copy created by Infinite, creating a virtual reality version of Zavok with a similar powerset.

Feats Of Zavok

As Master Zik’s last disciple, Zavok is the most skilled in the Zeti’s martial arts. Such was his prowess that Master Zik yielded leadership of the Deadly Six to him, which Zavok proved to be skilled at with his keen sense of tactics and strategy. Zavok’s brute strength is matched with his aggression and durability. Not only is he able to tank Sonic’s Homing Attack, he does so with a willingness to fight. On top of flight, Zavok possesses technopathy and pyrokinesis, as well as the capability of matching Sonic’s speed when dashing small distances.

17 Scourge The Hedgehog

Evil Sonic Who Absorbed The Master Emerald Energies

Scourge the Hedgehog

First Appearance

Sonic the Hedgehog #11


Enhanced Physique, Super Speed, Chaos Energy Manipulation, Super Form


Unknown post-Genesis Wave

Despite his green color, Scourge the Hedgehog is in many ways just like Sonic the Hedgehog. Unlike the blue speedster, however, Scourge hails from the world called Moebius, or Anti-Mobius, which is the counterpart of the original world of Sonic called Mobius. Not only that, but he also ruled Moebius as well.

Originally simply a rival to Sonic, Scourge attempted to steal the Master Emerald to empower himself to surpass Sonic. However, when he was knocked out while absorbing Chaos Energy, the residual energy merged with him and caused his green hue. Perhaps an extremely dangerous foe when filled with evil intentions, Scourge possesses the exact same abilities as Sonic, but this time without remorse. He even possesses a similar Super Scourge form, which is notably a darker-hued version of Sonic’s.

Feats Of Scourge the Hedgehog

In his initial appearance as Evil Sonic, Scourge from Mobius possesses all the base abilities of Sonic. That means he can run potentially 186,000 miles per second and may even go toe-to-toe against the likes of Knuckles the Echidna in terms of sheer strength. Speed-wise, Scourge should be capable of dodging the likes of lasers and even lightning.

Upon his corruption, Scourge is now able to defeat both Sonic and Shadow at the same time. He can even use a Chaos Emerald to harness methods of Chaos Control such as teleportation and accessing a Super Form, giving Super Scourge invulnerability on top of tripling his speed and doubling his strength.

16 Supreme

A Machine That Trapped The Destroyer Of Worlds


First Appearance

Sonic Frontiers


Robotic Body, Sentry Creation, Flight, Can store The End


Destroyed, Sacrificed alongside Sage to destroy The End

Designed originally as a robot to contain The End, Supreme is just one of four Titans the Ancients created as a last resort in their war with the entity. Thanks to the sacrifice of its original pilot, The End ends up trapped in Supreme prior to Sonic reawakening the robot.

After its reactivation, The End takes full control of the machine and proceeds to fight Sonic in an empowered robotic form. However, when The End was forced to shed the Supreme and use its original form, Sage quickly uses the machine to follow Super Sonic and aid in The End’s destruction.

Feats Of Supreme

Despite its limited exposure in the series, Supreme is heavily implied to be one of the most powerful machines to ever grace the franchise. Created by the Ancients themselves to fight The End, Supreme’s technological make-up proved strong enough to contain the force of nature. In combat, the Supreme boasts an extremely durable body that Sonic can only damage when turning Super. When mutated by The End, Supreme gets five arms that dish out cyber corruption balls. Meanwhile, Sage piloting Supreme will arm it with a sniper rifle.

15 Iblis

The Body Of God-Like Solaris


First Appearance

Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)


Pyrokinesis, Shapeshifting, Minion Creation, Immortality, Resurrection


Merged with Mephiles to form Solaris

Although resembling more of a lava monster than anything else, Iblis is simply more than a powerful villain. In fact, Iblis is the manifestation of the power held by the sun god Solaris. In turn, Iblis isn’t exactly destructible but rather an energy-based being who will stop at nothing until it destroys everything in existence.

Due to its enormous size, Iblis can make quick work of armies due to its seemingly never-ending access to the power that Solaris contains. While not necessarily as intelligent or cunning, the raw power Iblis possesses is incredibly strong, rivaling the likes of other god-level or cosmic-level foes in the universe.

Feats Of Iblis

Iblis being an embodiment of the sheer level of power of Solaris is reflected in its magma-like appearance. Not only does Iblis possess superhuman strength, but being a force of nature granted it both immortality and resurrection.

As a foe, Iblis has pyrokinesis and flame resistance, being able to unleash breaths of fire and magma balls as attacks. Such was the raw power of Iblis that the only way it was defeated was when Sonic and Elise traveled back in time and snuffed the tiny white flame back when Solaris was experimented on.

14 Mephiles The Dark

The Psyche Of God-Like Solaris

Mephiles the Dark

First Appearance

Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)


Time Travel, Shapeshifting, Immortality, Darkness Manipulation


Merged with Iblis to form Solaris

Contrary to Iblis is Mephiles the Dark, essentially the will and mind of the sun god Solaris. Alongside Iblis, Mephiles was created when the Solaris Project caused the sun god to split into two parts. Shadow the Hedgehog managed to trap Mephiles the Dark inside the Scepter of Darkness but was subsequently freed.

What makes Mephiles such a dangerous villain isn’t his power level, but rather his penchant for destruction. Unlike other villains driven by revenge or power, Mephiles simply wants to destroy everything. It doesn’t help that Mephiles isn’t just calm about his desires, but can be methodical about achieving them as well. Due to his nature as a manifestation of a god’s will, Mephiles’s abilities aren’t about raw power but rather the manipulation of things around him.

Feats Of Mephiles the Dark

Considered the embodiment of the intellect of Solaris, Mephiles possesses the psionic aspect of the god’s abilities. Aside from flight and immortality, Mephiles is capable of energy projection and manipulation, with time travel being a key part of its toolkit. Compared to the more simple-minded Iblis, Mephiles has a cunning nature that makes its abilities even more dangerous.

Similar to Iblis, such was the power of Mephiles that it took Sonic and Elise traveling back in time to snuff out the white flame while Solaris was experimented on in order to stop the birth of this being. However, the complicated nature of time meant it’s always possible for Mephiles in the future to return and pose yet another threat to Sonic.

13 Chaos

The God Of Destruction, First Chaos Emerald Guardian


First Appearance

Sonic Adventure


Immortality, Chaos Energy Manipulation


Active, stays in Heaven but returns from time to time to help Sonic

While Knuckles and his clan guarded the Chaos Emeralds, it’s Chaos that served as its very first guardian. Unlike other beings in the Sonic universe, Chaos is a being composed of nothing but pure energy. Its powers evolve with each Chaos Emerald it possesses, making its power potential seemingly infinite.

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Originally possessing a warm heart, negative emotions from thousands of years corrupted Chaos into becoming a creature of evil. This makes it extremely dangerous, as Chaos can now use its abilities to create and control water on planetary levels.

Feats Of Chaos

The water-like Chao is infamous for almost wiping out the entire Knuckles Tribe of Echidnas, necessitating its imprisonment in the Master Emerald. On the numerous occasions that people have released Chaos to do their bidding, the Chao lives up to its moniker “the Living Wave” by demonstrating horrifying feats of hydrokinesis, to the point of being able to ravage and flood cities with power that only Super Sonic can stop.

Chaos even managed to prevent oceans from being drained during the Shattered World Crisis. On top of hydrokinesis, Chaos possesses shapeshifting and immortality. Unlike other villains in the franchise, Chaos can tap into the power of the Chaos Emeralds to become much stronger.

12 Doctor Eggman

Sonic's Nemesis And The Pinnacle Of Human Persistence, Ingenuity

Dr Eggman

First Appearance

Puzzle Construction


Genius Intellect, Engineering Skills



Despite what some modern Sonic fans might think about him, Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik will always remain one of the most iconic - and one of the most powerful - villains of Sonic the Hedgehog. Possessing an IQ of 300 and seemingly limitless resources, he consistently uses his talent for engineering to create a wide variety of robots with the sole purpose of finally crushing Sonic and conquering the world.

While his arrogance almost always gets the best of him, especially against Sonic and his friends, it’s Eggman’s consistent defeat that also makes him the most knowledgeable of Sonic’s full range of abilities. It’s thanks to his genius that he’s created the likes of Metal Sonic and E-123 Omega, both of which can match or even out-muscle Sonic in terms of power.

Feats Of Doctor Eggman

It’s Doctor Eggman’s intelligence that puts him in the same league as other villains in the Sonic franchise. While he does lack special powers, his genius has resulted in some of the most infamous opponents Sonic has faced in his lifetime.

Chief among these creations was Metal Sonic, who Eggman programmed to be capable of not just being on par with Sonic but potentially exceeding his abilities. Eggman was even smart enough to understand how to use the Time Eater to accommodate his needs, going as far as to have another Eggman help him tinker with the entity.

11 E-123 Omega

The Ultimate Robot

E123 Omega

First Appearance

Sonic Battle


Robotic Body, Arsenal Of Weapons


Active, Shadow's Team

Doctor Eggman’s E-Series of robots served as his finest creations, with each one serving as a means of trying to defeat Sonic the Hedgehog once and for all. And among this E-Series of robots, only E-123 Omega has come close to fulfilling the Doctor’s desires. Although he is the most powerful of the E-Series, E-123 Omega was tasked to guard Shadow the Hedgehog during his stay in suspended animation.

Feeling his powers are put to waste, E-123 Omega went rogue and swore vengeance against Robotnik. However, his concerns did make sense, as E-123 Omega is designed as a combat robot with immense fighting capabilities.

Feats Of E-123 Omega

Considered the world’s most powerful robot, E-123 Omega demonstrates the pinnacle of Dr. Eggman’s engineering capabilities. Almost all parts of Omega’s body can be transformed into weapons, with his programming allowing him to instantaneously reconfigure his parts as needed.

He possesses a standard array of rotary cannons, missile launchers, cannons, and machine guns on top of strength that rivals the likes of Knuckles. He also possesses a jetpack that lets him achieve speeds matching Shadow's and Rouge’s. Such was his durability that he stayed dormant for two centuries in Crisis City and still became functional.

10 Lyric The Last Ancient

A Mind More Sinister Than Doctor Eggman


First Appearance

Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric


Ancient Physiology, Genius Intellect, Technopathy


Presumed Dead, Defeated by Sonic

As part of a race dedicated to the peaceful utilization of the world’s resources, Lyric the Last Ancient was one of many studying various technologies and materials for their civilization’s benefit. When his study of the Chaos Crystals made him sick, the incapability of the Ancients to use natural medicine to heal him made Lyric resent the environment. When a technological suit he designed was the only thing keeping him alive, Lyric became convinced that a world of metal was the only way for civilizations to rise.

When Lyric attempted to wage war with the Ancients, Sonic came to trap him for a thousand years. And when Sonic accidentally freed him a millennium later, Lyric wasted no time hunting the Chaos Crystals to achieve his goals. In separate storylines that involved a temporary alliance with Eggman, kidnapping Amy, and trying to subdue Shadow the Hedgehog, Lyric came close to achieving his goals had it not been for the efforts of Sonic and the Doctor.

Feats Of Lyric The Last Ancient

Despite his disappearance at the end of Rise of Lyric and Shattered Crystal, Lyric’s compelling nature as a villain may just earn him enough plot points to come back in another story. While Eggman’s ingenuity and resilience made him a mainstay in the series, Lyric is downright insidious, cunning, and sadistic in his attempts to achieve his goals. Through his technological prowess, Lyric is able to summon a variety of lasers and bombs through his mechanical body. He Lyric possesses remarkable combat prowess, being able to dodge Sonic’s spin attack and remembering his moves even a thousand years later.

9 Metal Sonic

Can Surpass Sonic's Speed

Metal Sonic

First Appearance

Sonic the Hedgehog CD


Super Speed, Robotic Body, Telescoping Limbs, Lasers, Force Field


Active, frequently tries to destroy Sonic

Perhaps the finest of Doctor Eggman’s creations, Metal Sonic is a Badnik version of Sonic the Hedgehog that finally achieved the high-performance metrics the Doctor wanted. Not only is Metal Sonic persistent when facing Sonic and his friends, but his programming allows him to not just copy Sonic’s moves but even mimic - and sometimes surpass - his speeds.

What’s perhaps most terrifying about Metal Sonic is his sheer intelligence as a machine, coupled with his aggressive goal of destroying Sonic no matter what. While Sonic always somehow prevails against Metal Sonic, the latter’s nature of constant evolution makes him much stronger every time Sonic bests him in combat.

Feats Of Metal Sonic

Whereas E-123 Omega demonstrates Eggman’s engineering skill, Metal Sonic is proof of Eggman’s resourcefulness when fueled by spite. The sheer level of detail Eggman did when copying Sonic allowed Metal Sonic to use his “inspiration” as a template for new abilities. Not only that, Metal Sonic’s most impressive feat involves his ability to copy the skills of anything he sees, be it organic or inorganic beings.

His persistence in proving his superiority is even more facilitated by his body’s durability, able to return after defeat in a faster and more powerful form. On top of his speed, Metal Sonic can manipulate radioactive forces inside him to generate lasers, energy surges, and even shields.

8 Infinite

Mastered The Phantom Ruby


First Appearance

Sonic Forces: Living Shadow


Virtual Reality Manipulation, Phantom Ruby, Enhanced Physique, Energy Manipulation, Teleportation


Presumed Dead, consumed by the Phantom Ruby

Although simply an ordinary jackal, Infinite served as the former captain of the fearsome Jackal Squad until he got his hands on the Phantom Ruby. After using its powers for himself, he became Infinite, one of the fiercest lieutenants of Doctor Eggman's army.

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Even without the Phantom Ruby, Infinite possesses incredible skills as a mercenary. Although not as strong as Shadow in base form, Infinite still earned the title “ultimate mercenary.” When using the Phantom Ruby, Infinite has obtained power even greater than the Master Emerald’s.

Feats Of Infinite

As the world’s best mercenary, Infinite possesses not just incredible combat acumen but also agility and speed, befitting his role. However, his fusion with the Phantom Ruby has exponentially expanded his capabilities that far exceed those of the Master Emerald. Infinite was one of the very few villains in the series to ever defeat Sonic, and he’s done it twice.

Thanks to the Phantom Ruby, Infinite can create, destroy, and manipulate virtual realities and the way people perceive them. Despite being illusions, Infinite can tinker with virtual realities to mess with people’s heads and make them become real. On top of this, Infinite can enhance his size, create clones, teleport, and manipulate energy.

7 Black Doom

Leader Of The Black Arms Galactic Invasion Force

Black Doom

First Appearance

Shadow The Hedgehog


Immortality, Intangibility, Chaos Emerald Energy, Devil Doom Form, Telepathy, Energy Projection


Defeated by Shadow the Hedgehog

Shadow the Hedgehog’s first mission after his awakening was to take down the Black Arms and its leader Black Doom. At its core, the Black Arms is actually a hive mind of sorts, with each member a spawn of Black Doom himself that is controlled by his hive mind. At his core, he simply wants to enslave humans and use them as a food source for his army. If it wasn’t for Shadow the Hedgehog, Black Doom would’ve easily succeeded.

While not necessarily a god, his range of mystical abilities would certainly put him extremely close to one. His most dangerous ability is Chaos Energy control, which allows him to control all seven Chaos Emeralds. This gives him access to a wide range of abilities, such as calling forth the dangerous Black Comet from space.

Feats Of Black Doom

Being the leader of the Black Arms legion, one of Black Doom’s most impressive feats involves conquering various planets throughout millennia. However, when he turned his eyes to Earth, he sought the help of Dr. Gerald Robotnik to facilitate his greatest feat: the creation of Shadow the Hedgehog, the Ultimate Weapon.

Aside from his feat of creating Shadow, Black Doom can manipulate the Chaos Emeralds via Chaos Control as well as a number of psionic abilities such as psychometry, telepathy, and even creating meteors. In his Devil Doom form, Black Doom can lift entire buildings, breathe fire, and summon lasers.

6 Super Sonic

Berserk Mode Sonic

Super Sonic

First Appearance

Sonic the Comic #7


Super Speed, Enhanced Physique, Nigh-Invulnerability, Chaos Energy Manipulation, Life Draining


Inactive, merged into Sonic

While most iterations of Super Sonic have served as Sonic’s powered-up form via the Chaos Emeralds, the Fleetway Editions “Sonic the Comic” series has a Super Sonic that is essentially Sonic in berserk mode. This iteration of the Super Sonic mode depicts this form as a demonic entity hidden deep inside Sonic’s psyche, only manifesting in times of extreme danger, stress, and exposure to too much Chaos energy.

While most of Super Sonic’s powers are similar to his game counterpart, they do differ in some essential areas. For instance, Super Sonic has strength levels that could obliterate the likes of Megatal, a Mobian metal that was supposedly indestructible.

Feats Of Super Sonic

In its evil incarnation, Super Sonic can easily be one of the few beings that can destroy the entire universe. His strength is potent enough to tear through Dr. Eggman’s space armada without being slowed down and even hit mountain-sized Perfect Dark Gaia and knock it down.

Moreover, Super Sonic can reach 671,000,000mph, with this access to near-lightspeed letting him pull off extremely precise dashes. He is nigh-invulnerable except against god-like beings such as Solaris and Perfect Dark Gaia. Super Sonic also possesses a more precise degree of Chaos Control, being able to warp time and space to a degree and generate constructs.

5 Enerjak

Corrupted Chaos Force


First Appearance

Sonic the Hedgehog 35


Nigh-Omnipotence, Chaos Energy Manipulation



One of the most fearsome entities in the Sonic franchise comes from the Archie Comics, namely Enerjak. This Chaos demigod initially had his essence split across the Chaos Force, with only those with enough hubris among the echidnas becoming powerful enough to serve as his vessels. Regardless of his choice of form, they transform into an echidna with special Enerjak armor, which consists of an ornate outfit that resembles that of an Egyptian pharaoh - complete with a menacing mask, a chest plate, a skirt, and adornments.

What makes Enerjak so fearsome is not his appearance though, but instead his range of abilities. When he gets a physical avatar, Enerjak derives his power from the Chaos Force, meaning he has nigh-unlimited energy. Anyone who becomes Enerjak’s avatar is technically omnipotent, capable of using Chaos Energy to manipulate reality as they see fit. It’s only the imagination and the hubris of the avatar that limits their full capabilities.

Feats Of Enerjak

Being a Chaos demigod, Enerjak is immensely powerful - alongside nigh-omnipotence and omnipresence, he possesses teleportation, telepathy, telekinesis, and a limited degree of reality warping. All of these abilities are shared with his host, albeit to an extent that they are able to control.

Such was the power of Enerjak that he can’t be truly “destroyed’ even with combined powers, and his presence simply has to be “scattered.” Enerjak’s incredible abilities translate into demonstrations such as turning cybernetics into organic life, changing a fleet’s trajectory with a handwave, stopping the movement of an entire city, and even erasing things from existence.

4 Dark Gaia

Constant Force Of Evil

Dark Gaia

First Appearance

Sonic Unleashed


Powerful Physique, Immortality, Energy Projection, Planet Destruction, Minion Creation



Perhaps nothing is more fearsome than the very embodiment of night, darkness, and destruction itself. Known only as Dark Gaia, this primordial energy organism is the second half of the Light Gaia and is the cosmic half responsible for forcing the destruction of the planet before its rebirth. While Sonic and Light Gaia eventually tame Dark Gaia, it didn’t come without an extremely tough challenge.

Being the embodiment of darkness and destruction itself, Dark Gaia is a “perfect” villain in that it possesses no consciousness with which to feel remorse or guilt for its actions. Moreover, as a primordial entity, Dark Gaia possesses near-limitless energy, defeating the likes of Super Sonic with ease.

Feats Of Dark Gaia

As a primordial being, Dark Gaia is immortal by all means. Such is its power level that it possesses energy manipulation (physical, emotional, dark) that can be exerted enough to destroy planets. Being the counterpart of Light Gaia, Dark Gaia’s abilities allow it to incubate planets and gather enough negative energy to purge them before hibernating, leaving Light Gaia to recreate life in an endless cycle.

Dark Gaia is so powerful that its immature form can already allow it to throw hundreds of tons of objects onto its targets, create homing balls, and feed on the negative emotions of others to mature itself.