DC superheroes have been around ever since the 1930s. Across multiple generations, they have built many lasting relationships over the years. Since fighting together is often better than fighting alone, they have also found sidekicks, oftentimes more than one. While some sidekicks have special powers and others don't, they're a welcome addition to any fight they join, regardless.

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Whether they've been through hard training or have the same set of powers as their mentors, the best and strongest DC sidekicks deserve the respect of both the readers and their enemies. Even the most devious of villains would be foolish to underestimate these characters.

10 Red Hood

Batman has had multiple sidekicks over the years, but Jason Todd's story is easily the most tragic. After being beaten by the Joker and dying in an explosion, Jason came back into life and became the villainous Red Hood.

Despite his lack of morals (or maybe because of it), Red Hood is a highly effective fighter. He's cunning, studies his opponents before he strikes, and has no problem with killing people, unlike his former mentor. All of that gives him an edge in battle.

9 Barbara Gordon

Batgirl Kicks Mirror Cropped

Barbara Gordon hasn't had an easy life, as she was shot and paralyzed by the Joker. Despite that, Barbara didn't give up and went on to become the Oracle, a superhero and computer genius who helped out other heroes as Batgirl.

Batgirl's influence is even greater, because she was one of the founding members of the Birds of Prey. She has Batman's resilience and intelligence, but unlike her former mentor, she's also more optimistic, and a lot of people look up to her and like her.

8 Roy Harper

DC Arsenal

Also known as Arsenal, Roy Harper learned his archery skills from the best: Oliver Queen, aka Green Arrow. Roy is not only a highly proficient archer, but he can also fight well, and isn't in the habit of giving up easily.

His lack of special powers sometimes does put him at a disadvantage. Additionally, his impulsive nature can sometimes cause him to take bad steps. Despite that, Roy has proven indispensable many times, and he also helped set up the Teen Titans.

7 Dick Grayson

Nightwing From The Rebirth Relaunch

As the first Robin, Dick Grayson holds a special position in the comics. Batman taught him everything he knows, and Dick proved an intelligent and capable student. The two men eventually argued and went their separate ways, but Dick's skills remained.

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As Nightwing, he went on to become an important member of the Titans and, thanks to his fighting as well as tactical skills, he helped save the day on more than one occasion. With his girlfriend Starfire, Nightwing forms a true power couple.

6 Tempest

DC Tempest

Aquaman isn't the only protector the land of Atlantis has. Tempest, formerly known as Aqualad, holds this role as well. Initially, Aqualad was stronger and more durable than humans but still nowhere near the same level as Aquaman was.

However, this changed when he learned the Atlantean magic and his powers grew. Aqualad turned into the superhero Tempest, and even joined the Titans. Considering the expansion of his powers, it's no wonder Tempest's influence also rose.

5 Krypto

Krypto With Superman

It's hard to rank Krypto because, unlike other sidekicks, Krypto is a dog. A dog is man's best friend, the old saying claims, and Krypto fits the bill. He's not only a loyal friend to Superman, but even has very similar powers as the man of steel.

For example, Krypto can fly, has super strength, can bite through steel and other hard objects. It's difficult to hurt him, making him a powerful ally. As a result, he's the best and most powerful DC pet sidekick any hero could ask for.

4 Conner Kent

DC Conner Kent

Power-wise, Conner Kent is a bit like Krypto, but otherwise, he couldn't be more different. Superboy is a clone of Superman mixed with Lex Luthor's DNA.

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While not yet as powerful as Superman himself, Conner shares a lot of skills with his mentor. He's super strong, durable, and can fly. He put his powers to good use when he joined the team Teen Titans, as shown in both in the comics and in the TV show Titans.

3 Donna Troy

Starfire stands side by side with Donna Troy

Wonder Woman is easily one of the most powerful DC superheroes; thus, it only makes sense that her sidekick, Donna Troy (also known as Wonder Girl), would be similarly strong. While not as powerful as Diana herself, Donna is still highly strong, resilient, and also smart.

She joined the Titans and became a valued member of the team. Fans of this character could have seen her in the live-action show Titans, but in this show, Donna was underpowered in comparison to what she can do in the comics.

2 Wally West

Legends of Tomorrow Wally West travels on Waverider

Fans of the Arrowverse will already be familiar with Wally West thanks to his appearances in The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow. However, the comic-book Wally is different. For one, he's Iris' nephew, not her brother.

What remains the same is his training by Barry Allen. Wally eventually surpassed Barry to a certain degree, when he became the fastest Flash of all. He managed to honor Barry's memory after the former Flash died during the Crisis on Infinite Earths. Wally may have started as a kid sidekick, but he became much more over time.

1 Supergirl


Before she could become a heroine in her own right, Supergirl had to master her powers, in which Superman was instrumental. Kara Danvers is not only strong and fast, but she also can fly and shoot laser beams, just like Superman.

If that wasn't already enough, Kara has also had fighting training, so she's experienced in hand-to-hand combat as well. Of all the Kryptonians residing on Earth, Supergirl is the closest to Superman in power, and as such, it's very hard to defeat her.

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